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Chapter 16
Roma OEBcth 16:1  I commend to your care our sister, Phoebe, who is a minister of the church at Cenchreae;
Roma OEBcth 16:2  and I ask you to give her a Christian welcome — one worthy of Christ’s people — and to aid her in any matter in which she may need your assistance. She has proved herself a staunch friend and protector and to many others.
Roma OEBcth 16:3  Give my greeting to Prisca and Aquila, my fellow workers in the cause of Christ Jesus,
Roma OEBcth 16:4  who risked their own lives to save mine. It is not I alone who thank them, but all the churches among the Gentiles thank them also.
Roma OEBcth 16:5  Give my greeting, also, to the church that meets at their house, as well as to my dear friend Epaenetus, one of the first in Roman Asia to believe in Christ;
Roma OEBcth 16:7  to Andronicus and Junia, fellow Jews and once my fellow prisoners, who are people of note among the apostles, and who became Christians before I did;
Roma OEBcth 16:9  to Urban, our fellow worker in the cause of Christ, and to my dear friend Stachys;
Roma OEBcth 16:10  to that proved Christian Apelles; to the household of Aristobulus;
Roma OEBcth 16:11  to my countryman Herodion; to the Christians in the household of Narcissus;
Roma OEBcth 16:12  to Tryphaena and Tryphosa, who have worked hard for the Master; to my dear friend Persis, for she has done much hard work for the Master;
Roma OEBcth 16:13  to that eminent Christian, Rufus, and to his mother, who has been a mother to me also;
Roma OEBcth 16:14  to Asyncritus, Phlegon, Hermes, Patrobas, Hermas, and our friends with them;
Roma OEBcth 16:15  also to Philologus and Julia, Nereus and his sister, and Olympas, and to all Christ’s people who are with them.
Roma OEBcth 16:16  Greet one another with a sacred kiss. All the churches of the Christ send you greetings.
Roma OEBcth 16:17  I beg you, friends, to be on your guard against people who, by disregarding the teaching which you received, cause divisions and create difficulties; dissociate yourselves from them.
Roma OEBcth 16:18  For such persons are not serving Christ, our Master, but are slaves to their own appetites; and, by their smooth words and flattery, they deceive simple-minded people.
Roma OEBcth 16:19  Everyone has heard of your ready obedience. It is true that I am very happy about you, but I want you to be well versed in all that is good, and innocent of all that is bad.
Roma OEBcth 16:20  And God, the giver of peace, will before long crush Satan under your feet. May the blessing of Jesus, our Lord, be with you.
Roma OEBcth 16:21  Timothy, my fellow worker, sends you his greetings, and Lucius, Jason, and Sosipater, my countrymen, send theirs.
Roma OEBcth 16:22  I Tertius, who am writing this letter, send you my Christian greeting.
Roma OEBcth 16:23  My host Gaius, who extends his hospitality to the whole church, sends you his greeting; and Erastus, the city treasurer, and Quartus, our dear friend, add theirs.
Roma OEBcth 16:25  Now to him who is able to strengthen you, as promised in the good news entrusted to me and in the proclamation of Jesus Christ, in accordance with the revelation of that hidden purpose, which in past ages was kept secret but now has been revealed
Roma OEBcth 16:26  and, in obedience to the command of the immortal God, made known through the writings of the prophets to all nations, to secure submission to the faith —
Roma OEBcth 16:27  to him, I say, the wise and only God, be ascribed, through Jesus Christ, all glory for ever and ever. Amen.