Chapter 23
Deut | LEB | 23:1 | “No man ⌞with crushed testicles⌟ or whose ⌞male organ is cut off⌟ may come into the assembly of Yahweh. | |
Deut | LEB | 23:2 | An illegitimate child may not come into the assembly of Yahweh; even to the tenth generation none ⌞of his descendants⌟ may come into the assembly of Yahweh. | |
Deut | LEB | 23:3 | An Ammonite or a Moabite may not come into the assembly of Yahweh; even to the tenth generation none ⌞of his descendants⌟ may come into the assembly of Yahweh ⌞forever⌟, | |
Deut | LEB | 23:4 | ⌞because⌟ they did not come to meet you with food and with water ⌞when you came out of Egypt⌟, and also ⌞because⌟ they hired Balaam, son of Beor, from Pethor, in Aram Naharaim to act against you to curse you. | |
Deut | LEB | 23:5 | But Yahweh your God was not willing to listen to Balaam, and Yahweh your God turned the curse into a blessing for you, because Yahweh your God loved you. | |
Deut | LEB | 23:7 | “You shall not abhor an Edomite, because he is your brother; you shall not abhor an Egyptian because you were an alien in his land. | |
Deut | LEB | 23:8 | The children that are born to them in the third generation may come ⌞representing them⌟ in the assembly of Yahweh. | |
Deut | LEB | 23:9 | “If you go out to encamp against your enemies, then you shall guard against doing anything evil. | |
Deut | LEB | 23:10 | “If there is among you a man that is not clean because of a seminal emission ⌞during the night⌟, he shall go outside the camp; he shall not come within the camp. | |
Deut | LEB | 23:11 | ⌞And then⌟ toward the ⌞coming⌟ of the evening, he shall bathe with water, and at the going down of the sun, he may come to the midst of the camp. | |
Deut | LEB | 23:12 | “And there shall be for you a designated place outside the camp; ⌞and you shall go there to relieve yourself⌟, | |
Deut | LEB | 23:13 | and a digging tool shall be included in addition to your other utensils for yourself; ⌞and then⌟ ⌞when you relieve yourself⌟ outside the camp you shall dig with it, and then you shall turn, and you shall cover your excrement. | |
Deut | LEB | 23:14 | For Yahweh your God is walking about in the midst of your camp to deliver you and ⌞to hand your enemies over to you before you⌟, and so let your camp be holy, so that he shall not see in it ⌞anything indecent⌟, and he shall turn away ⌞from going with you⌟. | |
Deut | LEB | 23:15 | “And you shall not hand over a slave to his master who has escaped and fled to you from his master. | |
Deut | LEB | 23:16 | He shall reside with you in your midst in the place that he chooses in one of ⌞your towns wherever he pleases⌟; you shall not oppress him. | |
Deut | LEB | 23:17 | “No woman ⌞of Israel⌟ shall be a temple prostitute, and no man ⌞of Israel⌟ shall be a male shrine prostitute. | |
Deut | LEB | 23:18 | You may not bring the ⌞hire⌟ of a prostitute or ⌞the earnings of a male prostitute⌟ into the house of Yahweh your God, for any vow offerings, because ⌞both⌟ are a detestable thing to Yahweh your God. | |
Deut | LEB | 23:19 | “⌞You shall not charge your brother interest on money⌟, interest on food, or interest on anything that one could lend on interest. | |
Deut | LEB | 23:20 | You may lend on interest to the foreigner, but to your countryman you may not lend on interest, so that Yahweh your God may bless you ⌞in all your undertakings⌟ in ⌞the land where you are going⌟, ⌞in order to take possession of it⌟. | |
Deut | LEB | 23:21 | “⌞When you make a vow⌟ to Yahweh your God, you shall not postpone ⌞fulfillment of it⌟, for certainly Yahweh your God shall require it from you and if postponed ⌞you will incur guilt⌟. | |
Deut | LEB | 23:23 | The utterance of your lips ⌞you must perform diligently⌟ just as you have vowed freely to Yahweh your God whatever it was that you promised with your mouth. | |
Deut | LEB | 23:24 | “When you come into the vineyard of your neighbor, then you may eat grapes ⌞as you please⌟ and ⌞until you are full⌟, but you shall not put any into your container. | |