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Chapter 11
II C Murdock 11:1  I would that ye could bear with me a little, that I might talk foolishly: and indeed, bear ye with me.
II C Murdock 11:2  For I am jealous over you, with a godly jealousy : for I have espoused you to a husband as a chaste virgin, whom I would present to the Messiah.
II C Murdock 11:3  But I fear, lest, as the serpent beguiled Eve by his craftiness, so your minds should be corrupted from simplicity towards the Messiah.
II C Murdock 11:4  For if he that cometh to you, had proclaimed to you another Jesus, whom we have not proclaimed; or if ye had received another Spirit, which ye have not received; or another gospel, which ye have not accepted; ye might well have given assent.
II C Murdock 11:5  For, I suppose, I came not short of those legates who most excel.
II C Murdock 11:6  For, though I be rude in speech, yet not in knowledge; but in all things we have been manifest among you.
II C Murdock 11:7  Did I indeed commit an offence, by humbling myself that ye might be exalted? and by proclaiming the gospel of God to you gratis?
II C Murdock 11:8  And I robbed other churches, and I took pay of them for ministering to you.
II C Murdock 11:9  And when I came among you and was needy, I was burdensome to none of you; for the brethren who came from Macedonia, supplied my wants: and in all things I kept myself, and I will keep myself, from being burdensome to you.
II C Murdock 11:10  As the truth of the Messiah is in me, this glorying shall not be made vain as to me in the regions of Achaia.
II C Murdock 11:12  But what I do, that also I will do; that I may cut off occasion, from them who seek occasion: so that in the thing wherein they glory, they may be found even as we.
II C Murdock 11:13  For they are false legates, crafty workers, and feign themselves to be legates of the Messiah.
II C Murdock 11:14  And in this there is nothing strange. For if Satan feigneth himself an angel of light,
II C Murdock 11:15  it is no great thing if his ministers feign themselves ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.
II C Murdock 11:16  Again I say, let no one think of me, as being a fool: or if otherwise, receive me as a fool, that I may glory a little.
II C Murdock 11:17  What I am now saying, I say not in our Lord, but as in folly, in this matter of glorying.
II C Murdock 11:18  Because many glory after the flesh, I also will glory.
II C Murdock 11:19  For ye hear with indulgence them who lack reason, seeing ye are wise.
II C Murdock 11:20  And ye give ear to him, who putteth you in bondage; and to him, who devoureth you; and to him, who taketh from you; and to him, who exalteth himself over you; and to him, who smiteth you in the face.
II C Murdock 11:21  I speak as if under contempt: I speak as if we were impotent, through deficiency of understanding; that in whatever thing any one is presuming, I also am presuming.
II C Murdock 11:22  If they are Hebrews, so I also: or if they are Israelites, I also. If they are the seed of Abraham, I also.
II C Murdock 11:23  If they are ministers of the Messiah, (in defect of understanding, I say it,) I am superior to them: in toils more than they, in stripes more than they, in bonds more than they, in deaths many times.
II C Murdock 11:24  By the Jews, five times was I scourged, each time with forty stripes save one.
II C Murdock 11:25  Three times was I beaten with rods: at one time I was stoned: three times I was in shipwreck, by day and by night; I have been in the sea, without a ship.
II C Murdock 11:26  In journeyings many, in peril by rivers, in peril by robbers, in peril from my kindred, in peril from Gentiles: I have been in peril in cities; I have been in peril in the desert, in peril in the sea, in peril from false brethren.
II C Murdock 11:27  In toil and weariness, in much watching, in hunger and thirst, in much fasting, in cold and nakedness:
II C Murdock 11:28  besides many other things, and the thronging around me every day, and my anxiety for all the churches.
II C Murdock 11:29  Who becometh weak, and I become not weak? Who is stumbled, and I burn not?
II C Murdock 11:31  God, the Father of our Lord Jesus the Messiah, blessed for ever and ever, he knoweth that I lie not.
II C Murdock 11:32  At Damascus, the commander of the army of Aretas the king, guarded the city of the Damascenes, to seize me.
II C Murdock 11:33  And from a window, in a basket, they let me down from the wall, and I escaped from his hands.