Chapter 22
Prov | Geneva15 | 22:1 | A good name is to be chosen aboue great riches, and louing fauour is aboue siluer and aboue golde. | |
Prov | Geneva15 | 22:3 | A prudent man seeth the plague, and hideth himselfe: but the foolish goe on still, and are punished. | |
Prov | Geneva15 | 22:5 | Thornes and snares are in the way of the frowarde: but he that regardeth his soule, will depart farre from them. | |
Prov | Geneva15 | 22:6 | Teache a childe in the trade of his way, and when he is olde, he shall not depart from it. | |
Prov | Geneva15 | 22:8 | He that soweth iniquitie, shall reape affliction, and the rodde of his anger shall faile. | |
Prov | Geneva15 | 22:9 | He that hath a good eye, he shalbe blessed: for he giueth of his bread vnto the poore. | |
Prov | Geneva15 | 22:10 | Cast out the scorner, and strife shall go out: so contention and reproche shall cease. | |
Prov | Geneva15 | 22:11 | Hee that loueth purenesse of heart for the grace of his lippes, the King shalbe his friend. | |
Prov | Geneva15 | 22:12 | The eyes of the Lord preserue knowledge: but hee ouerthroweth the wordes of the transgressour. | |
Prov | Geneva15 | 22:14 | The mouth of strage women is as a deepe pit: he with whom the Lord is angry, shall fall therein. | |
Prov | Geneva15 | 22:15 | Foolishnesse is bounde in the heart of a childe: but the rodde of correction shall driue it away from him. | |
Prov | Geneva15 | 22:16 | Hee that oppresseth the poore to increase him selfe, and giueth vnto the riche, shall surely come to pouertie. | |
Prov | Geneva15 | 22:17 | Incline thine eare, and heare the wordes of the wise, and apply thine heart vnto my knowledge. | |
Prov | Geneva15 | 22:18 | For it shalbe pleasant, if thou keepe them in thy bellie, and if they be directed together in thy lippes. | |
Prov | Geneva15 | 22:19 | That thy confidence may be in the Lord, I haue shewed thee this day: thou therefore take heede. | |
Prov | Geneva15 | 22:21 | That I might shewe thee the assurance of the wordes of trueth to answere the wordes of trueth to them that sende to thee? | |
Prov | Geneva15 | 22:22 | Robbe not the poore, because hee is poore, neither oppresse the afflicted in iudgement. | |
Prov | Geneva15 | 22:23 | For the Lord will defende their cause, and spoyle the soule of those that spoyle them. | |
Prov | Geneva15 | 22:26 | Be not thou of them that touch the hand, nor among them that are suretie for debts. | |
Prov | Geneva15 | 22:27 | If thou hast nothing to paye, why causest thou that he should take thy bed from vnder thee? | |