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Chapter 37
Job ABP 37:1  And from this [2is disturbed 1my heart], and was dropped down from out of its place.
Job ABP 37:2  Hear a report in anger of rage of the lord! And a meditation from out of his mouth shall come forth.
Job ABP 37:3  Underneath all the heaven is his sovereignty, and his light is upon the wings of the earth.
Job ABP 37:4  After him [2shall yell out 1a voice]; he shall thunder with the sound of his insult; and he shall not bargain them, that one shall hear his voice.
Job ABP 37:5  [3will thunder 1The 2strong one 5with 6his voice 4wonders]. [2a season 1He established] for animals, and they know [2of the fold 1the order]. Upon all these things [3is not 4receded 1your 2thought], nor is [3reconciled 1your 2heart] with your body. For he did great things which we knew not;
Job ABP 37:6  ordering the snow, saying, Be upon the earth; and the winter rain of his command.
Job ABP 37:7  In the hand of every man he seals up, that [3should know 1every 2man] his own weakness.
Job ABP 37:8  [3entered 1And 2the wild beasts] under the protection, and are tranquil in their lair.
Job ABP 37:9  From out of inner chambers come griefs, and from extremities chilliness.
Job ABP 37:10  And from the breath of the strong one he appoints ice; and he steers the water where ever he wants.
Job ABP 37:11  And if a chosen [2plasters over 1cloud], [2disperses 3the cloud 1then his light],
Job ABP 37:12  and he [2the swirls 1shall turn aside] by his rule for performing their works -- all as much as he should give charge to them.
Job ABP 37:13  These things were ordered by him upon the earth. Whether for instruction, whether for his land, whether for an object of his mercy, he shall find it.
Job ABP 37:14  Give ear to these things, O Job! Stand admonished by the power of the lord!
Job ABP 37:15  We know that God established his works, [2light 1making] out of darkness.
Job ABP 37:16  And he knows the distinction of clouds, and the extraordinary calamitous downfalls of the wicked.
Job ABP 37:17  And your apparel is hot, but there is tranquility upon the earth from the south.
Job ABP 37:18  Will you solidify with him for things grown old; things which are strong as the vision of a vessel?
Job ABP 37:19  Why teach me, what shall we say to him? then let us cease [2much 1from saying].
Job ABP 37:20  Is there a book or scribe standing beside me, that [3a man 1standing 2I should quell]?
Job ABP 37:21  [6to all 1But 4is not 5visible 2the 3light]; it is radiant among the things grown old, as if from him upon the clouds.
Job ABP 37:22  From the north are clouds shining like gold; in these [7is great 1the 2glory 3and 4honor 5from 6the almighty];
Job ABP 37:23  and we do not find another likened to his strength. The one [2justly 1judging], do you not imagine that he listens?
Job ABP 37:24  Therefore [2shall fear 3him 1men]; [6shall fear 1and 7him 2even 3the 4wise 5in heart].