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Chapter 4
Jere Rotherha 4:1  If thou wilt return, O Israel, Declareth Yahweh, Unto me, mayst thou return,—And if thou wilt remove thine abominations from before me, Then shalt thou not become a wanderer.
Jere Rotherha 4:2  If thou wilt swear, By the life of Yahweh! in faithfulness in justice and in righteousness, Then shall the nations bless themselves in him, And, in him, shall they glory.
Jere Rotherha 4:3  For thus saith Yahweh Unto the men of Judah and unto Jerusalem, Till ye the untilled ground,—And do not sow among thorns.
Jere Rotherha 4:4  Circumcise yourselves unto Yahweh So shall ye remove the impurity of your heart, ye men of Judah and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem,—Lest mine indignation, go forth as fire, and burn and there be none to quench it, Because of the wickedness of your doings.
Jere Rotherha 4:5  Declare ye in Judah And in Jerusalem, let it be heard, And say, Blow ye a horn in the land,—Cry, with frill voice And say, Gather yourselves together, And let us enter the defenced cities.
Jere Rotherha 4:6  Lift up an ensign—Zion-ward, Bring into safety, do not tarry,—For, calamity, am, I, bringing in from the North, Even, a great destruction:
Jere Rotherha 4:7  There hath come up a lion out of his thicket, Yea, a destroyer of nations—hath set forward, hath come forth out of his place,—To make thy land a desolation, Thy cities, shall fall in ruins, so as to have no inhabitant.
Jere Rotherha 4:8  On this account, gird you with sackcloth, lament and howl,—Because the glow of the anger of Yahweh hath not turned from us.
Jere Rotherha 4:9  And it shall come to pass, in that day, Declareth Yahweh, That the courage of the king shall fail, And the courage of the princes,—And the priests shall be astonished, And, the prophets, shall be amazed.
Jere Rotherha 4:10  Then said I,—Ah! My Lord Yahweh! Surely, thou hast suffered this people and Jerusalem to be beguiled, saying, Peace, shall ye have,—whereas the sword shall reach unto the soul.
Jere Rotherha 4:11  At that time, shall it be said of this people and of Jerusalem,—The sharp wind of the bare heights in the desert, cometh towards the daughter of my people,—not to winnow nor to cleanse.
Jere Rotherha 4:12  A wind too strong for these, cometh in for me. Now, will, I also, pronounce sentences upon them:
Jere Rotherha 4:13  Lo! like clouds, shall he come up, Even as a storm-wind, his chariots, Swifter than eagles, his horses,—Woe to us for we are laid waste!
Jere Rotherha 4:14  Wash from wickedness thy heart, O Jerusalem, That thou mayest be saved,—How long, shall lodge within thee thy wicked devices?
Jere Rotherha 4:15  For a voice, declareth from Dan,—And publisheth trouble from the hill country of Ephraim.
Jere Rotherha 4:16  Put ye in mind the nations Lo! publish ye against Jerusalem, Blockaders! are coming in from a land afar off,—And have uttered against the cities of Judah their voice:
Jere Rotherha 4:17  As the keepers of a field, have they come against her round about,—For against me, hath she rebelled, Declareth Yahweh.
Jere Rotherha 4:18  Thine own way And thine own doings, Have done these things unto thee,—This thy wickedness, Surely it is bitter, Surely it hath reached unto thy heart.
Jere Rotherha 4:19  My bowels! My bowels! I am pained in the walls of my heart My heart beateth aloud to me I cannot be still! For the sound of a horn, hast thou heard O my soul, The loud shout of war!
Jere Rotherha 4:20  Breach upon breach, they cry, For ruined, is all the land,—Suddenly, are ruined my tents, In a moment, my curtains!
Jere Rotherha 4:21  How long shall I keep on seeing a standard,—continue to hear the sound of a horn?
Jere Rotherha 4:22  Surely, perverse, is my people Me, have they not known, Foolish sons, they are, Yea without understanding, they are: Wise, they are to commit wickedness, But how to do well, they know not!
Jere Rotherha 4:23  I beheld, The earth; and lo! it was waste and wild,—The heavens also and their light was not:
Jere Rotherha 4:24  I beheld, The mountains, and lo! they were trembling,—And all the hills, had been violently moved:
Jere Rotherha 4:25  I beheld, And lo! there was no human being,—Yea, all the birds of the heavens! had fled:
Jere Rotherha 4:26  I beheld, And lo! the garden-land, was a desert,—And, all its cities, had been broken down, Because of Yahweh, Because of the glow of his anger!
Jere Rotherha 4:27  For, thus, saith Yahweh, A desolation, shall all the land become—Nevertheless a full end, will I not make.
Jere Rotherha 4:28  For this cause, shall the land mourn, and the heavens above be overcast: Because I have spoken have purposed, and have not repented nor will I turn back therefrom.
Jere Rotherha 4:29  At the noise of horseman and archer, The whole city is in flight, They have entered dark thickets, Yea unto the crags, have they gone up,—Every city, is forsaken, There remaineth not in them a man!
Jere Rotherha 4:30  And when, thou, art laid waste, what wilt thou do? Though thou clothe thyself with crimson Though thou deck thyself with ornaments of gold Though thou enlarge with antimony thine eyes, In vain, shalt thou make thyself fair,—Paramours have rejected thee, Thy life, will they seek!
Jere Rotherha 4:31  For a voice as of a woman in pangs, have I heard Anguish as of her that is bearing her firstborn. The voice of the daughter of Zion! She gaspeth for breath, She spreadeth forth her palms,—Surely woe to me! For my soul fainteth before murderers.