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Chapter 25
I Sa ABP 25:1  And Samuel died; and [3gathered together 1all 2Israel], and lamented him, and entombed him in his house in Ramah. And David rose up, and went down into the wilderness of Paran.
I Sa ABP 25:2  And there was a man in Maon, and his work was in Carmel, and the man [2great 1was exceedingly]. And to this man were [2sheep 1three thousand], and [2goats 1a thousand]. And it happened during the shearing of his flock in Carmel.
I Sa ABP 25:3  And the name of the man was Nabal, and the name of his wife was Abigail. And his wife had good understanding, and was good to the sight, exceedingly. And the man was recalcitrant, and wicked in practices, and the man was churlish.
I Sa ABP 25:4  And David heard in the wilderness that [4was shearing 1Nabal 2the 3Carmelite] his flock.
I Sa ABP 25:5  And David sent ten servants. And he said to the servants, Ascend to Carmel, and come to Nabal, and ask him in my name the things for peace!
I Sa ABP 25:6  And you shall say thus, For a season may it be for you being in health and your house, and all the things of yours being in health.
I Sa ABP 25:7  And now, behold, I hear that [2shear 3for you 4now 1your shepherds], the ones who were with us in the wilderness, and we did not detain them, and we did not give charge to them in anything all the days of their being in Carmel.
I Sa ABP 25:8  Ask of your servants! and they will tell you. Let us [2find 1your servants] favor in your eyes! for upon [2day 1a good] we come. Give indeed what ever [2should find 1your hand] to your servants, and to your son David!
I Sa ABP 25:9  And [4come 1the 2servants 3of David], and speak to Nabal according to all these things in the name of David.
I Sa ABP 25:10  And Nabal jumped up and responded to the servants of David, and he said, Who is David, and who is the son of Jesse? Today [3multiplying 1there are 2servants], [2withdrawing 1each] from the presence of his master.
I Sa ABP 25:11  And shall I take my bread loaves, and my wine, and my things offered in sacrifices which I have sacrificed to the ones shearing for me the sheep, and shall I give them to men whom I do not know from what place they are?
I Sa ABP 25:12  And [4turned back 1the 2servants 3of David] unto their way. And they returned, and they came, and they announced to David according to all these words.
I Sa ABP 25:13  And David said to his men, Let [2tie on 1each man] his sword! And David even himself tied on his sword. And they ascended after David, about four hundred men, and two hundred stayed by the equipment.
I Sa ABP 25:14  And [5to 6Abigail 7wife 8of Nabal 9reported 1one 2of 3the 4servants], saying, Behold, David sent messengers from out of the wilderness to bless our master, and he turned aside from them.
I Sa ABP 25:15  And the men were good to us, exceedingly. And they did not detain us, nor charged to us anything all the days which we were by them, in our being in the field.
I Sa ABP 25:16  [2as 3a wall 1They were] for us, both day and night, all the days of our being with them and tending the flocks.
I Sa ABP 25:17  And now perceive and see what you shall do! for [2is completed 1evil] against our master, and against his house; and he is a son of pestilence, and there is no way to speak to him.
I Sa ABP 25:18  And Abigail hastened, and took two hundred bread loaves, and two receptacles of wine, and five sheep prepared, and five ephahs of toasted grains, and [2homer 1one] of dried grapes, and two hundred dried clusters of figs; and she put them upon the donkeys.
I Sa ABP 25:19  And she said to her servants, You go forth in front of me! and behold, I [2after 3you 1come]. But to her husband Nabal she did not report.
I Sa ABP 25:20  And it came to pass of her being mounted upon the donkey, that she went down in the protection of the mountain. And behold, David and his men went down to meet her, and she met them.
I Sa ABP 25:21  And David said, Perhaps it was unjust I guarded all the things of Nabal in the wilderness, and asked not to take of any of his things -- nothing. And he recompensed to me evil for good.
I Sa ABP 25:22  Thus God do to the enemies to David, and thus may he add, if I leave behind of all of the ones of Nabal unto the morning of ones urinating against the wall.
I Sa ABP 25:23  And Abigail saw David, and hastening she came down from the donkey, and fell before David upon her face, and did obeisance to him upon the ground.
