Chapter 2
Roma | Rotherha | 2:1 | Wherefore, inexcusable, thou art, O man, whoever judgest; for, wherein thou judgest some one else, thyself, thou dost condemn,—for, the very things, thou dost practise, who art judging: | |
Roma | Rotherha | 2:2 | We know, however, that, the sentence of God, is according to truth against them who, such things as these, do practise. | |
Roma | Rotherha | 2:3 | And reckonest thou this, O man—who dost judge them who such things do practise, and yet art doing the same, that, thou, shalt escape the sentence of God? | |
Roma | Rotherha | 2:4 | Or, the riches of his kindness, and forbearance, and long-suffering, dost thou despise,—not knowing that, the kindness of God, unto repentance, is leading thee? | |
Roma | Rotherha | 2:5 | But, according to thy hardness, and [thine] impenitent heart, art treasuring up for thyself anger, in a day of anger and revelation of the righteous judgment of God,— | |
Roma | Rotherha | 2:7 | Unto them, on the one hand, who, by way of endurance in good work, are seeking, glory, honour and incorruption, life age-abiding, | |
Roma | Rotherha | 2:8 | Unto them, on the other hand, who are of contention, and are not yielding unto the truth, but are yielding unto unrighteousness, anger and wrath, | |
Roma | Rotherha | 2:9 | tribulation and anguish—against every soul of man who worketh out what is base, both of Jew first and of Greek,— | |
Roma | Rotherha | 2:10 | But glory and honour and peace—unto every one who worketh what is good, both unto Jew first and unto Greek: | |
Roma | Rotherha | 2:12 | For, as many as without law sinned, without law, also shall perish, and, as many as within law sinned, through law, shall be judged; | |
Roma | Rotherha | 2:13 | For, not the hearers of law, are righteous with God, but, the doers of law, shall be declared righteous; | |
Roma | Rotherha | 2:14 | For, whensoever the nations which have not law, by nature, the things of the law, may be doing, the same, not having law, unto themselves, are a law,— | |
Roma | Rotherha | 2:15 | Who, indeed, shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience therewith bearing witness, and, between one another, their reasonings accusing—or, even excusing, them:— | |
Roma | Rotherha | 2:16 | In the day on which God judgeth the secrets of men according to my glad-message through Christ Jesus. | |
Roma | Rotherha | 2:17 | If, however, thou, art taking the name of Jew, and resting thyself upon law, and boasting in God, | |
Roma | Rotherha | 2:18 | And art taking note of his will, and testing the things that differ—when receiving oral instruction out of the law, | |
Roma | Rotherha | 2:19 | Art persuaded, moreover, that, thou thyself, art—a guide of the blind, a light of them that are in darkness, | |
Roma | Rotherha | 2:20 | A trainer of the simple, a teacher of babes, having the forming of knowledge and truth in the law,— | |
Roma | Rotherha | 2:21 | Thou, therefore, that art teaching someone else, thyself, art thou not teaching? Thou that proclaimest—Do not steal! Art thou, stealing? | |
Roma | Rotherha | 2:22 | That sayest—Do not commit adultery! Art thou, committing adultery? That abhorrest sacrilege, Art thou, robbing temples? | |
Roma | Rotherha | 2:23 | That in law dost boast, Through the transgression of the law, art thou dishonouring God? | |
Roma | Rotherha | 2:24 | For the name of God, because of you, is defamed among the nations,—even as it is written. | |
Roma | Rotherha | 2:25 | For, circumcision, indeed, profiteth—if, law, thou be practising; but, if thou be a transgressor of law, thy circumcision, hath become, uncircumcision | |
Roma | Rotherha | 2:26 | If then, the uncircumcision, be guarding the righteous requirement of the law, shall not, his uncircumcision, as circumcision be reckoned?— | |
Roma | Rotherha | 2:27 | And the uncircumcision by nature, completing the law, shall judge, thee, who, notwithstanding letter and circumcision, art a transgressor of law! | |
Roma | Rotherha | 2:28 | For, not he who is one in appearance, is a Jew, nor is, that which is such in appearance in flesh, circumcision; | |