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Chapter 30
Exod GodsWord 30:1  The LORD continued, "Build an altar out of acacia wood for burning incense.
Exod GodsWord 30:2  Make it 18 inches square and 36 inches high. The horns and altar must be made out of one piece of wood.
Exod GodsWord 30:3  Cover all of it with pure gold--the top, the sides, and the horns. Put a gold molding around it.
Exod GodsWord 30:4  Make two gold rings, and put them below the molding on opposite sides to hold the poles for carrying it.
Exod GodsWord 30:5  Make the poles out of acacia wood, and cover them with gold.
Exod GodsWord 30:6  Put the altar in front of the canopy which hangs over the ark containing the words of my promise. I will meet with you there in front of the throne of mercy that is on the ark.
Exod GodsWord 30:7  "Aaron must burn sweet-smelling incense on this altar every morning when he takes care of the lamps.
Exod GodsWord 30:8  Also, when Aaron lights the lamps at dusk, he must burn incense. For generations to come an incense offering must burn constantly in the LORD's presence.
Exod GodsWord 30:9  "Never burn any unauthorized incense on this altar or any burnt offerings or grain offerings. Never pour a wine offering on it.
Exod GodsWord 30:10  Once a year Aaron must make peace with the LORD by putting blood on its horns. Once a year--for generations to come--blood from the offering must be placed on the altar to make peace with the LORD. It is most holy to the LORD."
Exod GodsWord 30:12  "When you take a census of the Israelites, each person must pay the LORD a ransom for his life when he is counted. Then no plague will happen to them when they are counted.
Exod GodsWord 30:13  As each person is counted, he must give one-fifth of an ounce of silver using the standard weight of the holy place. This one-fifth of an ounce of silver is a contribution to the LORD.
Exod GodsWord 30:14  Everyone counted who is at least 20 years old must give this contribution to the LORD.
Exod GodsWord 30:15  The rich must not give more than one-fifth of an ounce of silver, and the poor must not give less. This contribution is given to make peace with the LORD and make your lives acceptable to the LORD.
Exod GodsWord 30:16  Take the money the Israelites give to make peace with the LORD, and use it to pay the expenses of the tent of meeting. It will be a reminder for the Israelites in the LORD's presence that the sins in their lives are removed."
Exod GodsWord 30:18  "Make a bronze basin with a bronze stand for washing. Put it between the tent of meeting and the altar, and fill it with water.
Exod GodsWord 30:19  Aaron and his sons will use it for washing their hands and feet.
Exod GodsWord 30:20  Before they go into the tent of meeting, they must wash so that they will not die. Before they come near the altar to serve as priests and burn an offering by fire to the LORD,
Exod GodsWord 30:21  they will wash their hands and feet so that they will not die. This will be a permanent law for him and his descendants for generations to come."
Exod GodsWord 30:23  "Take the finest spices: 12½ pounds of powdered myrrh; half as much, that is, 6¼ pounds of fragrant cinnamon; 6¼ pounds of fragrant cane;
Exod GodsWord 30:24  12½ pounds of cassia--all weighed using the standard weight of the holy place--and 4 quarts of olive oil.
Exod GodsWord 30:25  Have a perfumer make these into a holy oil, a fragrant mixture, used only for anointing. This will be the holy oil used for anointing.
Exod GodsWord 30:26  "Use it to anoint the tent of meeting, the ark containing the words of my promise,
Exod GodsWord 30:27  the table and all the dishes, the lamp stand and all the utensils, the altar for incense,
Exod GodsWord 30:28  the altar for burnt offerings and all its accessories, and the basin with its stand.
Exod GodsWord 30:29  In this way you will dedicate them for their holy purpose. Then they will be most holy, and anything that touches them will become holy.
Exod GodsWord 30:30  Anoint Aaron and his sons as well. In this way you will set them apart for their holy duties of serving me as priests.
Exod GodsWord 30:31  "Say to the Israelites, 'For generations to come, this will be my holy oil used only for anointing.
Exod GodsWord 30:32  It must never be poured on the bodies of other people. Never make any perfumed oil using this formula. It is holy, and you must treat it as holy.
Exod GodsWord 30:33  Whoever prepares a perfume like this or puts it on anyone who is not a priest must be excluded from the people.'"
Exod GodsWord 30:34  The LORD said to Moses, "Take one part fragrant spices (two kinds of gum resin and aromatic mollusk shells), and mix them with one part pure frankincense.
Exod GodsWord 30:35  Have a perfumer make it into fragrant incense, seasoned with salt, pure and holy.
Exod GodsWord 30:36  Grind some of it into a fine powder, and put it in front of the ark containing the words of my promise in the tent of meeting, where I will meet with you. You must treat it as most holy.
Exod GodsWord 30:37  Never make any incense for yourselves using this formula. Treat it as holy to the LORD.
Exod GodsWord 30:38  Whoever prepares anything like it for his own enjoyment must be excluded from his people."