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Chapter 2
Roma ABP 2:1  Therefore [2inexcusable 1you are], O man, every one judging; [2in 3which way 1for] you judge the other, yourself you condemn; [3the 1for 4same things 2you do], O one judging.
Roma ABP 2:2  For we know that the judgment of God is according to truth upon the ones [2such things 1doing].
Roma ABP 2:3  But do you think this, O man, (the one judging the ones [2such things 1doing], and yourself doing them,) that you shall flee from the judgment of God?
Roma ABP 2:4  Or the riches of his graciousness, and the forbearance and the leniency do you disdain; not knowing that the graciousness of God [2to 3repentance 1leads you]?
Roma ABP 2:5  But according to your hardness and impenitent heart you treasure up for yourself wrath in the day of wrath and of revelation of righteous judgment of God;
Roma ABP 2:6  who will recompense each according to his works;
Roma ABP 2:7  to the ones with endurance [2work 1of good], [2glory 3and 4honor 5and 6incorruptibility 1seeking anxiously] -- life eternal.
Roma ABP 2:8  And to the ones of contention and resisting persuasion, indeed to the truth, and being yielded to iniquity -- rage and wrath,
Roma ABP 2:9  affliction and straits, will be upon every soul of man manufacturing the evil thing, both of Jew first and Greek;
Roma ABP 2:10  but glory, and honor, and peace will be to all, to the one working the good, both to the Jew first and to the Greek.
Roma ABP 2:12  For as many as lawlessly sinned, lawlessly also they shall perish; and as many as in law sinned, by law they shall be judged
Roma ABP 2:13  ([6are not 1For 2the 3listeners 4of the 5law] just with God, but the doers of the law shall be justified.
Roma ABP 2:14  For whenever nations, the ones not [2law 1having] by nature [2the things 3of the 4law 1should do], these [3law 1not 2having 5to themselves 4are 6law] --
Roma ABP 2:15  ones who demonstrate the work of the law written in their hearts, [3bearing witness with 1of their 2conscience], and between one another with devices charging or also making a defense)
Roma ABP 2:16  in a day when God judges the hidden things of men, according to my good news, through Jesus Christ.
Roma ABP 2:17  Behold! you are named a Jew, and rest upon the law, and boast in God,
Roma ABP 2:18  and you know the will, and you distinguish the differences, being instructed out of the law;
Roma ABP 2:19  also persuading yourself to be a guide of the blind, a light of the ones in darkness,
Roma ABP 2:20  a corrector of fools, a teacher of infants, having the appearance of the knowledge and of the truth in the law.
Roma ABP 2:21  The one then teaching another -- [2yourself 1do you not teach]? The one proclaiming, not to steal -- do you steal?
Roma ABP 2:22  The one saying, do not commit adultery -- do you commit adultery? The one abhorring the idols -- do you commit sacrilege?
Roma ABP 2:23  The one who [2in 3the law 1boasts] -- through the violation of the law do you dishonor God?
Roma ABP 2:24  For the name of God [2through 3you 1is blasphemed] among the nations, as it has been written.
Roma ABP 2:25  [2circumcision 1For indeed] derives benefit if [2the law 1you should practice]; but if [2a violator 3of the law 1you should be], your circumcision [2uncircumcision 1becomes].
Roma ABP 2:26  If then the uncircumcised [2the 3ordinances 4of the 5law 1keep], shall not his uncircumcision [2for 3circumcision 1be considered],
Roma ABP 2:27  and [8shall judge 1the one 2by 3nature 4uncircumcised 6the 7law 5fulfilling] you, the one with contract and circumcision a violator of the law?
Roma ABP 2:28  For not the one in the open [2a Jew 1is], nor the thing in the open in flesh circumcision;
Roma ABP 2:29  But the one in the hiding is a Jew, and circumcision is in the heart in spirit, not by contract; of whom the high praise is not of men, but of God.