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Chapter 11
Prov LEB 11:1  Balances of deceit are an abomination of Yahweh, but ⌞an accurate weight⌟ delights him.
Prov LEB 11:2  Pride comes, then disgrace comes, but wisdom is with the humble.
Prov LEB 11:3  The integrity of the upright guides them, but the crookedness of the treacherous destroys them.
Prov LEB 11:4  Wealth does not profit on the day of wrath, but righteousness will deliver from death.
Prov LEB 11:5  The righteousness of the blameless will keep his ways straight, but the wicked will fall by his wickedness.
Prov LEB 11:6  The righteousness of the upright will save them, but by a scheme the treacherous will be taken captive.
Prov LEB 11:7  With the death of a wicked person, hope will die, and the expectation of the godless perishes.
Prov LEB 11:8  The righteous is delivered from trouble, but the wicked enters into it.
Prov LEB 11:9  With a mouth, the godless shall destroy his neighbor, but by knowledge the righteous are delivered.
Prov LEB 11:10  When good is with the righteous, the city rejoices, and with the perishing of the wicked, jubilation.
Prov LEB 11:11  By the blessing of the upright, a city will be exalted, but by the mouth of the wicked, it will be overthrown.
Prov LEB 11:12  He who lacks ⌞sense⌟ belittles his neighbor, but a person of intelligence will remain silent.
Prov LEB 11:13  A gossip walks about telling a secret, but the trustworthy in spirit keeps the matter.
Prov LEB 11:14  Where there is no guidance, a nation shall fall, but there is safety in an abundance of counsel.
Prov LEB 11:15  He will suffer trouble when he loans to a stranger, but he who refuses a pledge is safe.
Prov LEB 11:16  A woman of grace receives honor, but the ruthless gets wealth.
Prov LEB 11:17  A person of kindness rewards himself, but a cruel person harms his own flesh.
Prov LEB 11:18  The wicked earns ⌞deceptive gain⌟, but he who sows righteousness, a ⌞true reward⌟.
Prov LEB 11:19  He who is steadfast in righteousness is to life as he who pursues evil is to death.
Prov LEB 11:20  An abomination of Yahweh are the ⌞crooked of heart⌟, but his delight are ⌞those with blameless ways⌟.
Prov LEB 11:21  ⌞Rest assured⌟, the wicked will not go unpunished, but the offspring of the righteous will escape.
Prov LEB 11:22  A ring of gold in the snout of a pig is a woman who is beautiful but without discretion.
Prov LEB 11:23  The desire of the righteous is only good, but the expectation of the wicked, wrath.
Prov LEB 11:24  There is one who gives yet ⌞grows richer⌟, but he who withholds ⌞what is right⌟ only finds need.
Prov LEB 11:25  A person of blessing will be enriched, and he who gives water also will be refreshed.
Prov LEB 11:26  He who withholds grain, the people curse him, but a blessing is for the head of him who sells.
Prov LEB 11:27  He who diligently seeks good seeks favor, but he who inquires of evil, it will come to him.
Prov LEB 11:28  He who trusts in his wealth is he who will fall, but like a green leaf the righteous will flourish.
Prov LEB 11:29  He who brings trouble to his household, he will inherit wind, and a fool will serve the wise of heart.
Prov LEB 11:30  The fruit of righteousness is a tree of life, and he who captures souls is wise.
Prov LEB 11:31  If the righteous on earth will be repaid, ⌞how much more⌟ the wicked and sinner.