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Chapter 2
Jame OrthJBC 2:1  My Achim b'Moshiach, surely you do not with your acts of maso panim (favoritism) hold to the [orthodox Jewish] emunah of the glorious Adoneinu Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua? [Devarim 1:17; Vayikra 19:15; Mishle 24:23]
Jame OrthJBC 2:2  For if there enter into your Bet HaKnesset (House of Assembly, shul, synagogue, shtibel) a man with gold rings on his fingers in expensive bekeshe and shtreimel, and there enters also an underpriviledged nebbach, a kaptzan (poor person) in shmattes (rags),
Jame OrthJBC 2:3  and you pay special attention to the takif [influential man] wearing the bekeshe and shtreimel and say, "You sit here in seat of kibbud (respect, honor), and to the kaptzan you say, "You stand there." Or "You sit at my feet,"
Jame OrthJBC 2:4  did you not among yourselves differentiate with prejudice and became shofetim (judges) with machshavot re'sha (evil thoughts)?
Jame OrthJBC 2:5  Hinei! My beloved Achim b'Moshiach, did not Der Oybershter make the Aniyim of the Olam Hazeh in fact Bechirim of Hashem to be rich in emunah and yoreshim of the Malchut, which Adoshem gave as a havtachah (promise) to those with Ahavas Hashem? [Iyov 34:19]
Jame OrthJBC 2:6  But you dishonored the ish evyon (poor man, pauper). Do not the ashirim (rich ones) oppress you and they drag you into the Batei Din (Bet Din courts)?
Jame OrthJBC 2:7  Do they not commit Chillul Hashem blasphemies against the Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach's Shem Tov that has been named upon you?
Jame OrthJBC 2:8  If indeed you are shomer regarding the Dat HaMalkhut (Royal Decree), as it is written in the Kitvei Hakodesh, "V'AHAVTAH L'REI'ACHA KAMOCHA" ("And thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." [VAYIKRA 19:18]) you do well.
Jame OrthJBC 2:9  But if you show maso panim (favoritism), you are chote'im (sinners) committing averos (transgressions) against the Torah. [Devarim 1:17]
Jame OrthJBC 2:10  For whoever is shomer over kol haTorah but stumbles in one mitzvah, such is condemned as ashem (guilty) of averoh (transgression) of kol mitzvot.
Jame OrthJBC 2:11  For the One having said, LO TINAF ("You shall not commit adultery") said also LO TIRTZACH ("You shall not murder"). Now if you do not commit adultery but you do murder, you have become an Over al mitzvot HaTorah (transgressor of the Torah). [Shemot 20:13,14; Devarim 5:17,18]
Jame OrthJBC 2:12  So let your dvarim be and your ma'asim as by the Torah HaCherut you are about to come under the Bet Din Mishpat.
Jame OrthJBC 2:13  For the Din (Judgment) will be without rachamim (mercy) to the one not having shown rachamim. Rachamim wins the nitzachon (victory) over haDin. EMUNAH AND MA'ASIM TOVIM ACTIVE IN AHAVAH
Jame OrthJBC 2:14  What is the revach (gain, profit), my Achim b'Moshiach, if anyone claims to have emunah but doe not have ma'asim (works)? Surely not such "emunah" is able to bring him to Yeshu'at Eloheinu?
Jame OrthJBC 2:15  If an Ach b'Moshiach or an Achot b'Moshiach is dressed in shmate (tatters) and lacking "lechem chukeinu" ("our daily bread," Mt.6:11)
Jame OrthJBC 2:16  and anyone of you says to them, "Go in shalom! Be warmed and fed!" but you do not give to them the physical necessities, what is the revach?
Jame OrthJBC 2:17  So also Emunah, if alongside it there is not in its company Ma'asim, is by itself niftar.
Jame OrthJBC 2:18  But someone will say, "You have emunah and I have ma'asim." You make known to me the hitgalut haSod (the revelation of the mystery) of your emunah without your ma'asim, and I'll show you, Chaver, from my ma'asim, the Emunah.
Jame OrthJBC 2:19  So you're impressed with yourselves that with your emunah you can recite the keri'at Shema, nu? O you do so well...why, even the shedim have your da'as and emunah! But they shudder! [Devarim 6:4]
Jame OrthJBC 2:20  Are you willing to have da'as, O hollow man, that Emunah unharnessed to Ma'asim, stands idle?
Jame OrthJBC 2:21  Avraham Avinu, was he not YITZDAK IM HASHEM (justified with G-d) by his ma'asim when he performed the akedah (binding) and offered up Yitzchak Beno (Isaac his son) upon the mitzbe'ach? [Bereshis 22:9,12]
Jame OrthJBC 2:22  Hinei! While Avraham Avinu's Emunah was working, working right alongside was Avraham Avinu's Ma'asim, and by Ma'asim the emunah was made shleimah!
Jame OrthJBC 2:23  And the Kitvei Hakodesh was fulfilled, Avraham Avinu HE'EMIN BA'HASHEM VAYACHSHEVEHA LO TZDAKA ("believed Hashem and it was accounted to him for righteousness" BERESHIS 15:6). He was even called "Ohev Hashem" ("Friend of G-d") [Bereshis 15:6; Yeshayah 41:8; Divrey haYomim Bais 20:7]
Jame OrthJBC 2:24  You see that from Ma'asim a man is YITZDAK IM HASHEM and not from sterilely unpartnered Emunah.
Jame OrthJBC 2:25  And likewise also Rachav the Zonah--was she not made YITZDAK IM HASHEM from ma'asim, having received the messengers and having sent them out a different way?
Jame OrthJBC 2:26  For just as the guf (body) without the neshamah is niftar, so also is Emunah without Ma'asim.