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Chapter 26
Acts ABP 26:1  And Agrippa [2to 3Paul 1said], It is permitted for you [2for yourself 1to speak]. Then Paul made a defense, having stretched out the hand.
Acts ABP 26:2  Concerning all of which I am accused by the Jews, O king Agrippa, I esteem myself blessed being about to make a defense unto you today;
Acts ABP 26:3  especially [3a diviner 2being 1you] of all the things among the Jews of both customs and matters. Therefore I beseech you leniently to hear me.
Acts ABP 26:4  Indeed then the mode of my life, the one from youth, the thing from the beginning happening among my nation in Jerusalem, [4understand 1all 2the 3Jews];
Acts ABP 26:5  foreknowing me from the beginning, (if they should want to witness) that according to the exactest sect of our religion I lived a Pharisee.
Acts ABP 26:6  And now for the hope of the [5to 6the 7fathers 1promise 2being 3by 4God] I stand being judged,
Acts ABP 26:7  in which our twelve tribes, [2with 3intensity 4night 5and 6day 1serving], hope to arrive; concerning which hope I am accused, O king Agrippa, by the Jews.
Acts ABP 26:8  Why [2unbelievable 1is it judged] by you if God [2the dead 1raises]?
Acts ABP 26:9  I indeed then thought to myself [5towards 6the 7name 8of Jesus 9the 10Nazarene 1that it was necessary 2in many things 4opposite 3to act].
Acts ABP 26:10  Which also I did in Jerusalem. And many of the holy ones I [2in prisons 1imprisoned], [3from 4the 5chief priests 2authority 1receiving]; and for doing away with them I brought down a vote.
Acts ABP 26:11  And in all the synagogues often punishing them, I compelled them to blaspheme. And extremely raging against them, I persecuted them even as unto the outer cities.
Acts ABP 26:12  In which also going unto Damascus with authority and delegated power by the chief priests,
Acts ABP 26:13  [2of the day 1in the middle] in the way I beheld, O king, from heaven above [2the 3brightness 4of the 5sun 6shining about 7me 1light], and the ones [2with 3me 1going].
Acts ABP 26:14  And all of us having fallen down onto the ground, heard a voice speaking to me and saying in the Hebrew dialect, Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me? It is hard for you [2against 3spurs 1to kick].
Acts ABP 26:15  And I said, Who are you, O Lord? And he said, I am Jesus whom you persecute.
Acts ABP 26:16  But rise up, and stand upon your feet! [2in 3this 1For] I appeared to you, to handpick you as an assistant and witness both of what you beheld, and of what I shall make known to you;
Acts ABP 26:17  taking you out from the people and the nations, unto whom now I shall send you,
Acts ABP 26:18  to open their eyes, to turn from darkness unto light, and the authority of Satan unto God, for them to receive a release of sins, and a lot among the ones having been sanctified by the belief in me.
Acts ABP 26:19  From where, O king Agrippa, not to be resisting persuasion to the heavenly apparition,
Acts ABP 26:20  but to the ones in Damascus first, and Jerusalem, [2in 3all 1and] the region of Judea, and to the nations, I reported to repent and to turn unto God, [3worthy 4of repentance 2works 1doing].
Acts ABP 26:21  Because of these things [4me 1the 2Jews 3having seized] in the temple, attempted to lay hands upon me.
Acts ABP 26:22  [2aid 3then 1Having attained] from God, unto this day I have stood, testifying both to small and great, [2nothing 3outside 1saying] of what both the prophets [3said 4was about 5to happen 1and 2Moses],
Acts ABP 26:23  whether [3is susceptible of suffering 1the 2Christ]; whether he first through resurrection of the dead [3light 1is about 2to announce] to the people, and to the nations.
Acts ABP 26:24  [3with these things 1And 2having made his defense], Festus with a great voice said, You are maniacal, Paul; many [3you 1letters 4into 5a frenzy 2dizzies].
Acts ABP 26:25  But I am not maniacal, he says, most excellent Festus, but truth and discreetness of words I declare.
Acts ABP 26:26  [6knows 1For 2concerning 3these things 4the 5king], to whom also openly speaking I speak. [7to be unaware 1For 6for him 8in any 9of these things 3not 2I am 4persuaded 5in any way]. For not in a corner [2being done 1is this].
Acts ABP 26:27  You believe, O king Agrippa, the prophets? I know that you believe.
Acts ABP 26:28  And Agrippa [2to 3Paul 1said], By little you persuade me to become a Christian.
Acts ABP 26:29  And Paul said, I would make a vow even to God, both in a little and in much, not only you, but also all the ones hearing me today to become such as to like what even I am, except these bonds.
Acts ABP 26:30  And these things him having said, [3rose up 1the 2king], and the governor, and also Bernice, and the ones sitting together with them.
Acts ABP 26:31  And having withdrawn they spoke with one another, saying that, Nothing [2of death 1worthy] or bonds [2does 1this man].
Acts ABP 26:32  And Agrippa said to Festus, [3to be loosed 2was able 1This man] if he had not called upon Caesar.