I Sa ABP 25:24  And [2by 3his feet 1she fell], and she said, On me, O my lord, be the injustice. Let [3speak 1indeed 2your maidservant] into your ears, and you hear the words of your maidservant!
I Sa ABP 25:25  Let not indeed [2put 1my master] his heart against [2man 1this pestilent], against Nabal! For according to his name, thus is he Nabal. His name, and folly is with him. And I your maidservant did not see the servants of my master whom you sent.
I Sa ABP 25:26  And now, O my lord, as the lord lives, and as [2lives 1your soul], as [2restrained 3you 1the lord] to not come against [2blood 1innocent], and to deliver your hand for yourself. And now may [2become 3as 4Nabal 1your enemies], and the ones seeking [2against 3my lord 1bad things].
I Sa ABP 25:27  And now receive this blessing which [2has brought 1your maidservant] to my master! and you shall give it to the servants standing beside my master.
I Sa ABP 25:28  Take away indeed the violation of your maidservant! for in doing, the lord shall make [3for my master 2house 1a trustworthy], for [4the battle 5for my master 1the 2 lord 3shall wage], and evil shall not be found in you at any time.
I Sa ABP 25:29  And if [2should rise up 1a man] to pursue you, and seeking your life, that [4will be 1the 2life 3of my master] bound in a bond of life by the lord God; and the life of your enemies you shall sling as in the midst of the sling.
I Sa ABP 25:30  And it shall be whenever the lord shall do for my master, according to all [2which 3he spoke 1good things] concerning you, that [2shall give charge 3to you 1the lord] for taking the lead over Israel.
I Sa ABP 25:31  Then [5shall not 6be 7against your 1this 2abomination 3and 4obstacle] heart, to my master, to pour out [2blood 1innocent] without charge, and to deliver the hand of my master for himself. And the lord shall do good to my master. And you shall remember your maidservant, [2well 1to do] to her.
I Sa ABP 25:32  And David said to Abigail, Blessed be the lord God of Israel, who sent you [3day 1in 2this] to meet me.
I Sa ABP 25:33  And blessed be your manner, and blessed be you to detain me today in this, to not come for blood, and to deliver my hand from myself.
I Sa ABP 25:34  Only as lives the lord God of Israel, who detained me today of doing evil to you, that unless you hastened and came to meet me, not would there have been left behind to Nabal unto the light of the morning one urinating against the wall.
I Sa ABP 25:35  And David took from her hand all which she brought to him. And he said to her, Ascend in peace to your house. See, I hearkened to your voice, and I took up your person!
I Sa ABP 25:36  And Abigail came to Nabal. And behold, there was to him a banquet in his house, as the banquet of a king. And the heart of Nabal was good with him, and he was being intoxicated exceedingly. And [2did not 3report 1Abigal] to Nabal the thing, great or small, until the light of the morning.
I Sa ABP 25:37  And it came to pass in the morning as [2sobered up 3from 4the 5wine 1Nabal], [2reported 3to him 1his wife] all these things. And [3died 2heart 1his] in him, and he became as stone.
I Sa ABP 25:38  And it came to pass after about ten days, that the lord struck Nabal and he died.
I Sa ABP 25:39  And David heard that Nabal died, and he said, Blessed be the lord who judged the case of my being scorned by the hand of Nabal, and [2his servant 1protected] from out of the hand of evils. And the evil of Nabal the lord returned against his own head. And David sent and spoke concerning Abigail, to take her to himself for a wife.
I Sa ABP 25:40  And [4came 1the 2servants 3of David] to Abigail in Carmel. And they spoke to her, saying, David sends us to you, to take you to himself for a wife.
I Sa ABP 25:41  And rising, she did obeisance upon her face upon the ground. And she said, Behold, your maidservant is for a girl to wash the feet of the servants of my master.
I Sa ABP 25:42  And [2hastened 3and 4rose up 1Abigail], and mounted upon the donkey, and five of her young women followed her. And she went after the servants of David, and became to him for a wife.
I Sa ABP 25:43  And [3Ahinoam 2took 1David] of Jezreel; and both were his wives.
I Sa ABP 25:44  And Saul gave Michal his daughter, the wife of David, to Phalti son of Laish, the one of Gallim.