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Chapter 7
Eccl ABP 7:1  A good name is above [2oil 1good], and the day of death above the day of birth.
Eccl ABP 7:2  It is good to go into a house of mourning, than than to go into a house of a banquet; in so far as this is the end of every man; and the living man will give good to his heart.
Eccl ABP 7:3  Better is rage than laughter, for by hurt of countenance [2will be made better 1the heart].
Eccl ABP 7:4  The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning; and the heart of fools is in the house of gladness.
Eccl ABP 7:5  It is good to hear the reproach of the wise, than for a man to hear songs of fools.
Eccl ABP 7:6  As the sound of the thorn-bushes burning under the kettle, so the laughter, the one of the fools; and indeed this is folly.
Eccl ABP 7:7  For extortion drives [2mad 1the wise man], and destroys the [3heart 1magnanimity 2of his].
Eccl ABP 7:8  Better the last of matters than its beginning; better the lenient than high spirit.
Eccl ABP 7:9  You should not hasten in your spirit to be enraged, for rage [2in 3the bosom 4of fools 1shall rest].
Eccl ABP 7:10  You should not say, What happened that the [2days 1former] were good over these? for [2not 3in 4wisdom 1you asked] concerning this.
Eccl ABP 7:11  [2is good 1Wisdom] with an allotment and abundance to the ones viewing the sun.
Eccl ABP 7:12  For [2in 3its shadow 1wisdom] is as the shadow of silver; and the advantage of the knowledge of wisdom will restore to life the one having it.
Eccl ABP 7:13  Behold the actions of God! For who shall be able to adorn what ever God should turn from him?
Eccl ABP 7:14  In the day of goodness live in good! and look out in the day of evil! Behold! and indeed with one [3harmony 4with these 2caused 1God] concerning speech, that [2should not find 1man 4after 5him 3anything].
Eccl ABP 7:15  All things I beheld in days of my folly. There is a just man being destroyed in his justice, and there is an impious man abiding in his evil.
Eccl ABP 7:16  Do not become [2righteous 1super], nor discern extra, lest at any time you should be overwhelmed!
Eccl ABP 7:17  You should not be [2impious 1super], and do not become hard, that you should not die in your time!
Eccl ABP 7:18  It is good for you to hold fast by this; and indeed of this you should not defile your hand. For to the ones fearing God all things shall go forth.
Eccl ABP 7:19  Wisdom will give help to the wise one over ten exercising authority, of the ones being in the city.
Eccl ABP 7:20  For [3man 1there is no 2just] on the earth who shall do good and shall not sin.
Eccl ABP 7:21  And indeed unto all the words which they shall speak, you should not put them to your heart, so that you should not hear your servant cursing you.
Eccl ABP 7:22  For very often he will act wickedly against you, and returning many times he shall inflict your heart; that as also indeed you cursed others.
Eccl ABP 7:23  All these things I tested in wisdom. I said, I shall be discerning, but it was far from me.
Eccl ABP 7:24  Far above what was, and a deep depth -- who shall find it?
Eccl ABP 7:25  [4circled about 1I 2and 3my heart] to know, and to survey, and to seek wisdom, and the reckoning of things, and to know the impious man's foolishness, and rioting, and deviation.
Eccl ABP 7:26  And I find her more bitter than death -- with the woman in which [2is 3snares 4and 5dragnets 1her heart], and a bond in her hands. He that is good before the face of God shall be delivered from her; and the one sinning will be seized with her.
Eccl ABP 7:27  Behold! this I found, said the ecclesiastic, counting one by one, to find a device,
Eccl ABP 7:28  which [2anxiously sought 1my soul], and I did not find. Even [2man 1one] from out of a thousand did I find. And a woman among all these I did not find.
Eccl ABP 7:29  Except behold! this I found, that God dealt with the [2man 1upright]. And they sought [2devices 1many]. Who knows the wise? And who knows the loosening of a saying?