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Chapter 1
Colo Murdock 1:1  PAUL, a legate of Jesus the Messiah by the pleasure of God, and Timothy a brother,
Colo Murdock 1:2  to them who are at Colosse, the brethren, holy and believing in Jesus the Messiah: peace be with you, and grace from God our Father.
Colo Murdock 1:3  We give thanks to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus the Messiah, at all times, and pray for you;
Colo Murdock 1:4  lo, ever since we heard of your faith in Jesus the Messiah, and of your love to all the saints;
Colo Murdock 1:5  because of the hope that is laid up for you in heaven, of which ye heard before in the word of truth of the gospel;
Colo Murdock 1:6  which is announced to you, as also to all the world; and which groweth and yieldeth fruits, as it doth also among you from the day ye heard and knew the grace of God in reality:
Colo Murdock 1:7  as ye learned from Epaphras, our beloved fellow-servant, who is for you a faithful minister of the Messiah;
Colo Murdock 1:8  and who hath made known to us your love in the Spirit.
Colo Murdock 1:9  Therefore we also, from the day we heard of it, have not ceased to pray for you; and to ask that ye may be filled with a knowledge of the good pleasure of God, in all wisdom, and in all spiritual understanding;
Colo Murdock 1:10  that ye may walk as is right, and may please God with all good works, and may yield fruits, and grow in the knowledge of God;
Colo Murdock 1:11  and may be strengthened with all strength, according to the greatness of his glory, in all patience and long suffering;
Colo Murdock 1:12  and may, with joy, give thanks to God the Father, who hath fitted us for a portion of the inheritance of the saints in light;
Colo Murdock 1:13  and hath rescued us from the dominion of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son;
Colo Murdock 1:14  by whom we have redemption and remission of sins:
Colo Murdock 1:15  who is the likeness of the invisible God, and the first-born of all creatures:
Colo Murdock 1:16  and by him was created every thing that is in heaven and on earth, all that is seen and all that is unseen, whether thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or sovereignties; every thing was through him, and was created by him:
Colo Murdock 1:17  and he was prior to all, and by him every thing exists.
Colo Murdock 1:18  And he is the head of the body the church; as he is the head and first-born from among the dead, that he might be the first in all things.
Colo Murdock 1:19  For it pleased the Father, that in him all fullness should dwell;
Colo Murdock 1:20  and by him, to reconcile all things to himself; and through him, he hath pacified, with the blood of his cross, both those on earth and those in heaven.
Colo Murdock 1:21  And also to you, who were before alienated and enemies in your minds, because of your evil deeds,
Colo Murdock 1:22  to you, he hath now given peace, by the body of his flesh, and by his death; that he might establish you in his presence, holy, without blemish, and without offence;
Colo Murdock 1:23  provided ye continue in your faith, your foundation being firm, and ye be not removed from the hope of the gospel; of which ye have heard, that it is proclaimed in all the creation beneath heaven; of which gospel I Paul am a minister.
Colo Murdock 1:24  And I rejoice in the sufferings which are for your sakes; and, in my flesh, I fill up the deficiency in the afflictions of the Messiah, in behalf of his body, which is the church;
Colo Murdock 1:25  of which I am a minister, according to the dispensation of God which is given to me among you, that I should fulfill the word of God,
Colo Murdock 1:26  namely, that mystery, which was hidden for ages and generations, but is now revealed to his saints;
Colo Murdock 1:27  to whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which mystery is the Messiah; who in you is the hope of our glory;
Colo Murdock 1:28  whom we proclaim, and teach and make known to every man, in all wisdom; that we may present every man perfect in Jesus the Messiah.
Colo Murdock 1:29  And for this also, I toil and strive, with the aid of the strength that is imparted to me.