Chapter 11
Prov | YLT | 11:1 |
Balances of deceit | |
Prov | YLT | 11:3 | The integrity of the upright leadeth them, And the perverseness of the treacherous destroyeth them. | |
Prov | YLT | 11:5 | The righteousness of the perfect maketh right his way, And by his wickedness doth the wicked fall. | |
Prov | YLT | 11:6 | The righteousness of the upright delivereth them, And in mischief the treacherous are captured. | |
Prov | YLT | 11:7 | In the death of a wicked man, hope perisheth, And the expectation of the iniquitous hath been lost. | |
Prov | YLT | 11:9 | With the mouth a hypocrite corrupteth his friend, And by knowledge the righteous are drawn out. | |
Prov | YLT | 11:10 |
In the good of the righteous a city exulteth, And in the destruction of the wicked | |
Prov | YLT | 11:11 | By the blessing of the upright is a city exalted, And by the mouth of the wicked thrown down. | |
Prov | YLT | 11:12 | Whoso is despising his neighbour lacketh heart, And a man of understanding keepeth silence. | |
Prov | YLT | 11:13 | A busybody is revealing secret counsel, And the faithful of spirit is covering the matter. | |
Prov | YLT | 11:15 |
Evil | |
Prov | YLT | 11:18 | The wicked is getting a lying wage, And whoso is sowing righteousness--a true reward. | |
Prov | YLT | 11:20 |
An abomination to Jehovah | |
Prov | YLT | 11:21 | Hand to hand, the wicked is not acquitted, And the seed of the righteous hath escaped. | |
Prov | YLT | 11:24 | There is who is scattering, and yet is increased, And who is keeping back from uprightness, only to want. | |
Prov | YLT | 11:26 |
Whoso is withholding corn, the people execrate him, And a blessing | |
Prov | YLT | 11:27 | Whoso is earnestly seeking good Seeketh a pleasing thing, And whoso is seeking evil--it meeteth him. | |
Prov | YLT | 11:29 |
Whoso is troubling his own house inheriteth wind, And a servant | |