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Chapter 5
I Th OrthJBC 5:1  But concerning the ittim (times) and the zmanim (seasons), Chaverim, you have no need for you to have anything in writing.
I Th OrthJBC 5:2  For you yourselves know very well that the Yom Hashem comes like a ganav balailah (thief in the night).
I Th OrthJBC 5:3  Whenever they say, "Shalom and Bittachon!" then sudden churban (destruction) will come upon them like the chevlei ledah (birth pangs) of the isha with a child in her womb. And they can certainly not escape.
I Th OrthJBC 5:4  But you, Achim b'Moshiach, are not in choshech that the Yom should overtake you like a ganav.
I Th OrthJBC 5:5  For all of you are Bnei Ohr and Bnei Yom; we are not of the Lailah nor of the Choshech.
I Th OrthJBC 5:6  Therefore, let us not "sleep" as the rest, but let us keep awake with zililut da'as (sober-mindedness).
I Th OrthJBC 5:7  For the ones sleeping sleep balailah and the ones indulging in shichrut (drunkenness) indulge in shichrut balailah.
I Th OrthJBC 5:8  But we, being Bnei Yom, let us be bnei zililut da'as (sons of sober-mindedness), having clothed ourselves with the choshen (breastplate) of emunah and ahavah (agape) and as a KOVAH (YESHAYAH 59:17) the tikvah of Yeshu'at Eloheynu.
I Th OrthJBC 5:9  Because Hashem did not appoint us to chori af (the burning wrath) but to the attainment of Yeshu'at Eloheynu through Adoneinu, Moshiach Yehoshua.
I Th OrthJBC 5:10  He is the one who died on our behalf al menat (in order that) whether we are [living] and awake or [passed away] and sleeping, we may live together with Moshiach.
I Th OrthJBC 5:11  Therefore, give chozek (strength) and encouragement, building up one another, as indeed you are doing. ON BATLANIM BEGINNING TO GAIN HAVANAH OF THE WORK OF HASHEM
I Th OrthJBC 5:12  Now we ask you, Achim b'Moshiach, to have havanah (understanding) and discern the ones laboring among you who are your Mashgichim Ruchaniyim (Spiritual Overseers) in Adoneinu, the ones who admonish and warn you.
I Th OrthJBC 5:13  And express chibbah (esteem) toward them most exceedingly in ahavah (agape), because of their work. Among yourselves, live in shalom bayis (family peace). WARNING AGAINST BATULLA (IDLENESS)
I Th OrthJBC 5:14  And we exhort you, Achim b'Moshiach, warn the batlanim (loafers, idlers), comfort the congregant who is mug-lev (faint-hearted), those who are weak take an interest in, have zitzfleisch (patience) with all.
I Th OrthJBC 5:15  See that no one returns ra'ah for ra'ah, but always pursue haTov both for one another and for all.
I Th OrthJBC 5:18  In everything offer todot, for this is the ratzon Hashem in Moshiach Yehoshua for you.
I Th OrthJBC 5:21  But test kol davar (everything); hold fast to haTov.
I Th OrthJBC 5:23  And now Elohei haShalom wholly set you apart as kedoshim and may your whole ruach and nefesh and basar be reserved without blame at the Bias of Moshiach Adoneinu Yehoshua.
I Th OrthJBC 5:24  Ne'eman (Faithful) is the One who summons you to your keri'ah (calling). He will do it.
I Th OrthJBC 5:25  Achim b'Moshiach, offer tefillos also concerning us.
I Th OrthJBC 5:26  Greet all the Achim b'Moshiach with a neshikat kedoshah.
I Th OrthJBC 5:27  By Adoneinu, I solemnly give you the mitzvah that this letter has to be read to all the Achim b'Moshiach.
I Th OrthJBC 5:28  The Chen v'Chesed of Adoneinu, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua, be with you.