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Chapter 11
Prov Geneva15 11:1  False balances are an abomination vnto the Lord: but a perfite weight pleaseth him.
Prov Geneva15 11:2  When pride commeth, then commeth shame: but with the lowly is wisdome.
Prov Geneva15 11:3  The vprightnes of the iust shall guide them: but the frowardnes of the transgressers shall destroy them.
Prov Geneva15 11:4  Riches auaile not in the day of wrath: but righteousnes deliuereth from death.
Prov Geneva15 11:5  The righteousnes of the vpright shall direct his way: but the wicked shall fall in his owne wickednes.
Prov Geneva15 11:6  The righteousnesse of the iust shall deliuer them: but the transgressers shall be taken in their owne wickednes.
Prov Geneva15 11:7  When a wicked man dieth, his hope perisheth, and the hope of the vniust shall perish.
Prov Geneva15 11:8  The righteous escapeth out of trouble, and the wicked shall come in his steade.
Prov Geneva15 11:9  An hypocrite with his mouth hurteth his neighbour: but the righteous shall be deliuered by knowledge.
Prov Geneva15 11:10  In the prosperitie of the righteous the citie reioyceth, and when the wicked perish, there is ioye.
Prov Geneva15 11:11  By the blessing of the righteous, the citie is exalted: but it is subuerted by the mouth of the wicked.
Prov Geneva15 11:12  He that despiseth his neighbour, is destitute of wisedome: but a man of vnderstanding will keepe silence.
Prov Geneva15 11:13  Hee that goeth about as a slanderer, discouereth a secret: but hee that is of a faithfull heart concealeth a matter.
Prov Geneva15 11:14  Where no counsell is, the people fall: but where many counsellers are, there is health.
Prov Geneva15 11:15  Hee shall be sore vexed, that is suretie for a stranger, and he that hateth suretiship, is sure.
Prov Geneva15 11:16  A gracious woman atteineth honour, and the strong men atteine riches.
Prov Geneva15 11:17  Hee that is mercifull, rewardeth his owne soule: but he that troubleth his own flesh, is cruel.
Prov Geneva15 11:18  The wicked worketh a deceitful worke: but hee that soweth righteousnes, shall receiue a sure rewarde.
Prov Geneva15 11:19  As righteousnes leadeth to life: so hee that followeth euill, seeketh his owne death.
Prov Geneva15 11:20  They that are of a froward heart, are abomination to the Lord: but they that are vpright in their way, are his delite.
Prov Geneva15 11:21  Though hande ioyne in hande, the wicked shall not be vnpunished: but the seede of the righteous shall escape.
Prov Geneva15 11:22  As a iewell of golde in a swines snoute: so is a faire woman, which lacketh discretion.
Prov Geneva15 11:23  The desire of the righteous is onely good: but the hope of the wicked is indignation.
Prov Geneva15 11:24  There is that scattereth, and is more increased: but hee that spareth more then is right, surely commeth to pouertie.
Prov Geneva15 11:25  The liberall person shall haue plentie: and he that watereth, shall also haue raine.
Prov Geneva15 11:26  He that withdraweth the corne, the people will curse him: but blessing shalbe vpon the head of him that selleth corne.
Prov Geneva15 11:27  He that seeketh good things, getteth fauour: but he that seeketh euill, it shall come to him.
Prov Geneva15 11:28  He that trusteth in his riches, shall fall: but the righteous shall florish as a leafe.
Prov Geneva15 11:29  He that troubleth his owne house, shall inherite the winde, and the foole shalbe seruant to the wise in heart.
Prov Geneva15 11:30  The fruite of the righteous is as a tree of life, and he that winneth soules, is wise.
Prov Geneva15 11:31  Beholde, the righteous shalbe recompensed in the earth: howe much more the wicked and the sinner?