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Chapter 18
I Ki ABP 18:1  And it came to pass after [2days 1many], and the word of the lord came to Elijah in [3year 1the 2third], saying, Go, and appear to Ahab! and I will put rain upon the face of the earth.
I Ki ABP 18:2  And Elijah went to appear to Ahab, and there was [2famine 1a strong] in Samaria.
I Ki ABP 18:3  And Ahab called Obadiah the manager. And Obadiah was fearing the lord exceedingly.
I Ki ABP 18:4  And it came to pass when Jezebel struck the prophets of the lord, that Obadiah took a hundred prophets, and he hid them by fifty in two caves, and nourished them with bread and water.
I Ki ABP 18:5  And Ahab said to Obadiah, Come, and we should go through in the land unto the springs of the waters, and unto all the rushing streams, if perchance we should find pasturage, and we should preserve the horses and mules, and [2shall not be destroyed 3from 4us 1cattle].
I Ki ABP 18:6  And they divided to themselves the way to go by it; Ahab went by [2way 1one], and Obadiah went by [2way 1another] alone.
I Ki ABP 18:7  And Obadiah was in the way alone, and behold, Elijah came to meet with him. And Obadiah hastened and fell upon his face, and he said, Are you he, O my master, Elijah?
I Ki ABP 18:8  And Elijah said to him, I am, Go, tell your master, Behold, Elijah!
I Ki ABP 18:9  And Obadiah said, How have I sinned that you appoint your servant into the hands of Ahab to kill me?
I Ki ABP 18:10  As [3lives 1the lord 2your God], is there a nation or kingdom of which [2did not 3send 1my master] to seek you? And if they said, He is not here; then he adjured the kingdom and its places, for he did not find you.
I Ki ABP 18:11  And now you say, Go announce to your master, Behold, Elijah!
I Ki ABP 18:12  And it will be if I should go forth from you, and a wind of the lord shall lift you into the land which I do not know, and I shall enter to report to Ahab, and he should not find you, then he will kill me. But your servant is fearing the lord from out of his youth.
I Ki ABP 18:13  Or was it not reported to you, O my master, what things I have done when Jezebel killed the prophets of the lord, that I took some of the prophets of the lord -- a hundred men, and I hid them in the caves by fifty, and I maintained them with bread loaves and water?
I Ki ABP 18:14  And now you say, Go, tell your master, Behold, Elijah! and he will kill me.
I Ki ABP 18:15  And Elijah said, As [4lives 1the lord 2of the 3forces], in which I stand before him, that today I will appear to him.
I Ki ABP 18:16  And Obadiah went to meet with Ahab, and he reported to him. And Ahab ran forth and went to meet with Elijah.
I Ki ABP 18:17  And it came to pass as Ahab saw Elijah, that Ahab said to Elijah, Are you he turning aside Israel?
I Ki ABP 18:18  And Elijah said, I do not turn aside Israel, but you, and the house of your father, in your leaving the lord your God, and to go after the Baalim.
I Ki ABP 18:19  And now, send and gather together to me all Israel at mount Carmel, and the prophets of Baal -- four hundred and fifty, and the prophets of the sacred groves -- four hundred, eating at the table of Jezebel!
I Ki ABP 18:20  And Ahab sent into all Israel, and he assembled all the prophets to mount Carmel.
I Ki ABP 18:21  And Elijah came near to all the people, and he said to them, For how long will you be lame upon both your hams? If the lord is God, go after him! But if Baal, go after him! And [3answered not 1the 2people] a word.
I Ki ABP 18:22  And Elijah said to the people, I am left [2a prophet 3of the lord 1alone], and the prophets of Baal are four hundred and fifty men.
I Ki ABP 18:23  Give then to us two oxen, and let them choose for themselves one, and let them dismember it, and place it upon the wood, and [3fire 1do not 2put] upon it! And I will do the same [2ox 1with the other], and [3fire 1in no way 2will I put] upon it.
I Ki ABP 18:24  And you yell out in the name of your gods, and I will call upon the name of the lord my God. And it will be the God who ever heeds by fire, this is God. And [4answered 1all 2the 3people] and said, [3is good 1The 2word] which you have spoken.
