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Chapter 11
Acts Wycliffe 11:1  And the apostlis, and the britheren that weren in Judee, herden that also hethene men resseyueden the word of God, and thei glorifieden God.
Acts Wycliffe 11:2  But whanne Petre cam to Jerusalem, thei that weren of circumcisioun, disputiden ayens hym,
Acts Wycliffe 11:3  and seiden, Whi entridist thou to men that han prepucie, and hast eete with hem?
Acts Wycliffe 11:5  and seide, Y was in the citee of Joppe, and preiede, and Y sai in rauysching of my mynde a visioun, that a vessel cam doun, as a greet scheete with foure coordis, and was sent doun fro heuene; and it cam to me.
Acts Wycliffe 11:6  In to which Y lokinge biheld, and sai foure footid beestis of the erthe, and beestis, and crepynge beestis, and volatils of heuene.
Acts Wycliffe 11:7  And Y herde also a vois that seide to me, Petre, rise thou, and sle, and eete.
Acts Wycliffe 11:8  But Y seide, Nay, Lord; for comyn thing ether vnclene entride neuer in to my mouth.
Acts Wycliffe 11:9  And the vois answeride the secounde tyme fro heuene, That thing that God hath clensid, seie thou not vnclene.
Acts Wycliffe 11:10  And this was don bi thries, and alle thingis weren resseyued ayen in to heuene.
Acts Wycliffe 11:11  And lo! thre men anoon stooden in the hous, in which Y was; and thei weren sent fro Cesarie to me.
Acts Wycliffe 11:12  And the spirit seide to me, that Y schulde go with hem, and doute no thing. Yhe, and these sixe britheren camen with me, and we entriden in to the hous of the man.
Acts Wycliffe 11:13  And he telde to vs, how he say an aungel in his hous, stondinge and seiynge to hym, Sende thou in to Joppe, and clepe Symount, that is named Petre, which schal speke to thee wordis,
Acts Wycliffe 11:15  And whanne Y hadde bigunnun to speke, the Hooli Goost felle on hem, as in to vs in the bigynnyng.
Acts Wycliffe 11:16  And Y bithouyte on the word of the Lord, as he seide, For Joon baptiside in watir, but ye schulen be baptisid in the Hooli Goost.
Acts Wycliffe 11:17  Therfor if God yaf to hem the same grace, as to vs that bileueden in the Lord Jhesu Crist, who was Y, that myyte forbeede the Lord, that he yyue not the Hooli Goost to hem that bileueden in the name of Jhesu Crist?
Acts Wycliffe 11:18  Whanne these thingis weren herd, thei helden pees, and glorifieden God, and seiden, Therfor also to hethene men God hath youun penaunce to lijf.
Acts Wycliffe 11:19  And thei that weren scaterid of the tribulacioun that was maad vndir Steuene, walkiden forth to Fenyce, and to Cipre, and to Antioche, and spaken the word to no man, but to Jewis aloone.
Acts Wycliffe 11:20  But sum of hem weren men of Cipre, and of Cirenen; whiche whanne thei hadden entride in to Antioche, thei spaken to the Grekis, and prechiden the Lord Jhesu.
Acts Wycliffe 11:21  And the hond of the Lord was with hem, and myche noumbre of men bileuynge was conuertid to the Lord.
Acts Wycliffe 11:22  And the word cam to the eris of the chirche, that was at Jerusalem, on these thingis; and thei senten Barnabas to Antioche.
Acts Wycliffe 11:23  And whanne he was come, and siy the grace of the Lord, he ioyede, and monestide alle men to dwelle in the Lord in purpos of herte;
Acts Wycliffe 11:24  for he was a good man, and ful of the Hooli Goost, and of feith. And myche puple was encresid to the Lord.
Acts Wycliffe 11:25  And he wente forth to Tharsis, to seke Saul; and whanne he hadde foundun hym, he ledde to Antioche.
Acts Wycliffe 11:26  And al a yeer thei lyueden ther in the chirche, and tauyten myche puple, so that the disciplis weren namyd first at Antioche cristen men.
Acts Wycliffe 11:27  And in these daies profetis camen ouer fro Jerusalem to Antioche.
Acts Wycliffe 11:28  And oon of hem roos vp, Agabus bi name, and signefiede bi the spirit a greet hungur to comynge in al the world, which hungur was maad vndur Claudius.
Acts Wycliffe 11:29  And alle the disciplis purposiden, after that ech hadde, for to sende in to mynysterie to britheren that dwelliden in Judee.
Acts Wycliffe 11:30  Which thing also thei diden, and sente it to the eldre men, bi the hoondis of Barnabas and Saul.