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Chapter 102
Psal OEB 102:1  Hear my prayer, O Lord; let my cry for help come to you.
Psal OEB 102:2  Hide not your face from me in the day of my distress. Incline your ear to me: when I call, answer me speedily.
Psal OEB 102:3  For my days pass away like smoke: my bones are burned through as with fire.
Psal OEB 102:4  My heart is scorched, withered like grass; I forget to eat my bread.
Psal OEB 102:5  By reason of my loud groaning, my flesh clings to my bones.
Psal OEB 102:6  Like a desert-owl of the wilderness, like an owl among ruins am I.
Psal OEB 102:7  I make my sleepless lament like a bird on the house-top alone.
Psal OEB 102:8  All the day wild foes revile me, using my name for a curse.
Psal OEB 102:9  For ashes have been my bread, and tears have been mixed with my cup.
Psal OEB 102:10  Because of your passionate anger, you did raise me, then hurl me to the ground.
Psal OEB 102:11  My days come to an end, shadows lengthen, I wither like grass.
Psal OEB 102:12  But you, O Lord, are enthroned forever, your fame endures to all generations.
Psal OEB 102:13  You will arise and have pity on Zion; it’s time to be gracious; her hour has come.
Psal OEB 102:14  For even her stones are dear to your servants, even the dust of her ruins they look on with love.
Psal OEB 102:15  Then the nations will revere the name of theLord and all the kings of the earth his glory,
Psal OEB 102:16  when the Lord shall have built up Zion, and revealed himself in his glory,
Psal OEB 102:17  in response to the prayer of the destitute, whose prayer he will not despise.
Psal OEB 102:18  Let this be recorded for ages to come, that the Lord may be praised by a people yet unborn.
Psal OEB 102:19  For he shall look down from his holy height, from the heavens the Lord will gaze on the earth,
Psal OEB 102:20  to hear the groans of the prisoner, to free those who are doomed to die;
Psal OEB 102:21  that people may recount the Lord’s fame in Zion, and the praise of him in Jerusalem,
Psal OEB 102:22  when the nations are gathered together, and the kingdoms, to worship the Lord.
Psal OEB 102:23  He has broken my strength on the way, he has shortened my days.
Psal OEB 102:24  I will say, “My God, take me not hence in the midst of my days. Your years endure age after age.
Psal OEB 102:25  Of old you have founded the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands.
Psal OEB 102:26  They shall perish; but you do stand. They shall all wax old like a garment, and change as a robe you will change them.
Psal OEB 102:28  The children of your servants abide, evermore shall their seed be before you.”