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Chapter 29
Psal Wycliffe 29:1  The title of the nyne and twentithe salm. The salm of song, for the halewyng of the hows of Dauid.
Psal Wycliffe 29:2  Lord, Y schal enhaunse thee, for thou hast vp take me; and thou delitidist not myn enemyes on me.
Psal Wycliffe 29:3  Mi Lord God, Y criede to thee; and thou madist me hool.
Psal Wycliffe 29:4  Lord, thou leddist out my soule fro helle; thou sauedist me fro hem that goen doun into the lake.
Psal Wycliffe 29:5  Ye seyntis of the Lord, synge to the Lord; and knowleche ye to the mynde of his hoolynesse.
Psal Wycliffe 29:6  For ire is in his indignacioun; and lijf is in his wille. Wepyng schal dwelle at euentid; and gladnesse at the morewtid.
Psal Wycliffe 29:7  Forsothe Y seide in my plentee; Y schal not be moued with outen ende.
Psal Wycliffe 29:8  Lord, in thi wille; thou hast youe vertu to my fairnesse. Thou turnedist awei thi face fro me; and Y am maad disturblid.
Psal Wycliffe 29:9  Lord, Y schal crye to thee; and Y schal preye to my God.
Psal Wycliffe 29:10  What profit is in my blood; while Y go doun in to corrupcioun? Whether dust schal knouleche to thee; ethir schal telle thi treuthe?
Psal Wycliffe 29:11  The Lord herde, and hadde merci on me; the Lord is maad myn helpere.
Psal Wycliffe 29:12  Thou hast turned my weilyng in to ioye to me; thou hast to-rent my sak, and hast cumpassid me with gladnesse.
Psal Wycliffe 29:13  That my glorie synge to thee, and Y be not compunct; my Lord God, Y schal knouleche to thee with outen ende.