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Chapter 19
Acts Murdock 19:1  And while Apollos was at Corinth, Paul travelled over the upper countries to Ephesus. And he inquired of the disciples whom he found there,
Acts Murdock 19:2  Have ye received the Holy Spirit, since ye believed? They answered and said to him: If there be a Holy Spirit, it hath not come to our hearing.
Acts Murdock 19:3  He said to them: Into what then were ye baptized? They say: Into the baptism of John.
Acts Murdock 19:4  Paul said to them: John baptized the people with the baptism of repentance, while he told them to believe in him who was to come after him, that is, in Jesus the Messiah.
Acts Murdock 19:5  And when they heard these things, they were baptized in the name of our Lord Jesus Messiah.
Acts Murdock 19:6  And Paul laid his hand on them; and the Holy Spirit came upon them, and they spoke in various tongues, and prophesied.
Acts Murdock 19:8  And Paul entered into the synagogue, and spoke boldly three months, persuading in regard to the kingdom of God.
Acts Murdock 19:9  And some of them were hardened, and disputatious, and reviled the way of God before the assembly of the people. Then Paul withdrew himself, and separated the disciples from them. And he discoursed with them daily in the school of a man named Tyrannus.
Acts Murdock 19:10  And this continued for two years, until all who resided in Proconsular Asia, both Jews and Gentiles, heard the word of the Lord.
Acts Murdock 19:11  And God wrought very great miracles by the hand of Paul:
Acts Murdock 19:12  so that, from the clothes on his body, napkins and rags were carried and laid upon the sick, and the diseases left them, and demons also went out.
Acts Murdock 19:13  And moreover certain Jews, who went: about exorcising demons, were disposed to exorcise in the name of our Lord Jesus over those who had unclean spirits, by saying: We adjure you, in the name of that Jesus whom Paul announceth.
Acts Murdock 19:14  And there were seven sons of one Sceva, a Jew, and chief of the priests, who did this.
Acts Murdock 19:15  And the evil demon answered and said to them: Jesus I well know, and Paul I know, but as for you, who are ye?
Acts Murdock 19:16  And the man in whom was the evil demon leaped upon them, and overpowered them, and threw them down: and they fled out of the house denuded and bruised.
Acts Murdock 19:17  And this became known to all the Jews and Gentiles, who resided at Ephesus. And fear fell on them all, and the name of our Lord Jesus Messiah was exalted.
Acts Murdock 19:18  And many of them that believed, came and narrated their faults, and confessed what they had done.
Acts Murdock 19:19  And also many magicians collected their books, and brought and burned them before every body: and they computed the cost of them, and it amounted to fifty thousand pieces of silver.
Acts Murdock 19:20  And thus with great power was the faith of God strengthened and increased.
Acts Murdock 19:21  And when these things had been accomplished, Paul purposed in his mind, to make the circuit of all Macedonia and Achaia, and then go to Jerusalem. And he said: After I have gone thither, I must also see Rome.
Acts Murdock 19:22  And he sent two persons, of those that ministered to him, Timothy and Erastus, into Macedonia; but he himself remained for a time in Asia.
Acts Murdock 19:23  And at that time there was great commotion respecting the way of God.
Acts Murdock 19:24  For a certain silversmith was there, named Demetrius, who made silver shrines for Diana, and afforded great profits to the artisans of his trade.
Acts Murdock 19:25  He assembled all the artisans of his trade, and those who labored with them, and said to them: Gentlemen, ye know that our gains are all from this manufacture.
Acts Murdock 19:26  And ye also know and see, that not only the citizens of Ephesus, but also the mass of all Asia, this Paul hath persuaded and enticed away, by saying, that those are not gods, which are made by the hands of men.
Acts Murdock 19:27  And not only is this occupation slandered and impeded, but also the temple of the great goddess Diana is accounted as nothing; and likewise the goddess herself of all Asia, and whom all nations worship, is contemned.
Acts Murdock 19:28  And when they heard these things they were filled with wrath; and they cried out, and said: Great is Diana of the Ephesians.
Acts Murdock 19:29  And the whole city was in commotion; and they ran together, and entered the theatre. And they caught, and bore along with them, Gaius and Aristarchus, men of Macedonia, and associates of Paul.
Acts Murdock 19:30  And Paul was disposed to go into the theatre: but the disciples restrained him.
Acts Murdock 19:31  And likewise the chiefs of Asia, because they were his friends, sent and requested of him, that he would not expose himself by going into the theatre.
Acts Murdock 19:32  And the multitudes that were in the theatre were in great confusion, and cried, some one thing, and some another: and many of them knew not for what cause they had come together.
Acts Murdock 19:33  And the Jewish people who were there, brought forward one of their men, a Jew, named Alexander. And he, rising up, waved his hand, and wished to make a defence before the people.
Acts Murdock 19:34  But they knowing him to be a Jew, all cried out with one voice, about two hours: Great is Diana of the Ephesians.
Acts Murdock 19:35  But the chief of the city tranquillized them, by saying: Men of Ephesus, What person is there, among men, who doth not know the city of the Ephesians to be devoted to the worship of the great Diana, and of her image that descended from heaven?
Acts Murdock 19:36  Since therefore no one can gainsay this, ye ought to be tranquil, and to do nothing with precipitancy.
Acts Murdock 19:37  For ye have brought forward these men, when they have robbed no temples, and have not reviled our goddess.
Acts Murdock 19:38  But if Demetrius and the men of his trade have a controversy with any one, lo, there is a proconsul in the city, they are men of dexterity, let them approach and litigate with one another.
Acts Murdock 19:39  Or if you desire any other thing, it may be determined in the place assigned by law for an assembly.
Acts Murdock 19:40  Because too we are now in danger of being accused as seditious, since we cannot give a reason for the meeting of this day, because we have assembled needlessly, and been tumultuous without a cause. And having said these things, he dismissed the assembly.