Chapter 28
Exod | ABP | 28:1 | And you lead forward to yourself both Aaron your brother, and his sons from out of the sons of Israel! to officiate as priest to me -- Aaron, and Nadab, and Abihu, and Eleazar, and Ithamar -- sons of Aaron. | |
Exod | ABP | 28:3 | And you speak to all the wise in thought! whom I filled a spirit of wisdom and perception. And they shall make the [2apparel 1holy] for Aaron, for the holy place, in which he shall officiate as priest to me. | |
Exod | ABP | 28:4 | And these are the apparels which they shall make; the breast-plate, and the shoulder-piece, and the foot length robe, and [2inner garment 1a fringed], and turban, and belt. And they shall make [2apparels 1holy] for Aaron and to his sons for officiating as priest to me. | |
Exod | ABP | 28:5 | And they shall take the gold, and the blue, and the purple, and the scarlet, and the linen. | |
Exod | ABP | 28:6 | And they shall make the shoulder-piece from out of linen being twined, [2work 1a woven] of an embroiderer. | |
Exod | ABP | 28:7 | Two shoulder-pieces will be for him, being held together the other to the other, [2upon 3the 4two 5parts 1attached]. | |
Exod | ABP | 28:8 | And the woven work of the shoulder-pieces which is upon him, concerning the making of it, shall be from [2gold 1pure], and blue, and purple, and scarlet being spun, and linen being twined. | |
Exod | ABP | 28:9 | And you shall take the two stones -- stones of emerald; and you shall carve on them the names of the sons of Israel. | |
Exod | ABP | 28:10 | Six names upon the [2stone 1one], and the six names remaining upon the [2stone 1second], according to their births. | |
Exod | ABP | 28:11 | A work of a stonecutter's craft, as a carving of a seal you shall carve the two stones with the names of the sons of Israel. | |
Exod | ABP | 28:12 | And you shall put the two stones upon the shoulders of the shoulder-piece. [2stones 3of memorial 1They are] to the sons of Israel. And Aaron shall lift up the names of the sons of Israel before the lord upon [2two 3shoulders 1his], as a memorial for them. | |
Exod | ABP | 28:14 | And you shall make two bordered fringes from out of [2gold 1pure], being mixed with [3flowers 1a work 2of wreathen]. And you shall place the bordered fringes being plaited upon the bezels, on their shoulder straps from the front. | |
Exod | ABP | 28:15 | And you shall make an oracle of the judgments; a work of an embroiderer, according to the proportion of the shoulder-piece; you shall make it from gold, and blue, and purple, and scarlet being twined, and linen being twined -- you shall make it. | |
Exod | ABP | 28:17 | And you shall interweave in it a woven work inlaid with precious stones, arranged in four rows. A row of stones will be sardius, topaz, and emerald -- for the [2row 1one]. | |
Exod | ABP | 28:20 | And the [2row 1fourth], chrysolite, and beryl, and onyx, being covered all around in gold and being tied together by gold; let them be according to their row! | |
Exod | ABP | 28:21 | And [2the 3stones 1let] be of the names of the sons of Israel, twelve, according to their names! Carvings as seals each; [2according to 3the 4names 1let them be] for the twelve tribes! | |
Exod | ABP | 28:22 | And you shall make upon the oracle a border, being a closely joined, [2work 1a chain] of [2gold 1pure]. | |
Exod | ABP | 28:23 | And you shall make upon the oracle two [2rings 1golden]. And you shall place the two [2rings 1golden] upon both the corners of the oracle. | |
Exod | ABP | 28:24 | And you shall put upon the borders even the chain-works of gold upon the two rings upon both of the sides of the oracle. | |
Exod | ABP | 28:25 | And two sides of the two borders you shall place upon the two wreaths. And you shall place them upon the shoulders of the shoulder-piece right opposite in front. | |
Exod | ABP | 28:26 | And you shall make two rings of gold. And you shall place them upon the borders of the oracle, upon the tip from tip of the posterior of the shoulder-piece within. | |
Exod | ABP | 28:27 | And you shall make two rings of gold, and you shall place them upon both of the shoulders of the shoulder-piece from below it, according to the front, according to the coupling from above of the woven part of the shoulder-piece. | |
Exod | ABP | 28:28 | And you shall clasp the oracle from the rings of the ones upon it, to the rings of the shoulder-piece banded together of the blue work, closely joined to the woven work of the shoulder-piece, that [3should not slacken 1the 2oracle] from the shoulder-piece. | |
Exod | ABP | 28:29 | And Aaron shall receive the names of the sons of Israel upon the oracle of the judgment, upon the breast, entering into the holy place, as a memorial before God. | |
Exod | ABP | 28:30 | And you shall place upon the oracle of the judgment, the Manifestation and the Truth; and they shall be upon the breast of Aaron, whenever he should enter into the holy place before the lord. And Aaron shall bring the judgments of the sons of Israel upon the breast, before the lord always. | |
Exod | ABP | 28:32 | And [5will be 1the 2cleft 3of 4it] in the middle, [2an edge 1having] round about the cleft -- a work of a weaver; [2in the 3coupling 1being woven together] of it that it should not be torn. | |
Exod | ABP | 28:33 | And you shall make upon the hem of the undergarment below, as it were of a blossoming pomegranate -- figures of pomegranates from out of blue, and purple, and scarlet being spun, and linen being twined upon the hem of the undergarment round about. And the form of it as the figures of pomegranates of gold, and bells in between these that are surrounding. | |
Exod | ABP | 28:34 | By the figure of a pomegranate of gold, a bell, and flowered work upon the hem of the undergarment round about. | |
Exod | ABP | 28:35 | And it shall be [4of Aaron 1in 2the 3officiating] [2will be audible 1his sound] entering into the holy place before the lord, and his exiting, that he might not die. | |
Exod | ABP | 28:36 | And you shall make a panel [2gold 1of pure]. And you shall shape on it an impression seal -- Sanctified of the lord. | |
Exod | ABP | 28:37 | And you shall place it upon blue being twined; and it will be upon the mitre -- in front of the mitre it shall be. | |
Exod | ABP | 28:38 | And it shall be upon the forehead of Aaron; and Aaron shall lift away the sins of the holy things whatever as much as [4should sanctify 1the 2sons 3of Israel] -- every gift of their holy things; and it will be upon the forehead of Aaron always -- accepted for them before the lord. | |
Exod | ABP | 28:39 | And the fringes of the inner garments shall be of linen; and you shall make a [2turban 1fine linen]; and [2a belt 1you shall make], the work of an embroiderer. | |
Exod | ABP | 28:40 | And for the sons of Aaron you shall make inner garments, and belts; and [2turbans 1you shall make] for them for honor and glory. | |
Exod | ABP | 28:41 | And you shall put them on Aaron your brother, and his sons with him. And you shall anoint them, and you shall fill their hands. And you shall sanctify them that they should officiate as priests to me. | |
Exod | ABP | 28:42 | And you shall make for them [2pants 1flaxen linen] to cover the indecency of their flesh -- from the loin unto the thighs they shall be. | |
Exod | ABP | 28:43 | And Aaron shall have them and his sons, whenever they should enter into the tent of the testimony, or whenever they should go to officiate to the altar of the holy place; and thus they shall not bring upon themselves sin that they should not die -- [2law 1for an eternal] for him, and his seed after him. | |