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Chapter 5
I Th OEB 5:1  But as to the times and the moments, there is no need, friends, for anyone to write to you.
I Th OEB 5:2  You yourselves know well that the day of the Lord will come just as a thief comes in the night.
I Th OEB 5:3  When people are saying ‘All is quiet and safe,’ it is then that, like birth pains on a pregnant woman, ruin comes suddenly upon them, and there will be no escape!
I Th OEB 5:4  You, however, friends, are not in darkness, that the daylight should take you by surprise as if you were thieves.
I Th OEB 5:5  For you all are ‘sons of light’ and ‘sons of the day.’ We have nothing to do with night, or darkness.
I Th OEB 5:6  Therefore let us not sleep as others do. No, let us be watchful and self-controlled.
I Th OEB 5:7  It is at night that people sleep, and at night that drunkards get drunk.
I Th OEB 5:8  But let us, who belong to the day, control ourselves, and put on faith and love as a breast plate, and the hope of salvation as a helmet.
I Th OEB 5:9  For God destined us, not for wrath, but to win salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us,
I Th OEB 5:10  that, whether we are still watching or have fallen asleep, we may live with him.
I Th OEB 5:11  Therefore encourage one another, and try to build up one another’s characters, as indeed you are doing.
I Th OEB 5:12  We beg you, friends, to value those who toil among you, and are your leaders in the Lord’s service, and give you counsel.
I Th OEB 5:13  Hold them in the very greatest esteem and affection for the sake of their work. Live at peace with one another.
I Th OEB 5:14  We entreat you also, friends — warn the disorderly, comfort the faint-hearted, give a helping hand to the weak, and be patient with everyone.
I Th OEB 5:15  Take care that none of you ever pays back wrong for wrong, but always follow the kindest course with one another and with everyone.
I Th OEB 5:18  under all circumstances give thanks to God. For this is his will for you as made known in Christ Jesus.
I Th OEB 5:21  Bring everything to the test; cling to what is good;
I Th OEB 5:23  May God himself, the giver of peace, make you altogether holy; and may your spirits, souls, and bodies be kept altogether faultless until the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I Th OEB 5:24  He who calls you will not fail you; he will complete his work.
I Th OEB 5:26  Greet all the Lord's followers with a sacred kiss.
I Th OEB 5:27  I order you in the Lord’s name to have this letter read to all the brethren.
I Th OEB 5:28  May the blessing of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.