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Chapter 10
I Co OrthJBC 10:1  I do not want you to be without da'as, Achim b'Moshiach, that Avoteinu all were under the anan (cloud, Shemot 13:21-22) and passed through the sea [Shemot 14:22-25], [Shemot 13:21; Tehillim 105:39; Shemot 14:22,29; Tehillim 66:6]
I Co OrthJBC 10:2  and all into Moshe Rabbenu were given tevilah in the anan (cloud) and in the sea,
I Co OrthJBC 10:3  and all of the same spiritual ma'achal (food) ate [Shemot 16:4,35; Devarim 8:3; Tehillim 78:24-29],
I Co OrthJBC 10:4  and all of the same spiritual drink drank, for they were drinking from a spiritual TZUR following them [Shemot 17:6; Bamidbar 20:11;; Tehillim 78:15; 105:41], and that TZUR was Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach.
I Co OrthJBC 10:5  But Hashem was not pleased with most of them, for they were strewn about in the desert, VAYISHCHATEM BAMIDBAR ("then He slaughtered them in the desert" [Bamidbar 14:16, 23,29-30; Tehillim 78:31).
I Co OrthJBC 10:6  Now these things occurred as moftim (examples) for us, in order that we would not crave what is ra'ah as they did [Bamidbar 11:4,34; Tehillim 106:14]. ANOTHER LESSON FROM THE SAME CHALOIS (EXAMPLE)
I Co OrthJBC 10:7  Neither should you become ovdei elilim (idolaters), as some of them did, as it has been written, VAYESHEV HAAM LE'ECHOL V'SHATO VAYAKUMU L'TZACHEK ("And the people sat to eat and to drink and they got up to revel" [SHEMOT 32:4,6,19]. IF SHA'UL IS NOT GIVING THE NUMBER THAT DIED IN ONE DAY, A VERY FAMOUS AND DEVASTATING TWENTY-FOUR HOUR PERIOD, (WITH NUMBERS 25:4 MENTIONING OTHER EXECUTIONS AND THE SUBSEQUENT TOTAL BEING 24,000 [BAMIDBAR 24:9]), THEN HE IS REFERRING TO THOSE WHO DIED IN SHEMOT 32:35, QUOTING AS HE DOES SHEMOT 32:6 IN I COR. 10:7
I Co OrthJBC 10:8  Neither should we commit zenut as some of them committed zenut and fell in one day twenty-three thousand [Bamidbar 25:1,9].
I Co OrthJBC 10:9  Neither let us tempt Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, as some of them put Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach to the test, and by nechashim (serpents) were being destroyed [Shemot 17:2; Bamidbar 21:5-6; Tehillim 78:18; 95:9; 106:4; Bamidbar 21:5,6].
I Co OrthJBC 10:10  Neither should we murmur and grumble even as some of them VAYILONU ("and they murmured' SHEMOT 15:24; 16:2; 17:3; BAMIDBAR 14:2,29; 16:41) and they were destroyed by the destroyer (Bamidbar 14:2,36; 16:41-49; 17:5,10; Shemot 12:23 Tehillim 106:25-27).
I Co OrthJBC 10:11  Now, these things happened to those ones as moftim (examples), but it was written for our admonition, to whom the Kitzei haOlamim has come.
I Co OrthJBC 10:12  So then the one that nemon (presuppose) that he stand, let him take care lest he fall.
I Co OrthJBC 10:13  No nissayon (temptation) has overtaken you, except that which is common to Bnei Adam, but, Hashem is ne'eman (faithful) (Devarim 7:9), who will not let you to be brought into nissayon (temptation, taiva) beyond what you are able but will make with the nissayon also the derech (Tzaddikim--Tehillim 1:6) as a way out for you to be able to endure.
I Co OrthJBC 10:15  I speak as to thinking men; you judge what I say.
I Co OrthJBC 10:16  The kos haBeracha (cup of blessing) over which we say the berucha, is it not a [Mitzbe'ach] sharing and a devekut participation in the korban pesach death and bloody sacrifice and kapparah of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach? The matzoh which we break, is this not a sharing and a devekut participation in the guf (body) (Bereshis 47:18) of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach?
I Co OrthJBC 10:17  Because the matzoh is echad, we, many as we are, are one guf (body), one new humanity, for we all partake of the matzoh echad.
I Co OrthJBC 10:18  Observe Yisroel according to the basar. Are not the ones eating the korbanot (sacrifices) partakers of the Mitzbe'ach (altar--Vayikra 7:6,14,15)?
I Co OrthJBC 10:19  What then am I saying? That a sacrifice to an elil (idol) is anything or that an idol is anything?
I Co OrthJBC 10:20  No, the things which they sacrifice, YIZB'CHU LASHEDIM LO ELOHIM ("They sacrificed to demons which were not G-d" DEVARIM 32:17; Tehillim 106:37). Now I do not want you to become sharers with the shedim (demons). [Vayikra17:7; Devarim 32:17; Tehillim 106:37]
I Co OrthJBC 10:21  You are not able to drink from the kos Hashem and also from the kos haShedim (the cup of demons--[Malachi 1:7,12]), you are not able to partake of the shulchan of Hashem and the shulchan of shedim (demons).
I Co OrthJBC 10:22  Or is it that you would move Hashem to kinah (jealousy) [Devarim 32:21]? We don't think we are stronger than Him, do we? [Devarim 32:16; Melachim Alef 14:22; Tehillim 78:58; Yirmeyah 44:8; Kohelet 6:10; Yeshayah 45:9] ON THE CHAKIRA (PROPOSITION) "ALL THINGS ARE LAWFUL"; MORE ADVICE TO GOYIM: DO ALL TO THE KAVOD OF HASHEM
I Co OrthJBC 10:23  `All things are lawful'? But not all things are beneficial; All things are lawful? But not all things edify (6:12).
I Co OrthJBC 10:24  Let no one seek his own benefit but the benefit of the other.
I Co OrthJBC 10:25  Everything being sold in a meat market eat without raising qualms of matzpun (conscience).
I Co OrthJBC 10:26  For LAHASHEM HA'ARETZ UMELOAH ("The earth is the L-rd's and the fullness thereof" TEHILLIM 24:1; 50:12; 89:11; Shemot 9:29; 19:5; Iyov 41:11; Tehillim 50:12].
I Co OrthJBC 10:27  If anyone of the Apikorosim invites you and you want to go, eat everything being set before you without raising qualms of matzpun (conscience).
I Co OrthJBC 10:28  But if anyone should say to you, this is offered in zevach (sacrifice), do not eat because of that man revealed it and because of matzpun (conscience);
I Co OrthJBC 10:29  But I speak not about your matzpun but about the matzpun of the other man, for why is my cherut (freedom) brought into mishpat (din, judgment) by another's matzpun (conscience)?
I Co OrthJBC 10:30  If I partake with Birkat Hamazon (Grace after meals), why am I blamed for what I give todah for?
I Co OrthJBC 10:31  Whether, therefore, you eat or you drink or whatever you do, do all things to the kavod (glory) of Hashem. [Zecharyah 14:21]
I Co OrthJBC 10:32  Be without michshol both to Yehudim and to Yevanim and to the Kehillah of Hashem,
I Co OrthJBC 10:33  even as I also please Bnei Adam in all things, not seeking my own advantage but that of the many, that they may be brought to Yeshua'at Eloheinu.