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Chapter 27
Levi LEB 27:2  “Speak to the ⌞Israelites⌟, and say to them, ‘When a man makes a vow according to your proper value of persons to Yahweh,
Levi LEB 27:3  if your proper value is for a male from ⌞twenty years of age⌟ up to ⌞sixty years of age⌟, then your proper value shall be fifty shekels of money according to the sanctuary’s shekel.
Levi LEB 27:4  But if it is for a female, then your proper value shall be thirty shekels.
Levi LEB 27:5  And if from ⌞five years of age⌟ up to ⌞twenty years of age⌟, then your proper value shall be twenty shekels for the male and ten shekels for the female.
Levi LEB 27:6  And if from ⌞a month of age⌟ up to ⌞five years of age⌟, then your proper value shall be five shekels of money for the male, and your proper value for the female shall be three shekels of money.
Levi LEB 27:7  And if from ⌞sixty years of age⌟ and above: if a male, then your proper value shall be fifteen shekels; and for the female, ten shekels.
Levi LEB 27:8  But if he is poorer than your proper value, then he shall present himself ⌞before⌟ the priest, and the priest shall set a value on him; the priest shall value him ⌞according to⌟ what the person who made a vow ⌞can afford⌟.
Levi LEB 27:9  “ ‘And if it is a domestic animal from which they present an offering for Yahweh, all that he gives from it for Yahweh shall be a holy object.
Levi LEB 27:10  He shall not replace it, nor shall he exchange it, either good with bad or bad with good; and if he indeed exchanges a domestic animal with a domestic animal, then ⌞it and its substitution shall be a holy object⌟.
Levi LEB 27:11  But if it is any unclean animal from which they may not present an offering for Yahweh, then he shall present the animal ⌞before⌟ the priest.
Levi LEB 27:12  And the priest shall set a value on it, ⌞either good or bad⌟; as the priest sets your proper value, so it shall be.
Levi LEB 27:13  And if he indeed wants to redeem it, then he shall add a fifth of it onto your proper value.
Levi LEB 27:14  “ ‘And if a man consecrates his house as a holy object for Yahweh, then the priest shall set a value on it, ⌞either good or bad⌟; just as the priest sets a value on it, so it shall remain.
Levi LEB 27:15  But if the one who consecrates it wants to redeem his house, then he shall add a fifth of your proper value’s money onto it, and it shall be his.
Levi LEB 27:16  “ ‘And if a man consecrates ⌞some of⌟ his property’s fields for Yahweh, then your proper value shall be ⌞in accordance with its seed requirements⌟: a homer of barley seed for fifty shekels of money.
Levi LEB 27:17  If he consecrates his field from the Year of Jubilee, it shall stand as your proper value.
Levi LEB 27:18  But if he consecrates his field after the Jubilee, then the priest shall calculate the money for him ⌞according to the number of years⌟ that are left over until the Year of Jubilee; and it shall be deducted from your proper value.
Levi LEB 27:19  And if he indeed redeems the field that is consecrated, then he shall add a fifth of your proper value’s money onto it, and it shall stand for him.
Levi LEB 27:20  And if he does not redeem the field and if he sells the field to another man, it may not be redeemed again,
Levi LEB 27:21  and the field shall be a holy object for Yahweh when it goes out in the Jubilee, like a devoted field; ⌞it shall be the priest’s property⌟.
Levi LEB 27:22  “ ‘And if he consecrates for Yahweh his acquired field that is not the field of his inherited possession,
Levi LEB 27:23  then the priest shall calculate for him the ⌞amount⌟ of your proper value until the year of the Jubilee, and he shall give your proper value on that day as a holy object for Yahweh.
Levi LEB 27:24  In the Year of the Jubilee the field shall return to the one who bought it from him, to the one whose property the land is.
Levi LEB 27:25  And every proper value of yours shall be in the sanctuary’s shekel—the shekel shall be twenty gerahs.
Levi LEB 27:26  “ ‘However, a man shall not consecrate a firstborn among livestock, which belongs as firstborn to Yahweh; whether an ox ⌞or⌟ small livestock, it is for Yahweh.
Levi LEB 27:27  And if it is among the unclean animals, then he shall ransom it according to your proper value, and he shall add a fifth of its value onto it; and if it is not redeemed, then it shall be sold according to your proper value.
Levi LEB 27:28  However, anything devoted that a man has devoted to Yahweh ⌞from all that he has⌟, from human or animal, or from the field of his property, may not be sold, and it may not be redeemed; anything devoted is ⌞a most holy thing⌟ for Yahweh.
Levi LEB 27:29  Anyone devoted who is devoted from ⌞human beings⌟ cannot be ransomed—he shall surely be put to death.
Levi LEB 27:30  “ ‘And any tithe of the land from the land’s seed or from the fruit of the trees is for Yahweh; it is a holy object for Yahweh.
Levi LEB 27:31  And if a man indeed redeems from his tithe, he shall add a fifth of its value onto it.
Levi LEB 27:32  As for every tithe of cattle or of the flock, all which crosses under the rod, the tenth shall be a holy object for Yahweh.
Levi LEB 27:33  He shall not inspect between the good and the bad, and he shall not exchange it; but if he indeed exchanges it, then ⌞it and its substitution shall be⌟ a holy object—it shall not be redeemed.’ ”
Levi LEB 27:34  These are the commands that Yahweh commanded Moses for the ⌞Israelites⌟ on ⌞Mount Sinai⌟.