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Chapter 101
Psal DRC 101:1  The prayer of the poor man, when he was anxious, and poured out his supplication before the Lord.
Psal DRC 101:2  Hear, O Lord, my prayer: and let my cry come to thee.
Psal DRC 101:3  Turn not away thy face from me: in the day when I am in trouble, incline thy ear to me. In what day soever I shall call upon thee, hear me speedily.
Psal DRC 101:4  For my days are vanished like smoke, and my bones are grown dry like fuel for the fire.
Psal DRC 101:5  I am smitten as grass, and my heart is withered: because I forgot to eat my bread.
Psal DRC 101:6  Through the voice of my groaning, my bone hath cleaved to my flesh.
Psal DRC 101:7  I am become like to a pelican of the wilderness: I am like a night raven in the house.
Psal DRC 101:8  I have watched, and am become as a sparrow all alone on the housetop.
Psal DRC 101:9  All the day long my enemies reproached me: and they that praised me did swear against me.
Psal DRC 101:10  For I did eat ashes like bread, and mingled my drink with weeping.
Psal DRC 101:11  Because of thy anger and indignation: for having lifted me up thou hast thrown me down.
Psal DRC 101:12  My days have declined like a shadow, and I am withered like grass.
Psal DRC 101:13  But thou, O Lord, endurest for ever: and thy memorial to all generations.
Psal DRC 101:14  Thou shalt arise and have mercy on Sion: for it is time to have mercy on it, for the time is come.
Psal DRC 101:15  For the stones thereof have pleased thy servants: and they shall have pity on the earth thereof.
Psal DRC 101:16  All the Gentiles shall fear thy name, O Lord, and all the kings of the earth thy glory.
Psal DRC 101:17  For the Lord hath built up Sion: and he shall be seen in his glory.
Psal DRC 101:18  He hath had regard to the prayer of the humble: and he hath not despised their petition.
Psal DRC 101:19  Let these things be written unto another generation: and the people that shall be created shall praise the Lord:
Psal DRC 101:20  Because he hath looked forth from his high sanctuary: from heaven the Lord hath looked upon the earth.
Psal DRC 101:21  That he might hear the groans of them that are in fetters: that he might release the children of the slain:
Psal DRC 101:22  That they may declare the name of the Lord in Sion: and his praise in Jerusalem;
Psal DRC 101:23  When the people assemble together, and kings, to serve the Lord.
Psal DRC 101:24  He answered him in the way of his strength: Declare unto me the fewness of my days.
Psal DRC 101:25  Call me not away in the midst of my days: thy years are unto generation and generation.
Psal DRC 101:26  In the beginning, O Lord, thou foundedst the earth: and the heavens are the works of thy hands.
Psal DRC 101:27  They shall perish but thou remainest: and all of them shall grow old like a garment: And as a vesture thou shalt change them, and they shall be changed.
Psal DRC 101:28  But thou art always the selfsame, and thy years shall not fail.
Psal DRC 101:29  The children of thy servants shall continue and their seed shall be directed for ever.