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Chapter 15
Roma ABP 15:1  [5ought 1But 2we 3the ones 4able] [2the 3weaknesses 4of the ones 5disabled 1to bear], and not to please just ourselves.
Roma ABP 15:2  [3each 1For 4of us 6his neighbor 2let 5please] for good and for edifying!
Roma ABP 15:3  For even the Christ [2not 3himself 1pleased]; but as it has been written, The scornings of the ones berating you fell upon me.
Roma ABP 15:4  For as much as was written beforehand, [2for 3our 4instruction 1it was written beforehand], that through the endurance and on account of the comfort of the scriptures [2hope 1we should have].
Roma ABP 15:5  And the God of patience and comfort, may he give to you the same regard with one another according to Christ Jesus;
Roma ABP 15:6  that with one accord, in one mouth you should glorify God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Roma ABP 15:7  Therefore take to yourself one another! as also the Christ took you to himself, for the glory of God.
Roma ABP 15:8  But I say, Christ Jesus [2a servant 1has become] of the circumcision for the truth of God, for the firming the promises of the fathers;
Roma ABP 15:9  and the nations for mercy to glorify God, as it has been written, saying, Because of this I will make acknowledgment to you among the nations, and to your name I will strum.
Roma ABP 15:10  And again it says, Be glad, O nations, with his people!
Roma ABP 15:11  And again, Praise the Lord, all the nations, and praise him all peoples!
Roma ABP 15:12  And again Isaiah says, There will be the root of Jesse, and the one rising up to rule nations, upon him nations shall hope.
Roma ABP 15:13  And the God of hope, may he fill you with all joy and peace in trusting, for you abounding in the hope, in power [2spirit 1of holy].
Roma ABP 15:14  But I am persuaded, my brethren, even I myself, concerning you, that you also are full of goodness, being filled with all knowledge, being able even [2others 1to admonish].
Roma ABP 15:15  But more daring I wrote to you, brethren, in part, as reminding you, through the favor, the one being given to me by God,
Roma ABP 15:16  for me to be a minister of Jesus Christ to the nations, administering in sacred service the good news of God, that [5should be 1the 2offering 3of the 4nations] well-received, having been sanctified in [2spirit 1holy].
Roma ABP 15:17  I have then a boasting in Christ Jesus -- the things about God.
Roma ABP 15:18  [3not 1For 2I dare] to speak anything which [2did not manufacture 1Christ] through me for the obedience of the nations -- by word and work,
Roma ABP 15:19  in the power of signs and miracles, in the power of spirit of God; so as for me from Jerusalem and round about unto Illyricum to accomplish the good news of Christ.
Roma ABP 15:20  And so striving earnestly to announce good news, [3was not 1where 4named 2Christ], that [2not 4upon 5another's 6foundation 1I should 3build];
Roma ABP 15:21  but as it has been written, To the ones to whom it was not announced concerning him, they shall see; and the ones who have not heard, they shall perceive.
Roma ABP 15:22  Therefore also I was hindered the many times to come to you.
Roma ABP 15:23  But now no longer [2a place 1having] in these regions, [3a longing 1and 2having] to come to you for many years,
Roma ABP 15:24  whenever I should go into Spain I will come to you; for I hope traveling by to see you, and by you to be sent forward there, if I should [5by you 1first 3in 4part 2be filled up].
Roma ABP 15:25  But now I go unto Jerusalem, serving to the holy ones.
Roma ABP 15:26  [5think well 1For 2Macedonia 3and 4Achaia 8fellowship contribution 7a certain 6to make] unto the poor of the holy ones, of the ones in Jerusalem.
Roma ABP 15:27  For they take pleasure in it, and [2debtors 1they are their]. For if to the [3spiritual things 2they participated in their 1nations], they ought also in the fleshly things minister to them.
Roma ABP 15:28  This then completing, and having sealed to them this fruit, I will go forth by you into Spain.
Roma ABP 15:29  And I know that coming to you, [2in 3fullness 4of blessing 5of the 6good news 7of the 8Christ 1I shall come].
Roma ABP 15:30  But I appeal to you, brethren, through our Lord Jesus Christ, and through the love of the spirit, to be companion at arms with me in the prayers for me to God,
Roma ABP 15:31  that I should be rescued from the ones resisting persuasion among the Jews; and that my service, the one for Jerusalem, [2well-received 1should be] by the holy ones;
Roma ABP 15:32  that in joy I should come to you by the will of God, that I should be refreshed together with you.