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Chapter 1
Phil Murdock 1:1  PAUL and Timothy, servants of Jesus the Messiah, to all the saints that are in Jesus the Messiah at Philippi, with the elders and deacons.
Phil Murdock 1:2  Grace be with you, and peace from God our Father, and from our Lord Jesus the Messiah.
Phil Murdock 1:3  I thank my God at the constant recollection of you,
Phil Murdock 1:4  in all my prayers respecting you; and while I rejoice, I adore;
Phil Murdock 1:5  on account of your fellowship in the gospel, from the first day until now.
Phil Murdock 1:6  Because I am confident of this, that he who hath begun the good works in you, will accomplish them until the day of our Lord Jesus the Messiah.
Phil Murdock 1:7  For thus it is right for me to think of you all, because ye are permanently in my heart, and because, both in my bonds and in the vindication of the truth of the gospel, ye are my associates in grace.
Phil Murdock 1:8  For God is my witness, how I love you in the bowels of Jesus the Messiah.
Phil Murdock 1:9  And this I pray for, that your love may still increase and abound, in knowledge, and In all spiritual understanding:
Phil Murdock 1:10  so that ye may discern the things that are suitable; and may be pure and without offence, in the day of the Messiah,
Phil Murdock 1:11  and be full of the fruits of righteousness which are by Jesus the Messiah, to the praise and glory of God.
Phil Murdock 1:12  And I would that ye might know, my brethren, that the transaction in regard to me, hath eventuated rather for the furtherance of the gospel;
Phil Murdock 1:13  so that my bonds, on account of the Messiah, are matter of notoriety in all the court, and to all others.
Phil Murdock 1:14  And many of the brethren in our Lord have become confident, on account of my bonds, and are more bold to speak the word of God without fear.
Phil Murdock 1:15  And they herald it, some from envy and contention; but others with good will, and with love for the Messiah;
Phil Murdock 1:16  because they know that I am appointed for the vindication of the gospel.
Phil Murdock 1:17  And they who herald the Messiah in contention, do it not sincerely; but they hope to add pressure to my bonds.
Phil Murdock 1:18  And in this I have rejoiced, and do rejoice, that in every form, whether in pretence or in truth, the Messiah is heralded.
Phil Murdock 1:19  For I know, that these things will be found conducive to my life, through your prayers and the gift of the Spirit of Jesus the Messiah.
Phil Murdock 1:20  So that I hope and expect, that I shall in nothing be put to shame; but with uncovered face, as at all times, so now, the Messiah will be magnified in my body, whether by life or by death.
Phil Murdock 1:21  For my life is, the Messiah; and if I die, it is gain to me.
Phil Murdock 1:22  But if I have fruits of my labors in this life of the flesh, I know not what I shall choose.
Phil Murdock 1:23  For the two press upon me: I desire to be liberated, that I may be with the Messiah; and this would be very advantageous to me.
Phil Murdock 1:24  But also the business in regard to you, urges upon me to remain in the body.
Phil Murdock 1:25  And this I confidently know, that I shall continue and remain, for your joy, and for the furtherance of your faith;
Phil Murdock 1:26  so that when I come again to you, your glorying, which is in Jesus the Messiah only, will abound through me.
Phil Murdock 1:27  Let your conduct be as becometh the gospel of the Messiah; so that if I come I may see you, and if absent I may hear of you, that ye stand fast in one spirit and in one soul, and that ye strive together in the faith of the gospel.
Phil Murdock 1:28  And in nothing be ye startled, by those who rise up against us; which is an indication of their destruction, and of life for you.
Phil Murdock 1:29  And this is given to you by God, that ye not only really believe in the Messiah, but also that ye suffer on his account;
Phil Murdock 1:30  and that ye endure conflict, as ye have seen in me, and now hear concerning me.