Chapter 12
Prov | CPDV | 12:2 | Whoever is good shall draw grace from the Lord. But whoever trusts in his own thoughts acts impiously. | |
Prov | CPDV | 12:3 | Man will not be made strong from impiety. And the root of the just shall not be moved. | |
Prov | CPDV | 12:4 | A diligent woman is a crown to her husband. And she who acts with confusion as to which things are worthy is decay to his bones. | |
Prov | CPDV | 12:5 | The thoughts of the just are judgments. And the counsels of the impious are dishonest. | |
Prov | CPDV | 12:6 | The words of the impious lie in wait for blood. The mouth of the just shall free them. | |
Prov | CPDV | 12:7 | Turn from the impious, and they will not be. But the house of the just shall stand firm. | |
Prov | CPDV | 12:8 | A man will be known by his doctrine. But whoever is vain and heartless will suffer contempt. | |
Prov | CPDV | 12:9 | Better is a pauper who has what he needs, than someone glorious and in need of bread. | |
Prov | CPDV | 12:10 | The just one knows the lives of his beasts. But the inner most parts of the impious are cruel. | |
Prov | CPDV | 12:11 | Whoever works his land shall be satisfied with bread. But whoever continually pursues leisure is most foolish. Whoever is soothed by lingering over wine leaves behind contempt in his strongholds. | |
Prov | CPDV | 12:12 | The desire of the impious is the fortification of what is most wicked. But the root of the just shall prosper. | |
Prov | CPDV | 12:13 | For the sins of the lips draw ruin to the evil. But the just shall escape from distress. | |
Prov | CPDV | 12:14 | By the fruit of his own mouth, each one shall be filled with good things, and according to the works of his own hands, it will be distributed to him. | |
Prov | CPDV | 12:15 | The way of the foolish is right in his own eyes. But whoever is wise listens to counsels. | |
Prov | CPDV | 12:16 | The senseless immediately reveals his anger. But whoever ignores injuries is clever. | |
Prov | CPDV | 12:17 | He is a sign of justice, who speaks what he knows. But whoever deceives is a dishonest witness. | |
Prov | CPDV | 12:18 | He who makes promises is also jabbed, as if with a sword, in conscience. But the tongue of the wise is reasonable. | |
Prov | CPDV | 12:19 | The lips of truth shall be steadfast forever. But a hasty witness readies a lying tongue. | |
Prov | CPDV | 12:20 | Deceit is in the heart of those who devise evils. But gladness follows those who take up counsels of peace. | |
Prov | CPDV | 12:21 | Whatever may befall the just, it will not discourage him. But the impious will be filled with disasters. | |
Prov | CPDV | 12:23 | A resourceful man conceals knowledge. And the heart of the unwise provokes foolishness. | |
Prov | CPDV | 12:25 | Grief in the heart of a man humbles him. And with a good word he shall be made glad. | |
Prov | CPDV | 12:26 | He who ignores a loss for the sake of a friend is just. But the way of the impious will deceive them. | |
Prov | CPDV | 12:27 | The dishonest will not discover gain. But the substance of a man will be like precious gold. | |