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Chapter 21
Exod Rotherha 21:1  Now, these are the regulations which thou shalt put before them.
Exod Rotherha 21:2  When thou shalt acquire a servant who is a Hebrew, six years, shall he serve,—but in the seventh shall he go out freely—for nought.
Exod Rotherha 21:3  If, by himself, he came in, by himself, shall he go out,—if he was married, then shall his wife go out with him.
Exod Rotherha 21:4  If his lord gave him a wife, and she have borne him sons or daughters, the wife and her children shall be her lords, and, he shall go out by himself.
Exod Rotherha 21:5  But, if the servant shall plainly say, I love my lord, and my wife and my sons,—I will not go out free,
Exod Rotherha 21:6  then shall his lord bring him near unto God, and shall bring him near unto the door, or unto the door-post,—and his lord shall pierce his ear with an awl, so shall he serve him all his life.
Exod Rotherha 21:7  And when a man shall sell his daughter to be a handmaid, she shall not go out according to the out-going of the men-servants,
Exod Rotherha 21:8  If she is uncomely in the eyes of her lord, who hath not assigned her in marriage, then shall he suffer her to be redeemed: to a strange people, shall he not have power to sell her in that he hath dealt treacherously with her.
Exod Rotherha 21:9  And if, to his son, he assign her, according to the custom for daughters, shall he do for her.
Exod Rotherha 21:10  If he take to himself another, her food her clothing, and her marriage-right, shall he not withdraw.
Exod Rotherha 21:11  But if these three, he will not do for her, then shall she go out for nought, without silver.
Exod Rotherha 21:12  He that smiteth a man, so that he die, shall surely be put to death.
Exod Rotherha 21:13  But he who hath not lain in wait, but, God, hath occasioned him to come to his hand, then will I appoint for thee a place, whither he may flee.
Exod Rotherha 21:14  But, when a man shall act presumptuously against his neighbour to slay him with guile, from mine altar, shalt thou take him to die.
Exod Rotherha 21:15  And, he that smiteth his father or his mother, shall, surely be put to death.
Exod Rotherha 21:16  And, he that stealeth a man of the sons of Israel, and selleth him, or he be found in his hand, shall, surely be put to death.
Exod Rotherha 21:17  And he who revileth his father or his mother, shall, surely be put to death.
Exod Rotherha 21:18  And when men strive together, and one shall smite the other, with a stone or with his fist,—and he die not, but shall fall to his bed;—
Exod Rotherha 21:19  if he rise and shall walk abroad on his staff, then shall he that smote him be acquitted,—only, for his loss of time, he shall pay, and, shall surely heal, him.
Exod Rotherha 21:20  And when a man shall smite his servant or his handmaid with a rod, and he die under his hand, he shall, surely be avenged;
Exod Rotherha 21:21  nevertheless if, for a day or for two days, he continue, he shall not be avenged, for, his silver, he is.
Exod Rotherha 21:22  And when men strive together and push against a woman with child, and she miscarry, but there is no other mischief, he shall, surely be fined, according as the woman’s husband shall lay upon him, but he shall give it through judges.
Exod Rotherha 21:23  But, if mischief follow, then shalt thou give life for life;
Exod Rotherha 21:24  eye for eye, tooth for tooth,—hand for hand, foot for foot,
Exod Rotherha 21:25  brand for brand, wound for wound,—stripe for stripe.
Exod Rotherha 21:26  And, when a man smiteth the eye of his servant, or the eye of his handmaid, and destroyeth it, he shall send him forth, free, for his eye;
Exod Rotherha 21:27  or, if, the tooth of his servant or the tooth of his handmaid, he knock out, he shall send him forth, free, for his tooth.
Exod Rotherha 21:28  And when an ox goreth a man or a woman, and death ensueth, the ox shall, surely be stoned and his flesh shall not be eaten, and the owner of the ox, shall be quit.
Exod Rotherha 21:29  But, if, the ox, was wont to gore before that time and it hath been attested to his owner, and he hath not proceeded to put him under guard, and he causeth the death of man or woman, the ox, shall be stoned, and, his owner also, shall be put to death.
Exod Rotherha 21:30  If, a sin-covering, be laid on him, then shall he give a ransom for his life, according to whatsoever may be laid on him:
Exod Rotherha 21:31  if, a son, he gore or, a daughter, he gore, according to this regulation, shall it be done to him;
Exod Rotherha 21:32  if, a servant the ox gore, or a handmaid, thirty shekels of silver, shall he give to his lord, and, the ox, shall be stoned.
Exod Rotherha 21:33  And when a man openeth a pit, or when a man diggeth a pit, and doth not cover it,—and there falleth thereinto an ox or an ass,
Exod Rotherha 21:34  the owner of the pit, shall make it good, silver, shall he pay back to the owner thereof,—and the dead beast, shall be his.
Exod Rotherha 21:35  And when the ox of one man thrusteth the ox of his neighbour so that it dieth, then shall they sell the live ox and divide the silver thereof, and the dead ox also, shall they divide,
Exod Rotherha 21:36  Or if it was known that, an ox, was, wont to gore, before that time, and his owner proceeded not to put him under guard, he shall surely make good,—an ox for the ox, and, the dead one, shall be his.