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Chapter 28
Numb CPDV 28:2  “Instruct the sons of Israel, and you shall say to them: Offer my oblation and bread, and the incense of most sweet odor, at their proper times.
Numb CPDV 28:3  These are the sacrifices which you must offer: Two immaculate one-year-old lambs each day as a perpetual holocaust.
Numb CPDV 28:4  You shall offer one in morning, and the other in the evening,
Numb CPDV 28:5  and the tenth part of an ephah of fine wheat flour, which has been sprinkled with the purest oil, and which has the measure of the fourth part of a hin.
Numb CPDV 28:6  It is the continual holocaust which you offered at mount Sinai as a most sweet odor of incense to the Lord.
Numb CPDV 28:7  And you shall offer a libation of wine, of the fourth part of a hin for each lamb, in the Sanctuary of the Lord.
Numb CPDV 28:8  And you shall offer the other lamb similarly, in the evening, according to all the rites of the morning sacrifice and its libations, as an oblation of most sweet odor to the Lord.
Numb CPDV 28:9  Then, on the Sabbath day, you shall offer two immaculate one-year-old lambs, and two tenths of fine wheat flour sprinkled with oil, as sacrifice, as well as the libations
Numb CPDV 28:10  that are usually poured out on each Sabbath as a perpetual holocaust.
Numb CPDV 28:11  Then, on the first day of the month, you shall offer a holocaust to the Lord: two calves from the herd, one ram, seven immaculate one-year-old lambs,
Numb CPDV 28:12  and three tenths of fine wheat flour sprinkled with oil, as sacrifice, for each calf, and two tenths of fine wheat flour sprinkled with oil, for each ram,
Numb CPDV 28:13  and one tenth of fine wheat flour with oil, as a sacrifice, for each lamb. It is a holocaust of most sweet odor and also an incense to the Lord.
Numb CPDV 28:14  Now these shall be the libations of wine, which are to be poured out for each victim: one half portion of a hin for each calf, one third for a ram, and one fourth for a lamb. This shall be the holocaust for all the months, as they succeed one another in the turning of the year.
Numb CPDV 28:15  Likewise, a he-goat shall be offered to the Lord for sin, with the perpetual holocaust and its libations.
Numb CPDV 28:16  Then, in the first month, the fourteenth day of the month shall be the Passover of the Lord.
Numb CPDV 28:17  And the fifteenth day shall be a solemnity. For seven days, they shall eat unleavened bread.
Numb CPDV 28:18  And the first day of these days shall be venerable and holy; you shall not do any servile work in it.
Numb CPDV 28:19  And you shall offer the incense of a holocaust to the Lord, two calves from the herd, one ram, seven immaculate one-year-old lambs;
Numb CPDV 28:20  and with each sacrifice, from fine wheat flour which has been sprinkled with oil, three tenths for each calf, and two tenths for each ram,
Numb CPDV 28:21  and one tenth for each lamb, that is, for the seven lambs;
Numb CPDV 28:22  and one he-goat for sin, as an expiation for you,
Numb CPDV 28:23  aside from the morning holocaust, which you shall always offer.
Numb CPDV 28:24  You shall do this on each day of the seven days, as fuel for the fire, and as a most sweet odor to the Lord, which shall rise up from the holocaust and from each of the libations.
Numb CPDV 28:25  Likewise, the seventh day shall be very honored and holy for you. Any servile work, you shall not do in it.
Numb CPDV 28:26  And also the day of the first-fruits, after the weeks have been fulfilled, when you shall offer new fruits to the Lord, shall be venerable and holy. You shall not do any servile work in it.
Numb CPDV 28:27  And you shall offer a holocaust as a most sweet odor to the Lord: two calves from the herd, one ram, and seven immaculate one-year-old lambs,
Numb CPDV 28:28  and also, as their sacrifices, fine wheat flour sprinkled with oil, three tenths for each calf, two for each ram,
Numb CPDV 28:29  one tenth for each lamb, which all together are seven lambs; likewise, a he-goat,
Numb CPDV 28:30  which is slain for expiation, aside from the perpetual holocaust and its libations.
Numb CPDV 28:31  You shall offer only what is immaculate, with their libations.”