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Chapter 28
Acts Murdock 28:1  And we afterwards learned, that the island was called Melita.
Acts Murdock 28:2  And the barbarians who inhabited it, showed us many kindnesses. And they kindled a fire, and called us all to warm ourselves, because of the great rain and cold at that time.
Acts Murdock 28:3  And Paul took up a bundle of fagots and laid them on the fire: and a viper, driven by the heat, came out of them, and bit his hand.
Acts Murdock 28:4  And when the barbarians saw it hanging on his hand, they said: Doubtless, this man is a murderer; whom, though delivered from the sea, justice will not suffer to live.
Acts Murdock 28:5  But Paul shook his hand, and threw the viper into the fire: and he received no harm.
Acts Murdock 28:6  And the barbarians expected, that he would suddenly swell, and fall dead on the ground. And when they had looked a long time, and saw that he received no harm; they changed their language, and said, that he was a god.
Acts Murdock 28:7  And there were lands in that quarter, belonging to a man named Publius, who was the chief man of the island: and he cheerfully received us at his house three days.
Acts Murdock 28:8  And the father of Publius was sick with a fever and dysentery. And Paul went in to him, and prayed, and laid his hand on him, and healed him.
Acts Murdock 28:9  And after this event, others also in the island who were sick, came to him and were healed.
Acts Murdock 28:10  And they honored us with great honors: and when we left the place, they supplied us with necessaries.
Acts Murdock 28:11  And after three months we departed, sailing in a ship of Alexandria, which had wintered in the island, and which bore the signal of the Twins.
Acts Murdock 28:12  And we came to the city of Syracuse; and remained there three days.
Acts Murdock 28:13  And from there we made a circuit, and arrived at the city Rhegium. And, after one day, the south wind blew favorably for us, and in two days we came to Puteoli, a city of Italy.
Acts Murdock 28:14  And there we found brethren; and they invited us, and we remained with them seven days: and then we proceeded towards Rome.
Acts Murdock 28:15  And the brethren there, hearing of our approach, came out to meet us as far as the village called Appii Forum, and as far as the Three Taverns. And when Paul saw them, he gave thanks to God, and was encouraged.
Acts Murdock 28:16  And we went on to Rome. And the centurion allowed Paul to reside where he pleased, with a soldier who guarded him.
Acts Murdock 28:17  And after three days, Paul sent and called for the principal Jews. And when they were assembled, he said to them: Men, my brethren, although I had in nothing risen up against the people or the law of my fathers, I was at Jerusalem delivered over in bonds to the Romans:
Acts Murdock 28:18  and they, when they had examined me, were disposed to release me, because they found in me no offence deserving death.
Acts Murdock 28:19  And, as the Jews withstood me, I was compelled to utter an appeal to Caesar; but not because I had any thing of which to accuse the people of my nation.
Acts Murdock 28:20  For this reason I sent for you to come, that I might see you, and might state these things to you: for it is on account of the hope of Israel, that I am bound with this chain.
Acts Murdock 28:21  They said to him: We have received no epistle from Judaea against thee; and none of the brethren who have come from Jerusalem, have told us any evil thing of thee.
Acts Murdock 28:22  But we are desirous to hear from thee what thou thinkest; for this doctrine, we know, is not received by any one.
Acts Murdock 28:23  And they appointed him a day; and many assembled, and came to him at his lodgings. And he explained to them respecting the kingdom of God, testifying and persuading them concerning Jesus, out of the law of Moses, and out of the prophets, from morning till evening.
Acts Murdock 28:24  And some of them assented to his discourses, and others did not assent.
Acts Murdock 28:25  And they went out from him, disagreeing among themselves. And Paul addressed to them this speech: Well did the Holy Spirit, by the mouth of Isaiah the prophet, speak concerning your fathers,
Acts Murdock 28:26  saying: Go unto this people, and say to them, Hearing ye will hear, and will not understand; and ye will see, and will not comprehend.
Acts Murdock 28:27  For the heart of this people is stupefied, and their hearing they have made heavy, and their eyes they have closed; lest they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their hearts, and be converted unto me, and I should forgive them.
Acts Murdock 28:28  Therefore, be this known to you, that to the Gentiles is this redemption of God sent: and, moreover, they will hear it.
Acts Murdock 28:29  And when he had thus said, the Jews retired; and there were great disputations among them.
Acts Murdock 28:30  And Paul hired a house, at his own cost, and resided in it two years; and there he received all that came to him.
Acts Murdock 28:31  And he preached concerning the kingdom of God, and taught boldly concerning our Lord Jesus Messiah, without hinderance. Completion of the Acts of the blessed Legates; that is, their Histories.