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Chapter 11
Acts OrthJBC 11:1  And the Moshiach's Shluchim and the Achim b'Moshiach, the ones throughout Yehudah, heard that also the Goyim received the dvar Hashem.
Acts OrthJBC 11:2  But when Kefa went up to Yerushalayim, those of the faction of the Bris Milah were taking issue with him,
Acts OrthJBC 11:3  saying, "You entered into a bais of anashim arelim (uncircumcised men) and you sat at tish with them."
Acts OrthJBC 11:4  But Kefa began explaining to them beseder (in order), saying,
Acts OrthJBC 11:5  "I was davening in the shtetl of Yafo and in a trance I saw a chazon (vision) of a certain object descending like a large linen cloth being lowered by four corners from Shomayim and it came up to me.
Acts OrthJBC 11:6  "And when I had gazed upon it, I saw four-footed animals of ha'aretz and chayyat hasadeh and remesh haAdamah and Of HaShomayim.
Acts OrthJBC 11:7  "And I heard also a kol saying to me, "Get up, Kefa. Kill and eat."
Acts OrthJBC 11:8  "But I said, `By no means, Adoni, because nothing common or tameh (unclean) has ever entered into my stomach.
Acts OrthJBC 11:9  "And the kol answered for a second time from Shomayim, `What Hashem made tahor (clean) do not declare tameh (unclean).'
Acts OrthJBC 11:10  "This happened shlosh pe'amim and everything was pulled up again into Shomayim.
Acts OrthJBC 11:11  "--Hineh-- at once shloshah anashim stood at the bais in which I was, having been sent from Caesarea to me.
Acts OrthJBC 11:12  "And the Ruach Hakodesh said to me to accompany them without having hesitated and these sheshet haAchim b'Moshiach came with me also, and we entered into the bais of the ish.
Acts OrthJBC 11:13  "He reported to us how he saw the malach in his bais having stood and having said, `Send to Yafo and summon Shimon, the one being called Kefa,
Acts OrthJBC 11:14  `who will speak words to you by which you and all your bais will find Yeshu'at Eloheinu.'
Acts OrthJBC 11:15  "As I began to speak, the Ruach Hakodesh fell upon them, just as also upon us in the beginning.
Acts OrthJBC 11:16  And I remembered the dvar of Rebbe, Melech, HaMoshiach Adoneinu, how he used to say, `Yochanan gave a tevilah of teshuva with a mikveh mayim, but you will be given a tevilah with the Ruach Hakodesh.'
Acts OrthJBC 11:17  "If then Hashem gave the same matanah to them as also to us after believing in Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu, who then was I to stand in the way of Hashem?"
Acts OrthJBC 11:18  And having heard these things, they remained silent and glorified Hashem, saying `Then also to the Nations Hashem has given teshuva unto Chayyim.' THE BRIT CHADASHA KEHILLAH AT ANTIOCH
Acts OrthJBC 11:19  Then the ones, that is, those having been scattered because of the tzoros that happened in connection with Stefanos, came to Phoenicia and Cyprus and Antioch, speaking to no one the dvar Hashem except only to Yehudim.
Acts OrthJBC 11:20  And there were some of them, anashim of Cyprus and Cyrene, who having come to Antioch, were speaking also to the Yevanim (Greeks), proclaiming the Besuras HaGeulah of Adoneinu Yehoshuah.
Acts OrthJBC 11:21  The hand of Adonoi was on them and a large number, having had emunah, turned to Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu.
Acts OrthJBC 11:22  The report about them was heard in the ears of the Kehillah of Moshiach in Yerushalayim, and they sent out Bar-Nabba to go to Antioch;
Acts OrthJBC 11:23  who having come, and having seen the Chen v'Chesed Hashem, rejoiced and was encouraging every one devoted of lev to remain true to Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu.
Acts OrthJBC 11:24  For Bar-Nabba was a a mentsh, a gavra, an ish tov full of the Ruach Hakodesh and of emunah. And a great multitude was added to Adoneinu.
Acts OrthJBC 11:25  And Bar-Nabba left for Tarsus to look for Sha'ul,
Acts OrthJBC 11:26  and, having found him, he brought him to Antioch. And it came about that for an entire year, they met with Moshiach's Kehillah there, and taught a large multitude. And it was in Antioch the talmidim were first called ma'aminim hameshichiyim (messianic believers).
Acts OrthJBC 11:27  Now in these yamim, nevi'im came down from Yerushalayim to Antioch.
Acts OrthJBC 11:28  One of them, by name Agav, having got up, indicated through the Ruach Hakodesh a great famine was about to come all over the world. And this famine actually occurred during the time of Claudius.
Acts OrthJBC 11:29  Now the talmidim decided that according to their means, each of them would send support to the Achim b'Moshiach dwelling in Yehudah;
Acts OrthJBC 11:30  which also they did, having sent to the Ziknei HaKehillot by the hand of Bar-Nabba and Sha'ul.