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Chapter 13
John Tyndale 13:1  Before the feast of ester whe Iesus knewe that his houre was come that he shuld departe out of this worlde vnto the father. When he loved his which were in the worlde vnto the ende he loved the.
John Tyndale 13:2  And when supper was ended after that the devyll had put in the hert of Iudas Iscariot Simos sonne to betraye him:
John Tyndale 13:3  Iesus knowinge that the father had geve all thinges into his hondes. And that he was come from God and went to God
John Tyndale 13:4  he rose from supper and layde a syde his vpper garmentes and toke a towell and gyrd him selfe.
John Tyndale 13:5  After that poured he water into a basyn and beganne to wash his disciples fete and to wype them with the towell wherwith he was gyrde.
John Tyndale 13:6  Then came he to Simon Peter. And Peter sayde to him: Lorde shalt thou wesshe my fete?
John Tyndale 13:7  Iesus answered and sayde vnto him: what I do thou wotest not now but thou shalt knowe herafter.
John Tyndale 13:8  Peter sayd vnto him: thou shalt not wesshe my fete whill ye worlde stondeth. Iesus answered him: yf I wasshe ye not thou shalt have no part with me.
John Tyndale 13:9  Simon Peter sayde vnto him: Lorde not my fete only: but also my handes and my heed.
John Tyndale 13:10  Iesus sayde to him: he that is wesshed nedeth not save to wesshe his fete and is clene every whit. And ye are clene: but not all.
John Tyndale 13:11  For he knewe his betrayer. Therfore sayde he: ye are not all clene.
John Tyndale 13:12  After he had wesshed their fete and receaved his clothes and was set doune agayne he sayde vnto them? wot ye what I have done to you?
John Tyndale 13:13  Ye call me master and Lorde and ye saye well for so am I.
John Tyndale 13:14  If I then youre Lorde and master have wesshed youre fete ye also ought to wesshe one anothers fete.
John Tyndale 13:15  For I have geven you an ensample that ye shuld do as I have done to you.
John Tyndale 13:16  Verely verely I saye vnto you the servaunt is not greater then his master nether the messenger greater then he that sent him.
John Tyndale 13:17  If ye vnderstonde these thinges happy are ye yf ye do them.
John Tyndale 13:18  I speake not of you all I knowe whom I have chosen. But that ye scripture be fulfilled: he that eateth breed wt me hath lyfte vp his hele agaynste me.
John Tyndale 13:19  Now tell I you before it come: that when it is come to passe ye might beleve that I am he.
John Tyndale 13:20  Verely verely I saye vnto you. He that receaveth who soever I sende receaveth me. And he that receaveth me receaveth him that sent me.
John Tyndale 13:21  When Iesus had thus sayd he was troubled in the sprete and testified sayinge: verely verely I saye vnto you that one of you shall betraye me.
John Tyndale 13:22  And then the disciples loked one on another doutinge of who he spake.
John Tyndale 13:23  Ther was one of his disciples which leaned on Iesus bosome whom Iesus loved.
John Tyndale 13:24  To him beckened Simo Peter that he shuld axe who it was of whom he spake.
John Tyndale 13:25  He then as he leaned on Iesus brest sayde vnto him: Lorde who ys it?
John Tyndale 13:26  Iesus answered he yt ys to whom I geve a soppe when I have dept it. And he wet a soppe and gave it to Iudas Iscarioth Simons sonne.
John Tyndale 13:27  And after the soppe Satan entred into him. Then sayd Iesus vnto him: that thou dost do quickly.
John Tyndale 13:28  That wist no ma at the table for what intent he spake vnto him.
John Tyndale 13:29  Some of the thought because Iudas had the bagge that Iesus had sayd vnto him bye those thinges that we have nede af agaynst ye feast: or that he shulde geve some thinge to the poore.
John Tyndale 13:30  Assone then as he had receaved the soppe he wet immediatly out. And it was night.
John Tyndale 13:31  Whe he was gone out Iesus sayde: now is the sonne of man glorified. And God is glorified by him.
John Tyndale 13:32  Yf God be glorified by him God shall also glorify him in him selfe: and shall strayght waye glorify him.
John Tyndale 13:33  Deare chyldren yet a lytell whyle am I with you. Ye shall seke me and as I sayde vnto the Iewes whither I goo thither can ye not come. Also to you saye I nowe.
John Tyndale 13:34  A newe commaundment geve I vnto you that ye love to gedder as I have loved you that even so ye love one another
John Tyndale 13:35  By this shall all me knowe yt ye are my disciples yf ye shall have love one to another.
John Tyndale 13:36  Simon Peter sayd vnto him: Lorde whither goest thou? Iesus answered him: whither I goo thou canst not folowe me now but thou shalt folowe me afterwardes.
John Tyndale 13:37  Peter sayd vnto him: Lorde why canot I folowe the now? I will geve my lyfe for thy sake?
John Tyndale 13:38  Iesus answered him: wilt thou geve thy lyfe for my sake? Verely verely I saye vnto the the cocke shall not crowe tyll thou have denyed me thryse.