I Ki ABP 18:25  And Elijah said to the prophets of Baal, Choose for yourselves the [2ox 1one], and prepare it first! for you are many; and call in the name of your god, and [3fire 1do not 2put] upon it!
I Ki ABP 18:26  And they took the ox, and offered it, and they called in the name of Baal from morning until midday. And they said, Heed us, O Baal, heed us! And there was no sound, and there was no hearing a thing. And they ran upon the altar of which they made.
I Ki ABP 18:27  And it became midday, and [4sneered at 5them 1Elijah 2the 3Tishbite], and he said, Call with [2voice 1a great]! perhaps [3in 5meditation 4some 1he is 2himself], and at the same time perhaps [2executing business 1he is], or perhaps he sleeps and shall rise up.
I Ki ABP 18:28  And they called out with [2voice 1a great], and mutilated themselves according to their custom with knives and by spears, until [2poured out 1blood] of them.
I Ki ABP 18:29  And they prophesied until of which time it went into the midday. And it came to pass as the time of the midday to ascend for the sacrifice -- and there was no sound, and there was no hearing.
I Ki ABP 18:30  And Elijah said to the people, Come forward to me! And [4came forward 1all 2the 3people] to him. And he repaired the altar, the one having been razed.
I Ki ABP 18:31  And Elijah took twelve stones, according to the number of the tribes of Israel, as the lord spoke to him, saying, Israel will be your name.
I Ki ABP 18:32  And he built the stones in the name of the lord, and he repaired the altar of the lord, the one having been razed. And he made a sea, having the space to hold two measures of seed, round about the altar.
I Ki ABP 18:33  And he put the kindling upon the altar which he made. And he dismembered the whole burnt-offering, and he put it upon the kindling, and he piled upon the altar. And Elijah said, Bring to me four [2pitchers 1water], and pour upon the whole burnt-offering, and upon the kindling!
I Ki ABP 18:34  And he said, Repeat it a second time! And they repeated it a second time. And he said, Do it a third time! And they did it a third time.
I Ki ABP 18:35  And [3went 1the 2water] round about the altar, and the sea filled with water.
I Ki ABP 18:36  And as it was time of the offering the sacrifice, and [4came 1Elijah 2the 3prophet] and said, O lord God of Abraham, and Isaac, and Israel, today let it be known to all this people! that you are the lord God of Israel, and I am your servant, and through you I have done all these things.
I Ki ABP 18:37  Heed me, O lord, heed me! And let [2know 1this people] that you are the lord God! and you turned the heart of this people back.
I Ki ABP 18:38  And [2fell 1fire] from the lord from out of the heaven, and it devoured the whole burnt-offering, and the kindling, and the water in the sea, and the stones, and the dust was licked up by the fire.
I Ki ABP 18:39  And [4saw 1all 2the 3people], and fell upon their face. And they said, Truly, the lord is God. The lord, he is God.
I Ki ABP 18:40  And Elijah said to the people, Seize the prophets of Baal, let not one [3escape 1of 2them]! And they seized them. And [2led them down 1Elijah] unto the rushing stream Kishon, and slew them there.
I Ki ABP 18:41  And Elijah said to Ahab, Ascend, and eat, and drink! for it is the sound of the noise of the rain.
I Ki ABP 18:42  And Ahab ascended to eat and to drink. And Elijah ascended unto Carmel, and bowed upon the ground, and put his face between his knees.
I Ki ABP 18:43  And he said to his servant-lad, Ascend, and look the way of the sea! And [3ascended 4and 5looked 1the 2servant-lad]. And he said, There is nothing. And Elijah said, Return seven times!
I Ki ABP 18:44  And it came to pass in the seventh time, and behold, [2cloud 1a small] as the sole of a man's foot came with water from the sea. And he said, Ascend and say to Ahab! Team up your chariot, and go down, lest [3should overtake 4you 1the 2rain]!
I Ki ABP 18:45  And it happened from here and here, and the heaven darkened with clouds and wind, and there became [2rain 1a great]. And Ahab rode horseback, and went unto Jezreel.
I Ki ABP 18:46  And the hand of the lord came upon Elijah, and he fastened his loin, and he ran in front of Ahab unto Jezreel.