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Chapter 4
Ephe ABP 4:1  I appeal then to you, I the prisoner in the Lord, [2worthily 1to walk] of the calling of which you were called,
Ephe ABP 4:2  with all humility and gentleness, with leniency, enduring one another in love;
Ephe ABP 4:3  hurrying to keep the unity of the spirit in the bonding together of peace.
Ephe ABP 4:4  One body, and one spirit, as also you were called in one hope of your calling.
Ephe ABP 4:6  one God and father of all, the one over all, and through all, and in you all.
Ephe ABP 4:7  [3one 1And 2in each] of us was given the favor according to the measure of the gift of the Christ.
Ephe ABP 4:8  Therefore he says, Having ascended into the height he captured the captivity, and he gave gifts to men.
Ephe ABP 4:9  And the one that ascended, what is it unless that also he came down first unto the lower parts of the earth?
Ephe ABP 4:10  The one having come down, he is also the one having ascended up above all the heavens, that he should fulfill all things.
Ephe ABP 4:11  And he gave some indeed for apostles, and some prophets, and some evangelists; but some shepherds and teachers,
Ephe ABP 4:12  for the readying of the holy ones for a work of service, for edification of the body of the Christ;
Ephe ABP 4:13  until we should [2arrive 1all] in the unity of the belief, and of the full knowledge of the son of God, in [2man 1a perfect], in the measure of the stature of the fullness of the Christ;
Ephe ABP 4:14  that no longer should we be infants, being swelled and carried round about by every wind of the instruction, in the cunning of men, in cleverness to the craft of the delusion.
Ephe ABP 4:15  But being truthful in love, we should grow in him in all things, which is the head -- the Christ;
Ephe ABP 4:16  from whom all the body being fitted together, and being instructed by every ligament of supply, according to energy in measure [2one 1of each] part, the growth of the body to produce for itself to the construction of itself in love.
Ephe ABP 4:17  This then I say and testify in the Lord, for you to no longer walk as also the rest of the nations walk, in the folly of their mind,
Ephe ABP 4:18  being darkened in the mind, being separated from the life of God, through the ignorance being in them, through the callousness of their heart;
Ephe ABP 4:19  ones who being numbed, delivered themselves up to lewdness, for a work of all uncleanness in a desire for wealth.
Ephe ABP 4:21  if indeed you heard him, and [2in 3him 1were taught], as truth is in Jesus;
Ephe ABP 4:22  for you to put aside according to the former behavior, the old man, the one being corrupt according to the desires of the deception;
Ephe ABP 4:23  and to be renewed in the spirit of your mind;
Ephe ABP 4:24  and to put on the new man, the one according to God being created in righteousness and sacredness of the truth.
Ephe ABP 4:25  Therefore having put aside the lie, let [2speak 3truth 1each] with his neighbor! for we are [2of one another 1members].
Ephe ABP 4:26  Be angry and do not sin! [3the 4sun 1Do not 2let] set upon the provocation to your anger!
Ephe ABP 4:28  The one stealing no longer let him steal! but rather let him tire working what is good with the hands! that he should have something to share with the one [2need 1having].
Ephe ABP 4:29  Every [2word 1rotten] from out of your mouth, let it not go forth! but if any good word for edification for the need, let it go forth so that it should give favor to the ones hearing.
Ephe ABP 4:30  And do not fret the [2spirit 1holy] of God, in which you were sealed for the day of release by ransom!
Ephe ABP 4:31  All bitterness, and rage, and anger, and roaring, and blasphemy take away from you with all evil!
Ephe ABP 4:32  And be to one another gracious, compassionate, granting to each other, as also God granted to us in Christ!