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Chapter 16
Levi ABP 16:1  And the lord spoke to Moses after the coming to an end of the two sons of Aaron in their offering [2fire 1alien] before the lord, and they came to an end.
Levi ABP 16:2  And the lord said to Moses, Speak to Aaron your brother! that he enters not at any hour into the holy place inside the veil, at the front of the atonement-seat which is upon the ark of the testimony, that he shall not die. For in a cloud I will appear upon the atonement-seat.
Levi ABP 16:3  Thus Aaron shall enter into the holy place with a calf of the oxen for a sin offering, and a ram for a whole burnt-offering.
Levi ABP 16:4  And [2an inner garment 3of flaxen linen 4having been sanctified 1he shall put on], and [2pants 1flaxen linen] will be upon his flesh, and [2belt 1a flaxen linen] shall be tied around, and [2turban 1a flaxen linen] shall be placed -- [3garments 2the holy 1they are]. And he shall bathe in water all his body. And he shall put them on.
Levi ABP 16:5  And from the congregation of the sons of Israel he shall take two young he-goats of the goats for a sin offering, and [2ram 1one] for a whole burnt-offering.
Levi ABP 16:6  And Aaron shall bring the calf, the one for a sin offering, the one for himself, and he shall atone for himself and his house.
Levi ABP 16:7  And he shall take the two young he-goats, and present them before the lord by the door of the tent of the testimony.
Levi ABP 16:8  And Aaron shall place [2upon 3the 4two 5young he-goats 1lots]; [2lot 1one] to the lord, and [2lot 1one] to the scapegoat.
Levi ABP 16:9  And Aaron shall bring the young he-goat, upon which came unto it the lot to the lord. And he shall offer it for a sin offering.
Levi ABP 16:10  And the young he-goat, upon which [5came 6unto 7it 1the 2lot 3of the 4scapegoat], he shall set it living before the lord, so as to atone for him, so as to send him out as the scapegoat, and to let him go into the wilderness.
Levi ABP 16:11  And Aaron shall bring the calf, the one for the sin offering, the one for himself; and he shall atone for himself, and his house. And he shall slay the calf, the one for the sin offering, the one for himself.
Levi ABP 16:12  And he shall take the censer full of coals of fire from the altar, of the one before the lord, and he shall fill his hands [2incense 3composition 1of fine], and he shall carry it inside the veil.
Levi ABP 16:13  And he shall place the incense upon the fire before the lord. And [5shall cover 1the 2vapor 3of the 4incense] the atonement-seat, the one upon the testimonies, and he shall not die.
Levi ABP 16:14  And he shall take some of the blood of the calf, and he shall sprinkle with his finger on the atonement-seat, according to the east; in front of the atonement-seat he shall sprinkle seven times of the blood with his finger.
Levi ABP 16:15  And he shall slay the young he-goat, (the one for a sin offering, the one for the people) before the lord. And he shall carry its blood inside the veil. And he shall offer its blood in which manner he offered the blood of the calf. And he shall sprinkle its blood on the atonement-seat, in front of the atonement-seat.
Levi ABP 16:16  And he shall atone the holy place of the uncleannesses of the sons of Israel, and of their offences for all their sins. And thus he shall do to the tent of the testimony, to the one created among them in the midst of their uncleanness.
Levi ABP 16:17  And every man shall not be in the tent of the testimony, of his entering to atone in the holy place, until whenever he should come forth. And he shall atone for himself, and his house, and for all the congregation of Israel.
Levi ABP 16:18  And he shall come forth unto the altar, the one before the lord, and he shall atone upon it. And he shall take from the blood of the calf, and from the blood of the young he-goat, and he shall place it upon the horns of the altar round about.
Levi ABP 16:19  And he shall sprinkle upon it some of the blood with his finger seven times; and he shall cleanse it, and shall sanctify it from the uncleannesses of the sons of Israel.
Levi ABP 16:20  And he shall complete making atonement for the holy place, and the tent of the testimony, and the altar; and [2for 3the 4priests 1he shall make a cleansing]. And he shall bring the [2young he-goat 1living].
Levi ABP 16:21  And Aaron shall place [2two 3hands 1his] upon the head of the [2young he-goat 1living]; and he shall declare openly over it all the lawless deeds of the sons of Israel, and all their iniquities, and all their sins. And he shall place them upon the head of the [2young he-goat 1living], and he shall send it out by the hand [2man 1of a prepared] into the wilderness.
Levi ABP 16:22  And [3shall take 1the 2young he-goat] upon himself their lawlessnesses into a land untrodden. And he shall send out the young he-goat into the wilderness.
Levi ABP 16:23  And Aaron shall enter into the tent of the testimony, and shall take off the [2apparel 1flaxen linen] which he put on of his entering into the holy place. And he shall put it aside there.
Levi ABP 16:24  And he shall bathe his body in water in [2place 1the holy]. And shall put on his apparel, and coming forth shall offer his whole burnt-offering, and the whole offering of the people; and he shall atone for himself, and for his house, and for the people as for the priests.
Levi ABP 16:25  And the fat for the sin offerings he shall offer upon the altar.
Levi ABP 16:26  And the one sending out the young he-goat, the one having been drawn apart for release, shall wash his garments and shall bathe his body in water, and after these things he shall enter into the camp.
Levi ABP 16:27  And the calf, the one for the sin offering, and the young he-goat, the one for the sin offering which their blood was carried to atone in the holy place, they shall bring them outside the camp, and they shall incinerate them in fire, and their skins, and their meats, and their dung.
Levi ABP 16:28  And the one incinerating them shall wash his garments, and shall bathe his body in water, and after these things he shall enter into the camp.
Levi ABP 16:29  And this shall be to you [2law 1an eternal]. In the [2month 1seventh] the tenth of the month humble your souls! And [2any 3work 1you shall not do] -- the native born and the foreigner joining up with you.
Levi ABP 16:30  For in this day he shall atone for you, to cleanse you from all your sins before the lord, and you shall be cleansed.
Levi ABP 16:31  A Sabbath of Sabbaths it shall be to you. And you shall humble your souls -- [2law 1an eternal].
Levi ABP 16:32  And he shall make atonement -- the priest whom ever they should anoint him, and whom ever shall perfect his hands to officiate as priest after his father; and he shall put on the [2apparel 1flaxen linen] -- [2apparel 1holy].
Levi ABP 16:33  And he shall atone the holy of the holy; and the tent of the testimony and the altar he shall atone; and for the priests and for all the congregation he shall atone.
Levi ABP 16:34  And this will be to you [2law 1an eternal] to atone for the sons of Israel from all their sins. Once of the year you shall do as the lord gave orders to Moses.