Chapter 1
Phil | GodsWord | 1:1 | From Paul, who is a prisoner for Christ Jesus, and our brother Timothy. To our dear coworker Philemon, | |
Phil | GodsWord | 1:2 | our sister Apphia, our fellow soldier Archippus, and the church that meets in your house. | |
Phil | GodsWord | 1:5 | I hear about your faithfulness to the Lord Jesus and your love for all of God's people. | |
Phil | GodsWord | 1:6 | As you share the faith you have in common with others, I pray that you may come to have a complete knowledge of every blessing we have in Christ. | |
Phil | GodsWord | 1:7 | Your love for God's people gives me a lot of joy and encouragement. You, brother, have comforted God's people. | |
Phil | GodsWord | 1:9 | However, I would prefer to make an appeal on the basis of love. I, Paul, as an old man and now a prisoner for Christ Jesus, | |
Phil | GodsWord | 1:10 | appeal to you for my child Onesimus Useful. I became his spiritual father here in prison. | |
Phil | GodsWord | 1:13 | I wanted to keep him here with me. Then he could have served me in your place while I am in prison for spreading the Good News. | |
Phil | GodsWord | 1:14 | Yet, I didn't want to do anything without your consent. I want you to do this favor for me out of your own free will without feeling forced to do it. | |
Phil | GodsWord | 1:16 | no longer as a slave but better than a slave--as a dear brother. He is especially dear to me, but even more so to you, both as a person and as a Christian. | |
Phil | GodsWord | 1:19 | I, Paul, promise to pay it back. I'm writing this with my own hand. I won't even mention that you owe me your life. | |
Phil | GodsWord | 1:20 | So, because we're brothers in the Lord, do something for me. Give me some comfort because of Christ. | |
Phil | GodsWord | 1:21 | I am confident as I write to you that you will do this. And I know that you will do even more than I ask. | |
Phil | GodsWord | 1:22 | One more thing--have a guest room ready for me. I hope that, because of your prayers, God will give me back to you. | |