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Chapter 22
Psal KLV 22:1  wIj joH'a', wIj joH'a', qatlh ghaj SoH lonta' jIH? qatlh 'oH SoH vaj Hop vo' helping jIH, je vo' the mu'mey vo' wIj groaning?
Psal KLV 22:2  wIj joH'a', jIH SaQ Daq the pem, 'ach SoH yImev jang; Daq the ram season, je 'oH ghobe' tam.
Psal KLV 22:3  'ach SoH 'oH le', SoH 'Iv inhabit the praises vo' Israel.
Psal KLV 22:4  maj vavpu' trusted Daq SoH. chaH trusted, je SoH toDta' chaH.
Psal KLV 22:5  chaH SaQta' Daq SoH, je were toDta'. chaH trusted Daq SoH, je were ghobe' disappointed.
Psal KLV 22:6  'ach jIH 'oH a worm, je ghobe' loD; a reproach vo' loDpu', je muSqu' Sum the ghotpu.
Psal KLV 22:7  Hoch chaH 'Iv legh jIH mock jIH. chaH insult jIH tlhej chaj wuSDu'. chaH shake chaj nachDu', ja'ta',
Psal KLV 22:8  “ ghaH trusts Daq joH'a'; chaw' ghaH toD ghaH. chaw' ghaH rescue ghaH, since ghaH delights Daq ghaH.”
Psal KLV 22:9  'ach SoH qempu' jIH pa' vo' the womb. SoH chenmoHta' jIH voq Daq wIj mother's breasts.
Psal KLV 22:10  jIH ghaHta' thrown Daq SoH vo' wIj mother's womb. SoH 'oH wIj joH'a' since wIj SoS boghmoH jIH.
Psal KLV 22:11  yImev taH Hop vo' jIH, vaD Seng ghaH Sum. vaD pa' ghaH pagh Daq QaH.
Psal KLV 22:12  law' Qa'mey ghaj surrounded jIH. HoS Qa'mey vo' Bashan ghaj encircled jIH.
Psal KLV 22:13  chaH poSmoH chaj mouths wide Daq jIH, lions tearing prey je roaring.
Psal KLV 22:14  jIH 'oH poured pa' rur bIQ. Hoch wIj HomDu' 'oH pa' vo' joint. wIj tIq ghaH rur wax; 'oH ghaH melted within jIH.
Psal KLV 22:15  wIj HoS ghaH dried Dung rur a potsherd. wIj jat sticks Daq the roof vo' wIj nujDu'. SoH ghaj qempu' jIH Daq the dust vo' Hegh.
Psal KLV 22:16  vaD dogs ghaj surrounded jIH. A company vo' evildoers ghaj enclosed jIH. chaH ghaj pierced wIj ghopmey je qamDu'. { Note: vaj Heghpu' biQ'a' Scrolls. Masoretic Text reads, “ rur a HaDI'baH, chaH pin wIj ghopmey je qamDu'.” }
Psal KLV 22:17  jIH laH count Hoch vo' wIj HomDu'. chaH legh je stare Daq jIH.
Psal KLV 22:18  chaH divide wIj garments among chaH. chaH chuH lots vaD wIj Sut.
Psal KLV 22:19  'ach yImev taH Hop litHa', joH'a'. SoH 'oH wIj QaH: hurry Daq QaH jIH.
Psal KLV 22:20  toD wIj qa' vo' the 'etlh, wIj precious yIn vo' the HoS vo' the dog.
Psal KLV 22:21  toD jIH vo' the lion's nujDu'! HIja', vo' the horns vo' the wild chemvaH, SoH ghaj jangta' jIH.
Psal KLV 22:22  jIH DichDaq declare lIj pong Daq wIj loDnI'pu'. Daq the midst vo' the yej, jIH DichDaq naD SoH.
Psal KLV 22:23  SoH 'Iv taHvIp joH'a', naD ghaH! Hoch SoH descendants vo' Jacob, glorify ghaH! Qam Daq awe vo' ghaH, Hoch SoH descendants vo' Israel!
Psal KLV 22:24  vaD ghaH ghajtaH ghobe' muSqu' ghobe' abhorred the affliction vo' the afflicted, ghobe' ghajtaH ghaH hidden Daj qab vo' ghaH; 'ach ghorgh ghaH SaQta' Daq ghaH, ghaH Qoyta'.
Psal KLV 22:25  vo' SoH choltaH wIj naD Daq the Dun yej. jIH DichDaq pay wIj vows qaSpa' chaH 'Iv taHvIp ghaH.
Psal KLV 22:26  The humble DIchDaq Sop je taH satisfied. chaH DIchDaq naD joH'a' 'Iv nej after ghaH. chaw' lIj tIQDu' yIn reH.
Psal KLV 22:27  Hoch the ends vo' the tera' DIchDaq qaw je tlhe' Daq joH'a'. Hoch the relatives vo' the tuqpu' DIchDaq lalDan toy' qaSpa' SoH.
Psal KLV 22:28  vaD the kingdom ghaH joH'a'. ghaH ghaH the ruler Dung the tuqpu'.
Psal KLV 22:29  Hoch the rich ones vo' the tera' DIchDaq Sop je lalDan toy'. Hoch chaH 'Iv jaH bIng Daq the dust DIchDaq bow qaSpa' ghaH, 'ach ghaH 'Iv ta'laHbe' pol Daj qa' yIn.
Psal KLV 22:30  Posterity DIchDaq toy' ghaH. Future DISmey DIchDaq taH ja'ta' about the joH.
Psal KLV 22:31  chaH DIchDaq ghoS je DIchDaq declare Daj QaQtaHghach Daq a ghotpu vetlh DIchDaq taH bogh, vaD ghaH ghajtaH ta'pu' 'oH.