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Chapter 39
Job LEB 39:1  “Do you know the time when the goats of the rocks give birth? Do you observe the doe deer’s giving birth?
Job LEB 39:2  Can you number the months they fulfill, and do you know the time of its giving birth?
Job LEB 39:3  When they crouch, they bring forth their young ones; they get rid of their labor pains.
Job LEB 39:4  Their young ones grow strong; they grow up in the open; they go forth and do not return to them.
Job LEB 39:5  “Who has sent forth the wild ass free? And who has released the wild donkey’s bonds,
Job LEB 39:6  to which I have given the wilderness as its house and the salt flat as its dwelling place?
Job LEB 39:7  It scorns the city’s turmoil; it does not hear the driver’s shouts.
Job LEB 39:8  It explores the mountains as its pasture and searches after every kind of green plant.
Job LEB 39:9  “Is the wild ox willing to serve you, or will he spend the night at your feeding trough?
Job LEB 39:10  Can you tie the wild ox with its rope to a furrow, or will it harrow the valleys after you?
Job LEB 39:11  Can you trust it because its strength is great, or will you hand your labor over to it?
Job LEB 39:12  Can you rely on it that it will return your grain and that it will gather it to your threshing floor?
Job LEB 39:13  “The wings of the female ostrich flap— are they the pinions of the stork or the falcon?
Job LEB 39:14  Indeed, it leaves its eggs to the earth, and it lets them be warmed on the ground,
Job LEB 39:15  and it forgets that a foot might crush an egg, and ⌞a wild animal⌟ might trample it.
Job LEB 39:16  It deals cruelly with its young ones, as if they were not its own, as if without fear that its labor were in vain,
Job LEB 39:17  because God made it forget wisdom, and he did not give it a share in understanding.
Job LEB 39:18  When it spreads its wings ⌞aloft⌟, it laughs at the horse and its rider.
Job LEB 39:19  “Do you give power to the horse? Do you clothe its neck with a mane?
Job LEB 39:20  Do you make it leap like the locust? The majesty of its snorting is terrifying.
Job LEB 39:21  They paw in the valley, and it exults with strength; it goes out to meet the battle.
Job LEB 39:22  It laughs at danger and is not dismayed, and it does not turn back from ⌞before⌟ the sword.
Job LEB 39:23  Upon it the quiver rattles along with the flash of the spear and the short sword.
Job LEB 39:24  With roar and rage ⌞it races over the ground⌟, and it cannot stand still at the sound of the horn.
Job LEB 39:25  ⌞Whenever⌟ a horn sounds, it says, ‘Aha!’ And it smells the battle from a distance— the thunder of the commanders and the war cry.
Job LEB 39:26  “Does the hawk soar by your wisdom? Does it spread its wings to the south?
Job LEB 39:27  Or does the eagle fly high at your command and construct its nest high?
Job LEB 39:28  It lives on the rock and spends the night ⌞on the rock point and the mountain stronghold⌟.
Job LEB 39:29  From there it spies out the prey; its eyes look from far away.
Job LEB 39:30  And its young ones lick blood greedily, and where the dead carcasses are, there they are.”