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Chapter 33
Job DRC 33:1  Hear therefore, O Job, my speeches, and hearken to all my words.
Job KJV 33:1  Wherefore, Job, I pray thee, hear my speeches, and hearken to all my words.
Job VulgClem 33:1  Audi igitur, Job, eloquia mea, et omnes sermones meos ausculta.
Job DRC 33:2  Behold now I have opened my mouth, let my tongue speak within my jaws.
Job KJV 33:2  Behold, now I have opened my mouth, my tongue hath spoken in my mouth.
Job VulgClem 33:2  Ecce aperui os meum : loquatur lingua mea in faucibus meis.
Job DRC 33:3  My words are from my upright heart, and my lips shall speak a pure sentence.
Job KJV 33:3  My words shall be of the uprightness of my heart: and my lips shall utter knowledge clearly.
Job VulgClem 33:3  Simplici corde meo sermones mei, et sententiam puram labia mea loquentur.
Job DRC 33:4  The spirit of God made me, and the breath of the Almighty gave me life.
Job KJV 33:4  The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life.
Job VulgClem 33:4  Spiritus Dei fecit me, et spiraculum Omnipotentis vivificavit me.
Job DRC 33:5  If thou canst, answer me, and stand up against my face.
Job KJV 33:5  If thou canst answer me, set thy words in order before me, stand up.
Job VulgClem 33:5  Si potes, responde mihi, et adversus faciem meam consiste.
Job DRC 33:6  Behold God hath made me as well as thee, and of the same clay I also was formed.
Job KJV 33:6  Behold, I am according to thy wish in God’s stead: I also am formed out of the clay.
Job VulgClem 33:6  Ecce, et me sicut et te fecit Deus, et de eodem luto ego quoque formatus sum.
Job DRC 33:7  But yet let not my wonder terrify thee, and let not my eloquence be burdensome to thee.
Job KJV 33:7  Behold, my terror shall not make thee afraid, neither shall my hand be heavy upon thee.
Job VulgClem 33:7  Verumtamen miraculum meum non te terreat, et eloquentia mea non sit tibi gravis.
Job DRC 33:8  Now thou hast said in my hearing, and I have heard the voice of thy words:
Job KJV 33:8  Surely thou hast spoken in mine hearing, and I have heard the voice of thy words, saying,
Job VulgClem 33:8  Dixisti ergo in auribus meis, et vocem verborum tuorum audivi :
Job DRC 33:9  I am clean, and without sin: I am unspotted, and there is no iniquity in me.
Job KJV 33:9  I am clean without transgression, I am innocent; neither is there iniquity in me.
Job VulgClem 33:9  Mundus sum ego, et absque delicto : immaculatus, et non est iniquitas in me.
Job DRC 33:10  Because he hath found complaints against me, therefore he hath counted me for his enemy.
Job KJV 33:10  Behold, he findeth occasions against me, he counteth me for his enemy,
Job VulgClem 33:10  Quia querelas in me reperit, ideo arbitratus est me inimicum sibi.
Job DRC 33:11  He hath put my feet in the stocks, he hath observed all my paths.
Job KJV 33:11  He putteth my feet in the stocks, he marketh all my paths.
Job VulgClem 33:11  Posuit in nervo pedes meos ; custodivit omnes semitas meas.
Job DRC 33:12  Now this is the thing in which thou art not justified: I will answer thee, that God is greater than man.
Job KJV 33:12  Behold, in this thou art not just: I will answer thee, that God is greater than man.
Job VulgClem 33:12  Hoc est ergo in quo non es justificatus : respondebo tibi, quia major sit Deus homine.
Job DRC 33:13  Dost thou strive against him, because he hath not answered thee to all words?
Job KJV 33:13  Why dost thou strive against him? for he giveth not account of any of his matters.
Job VulgClem 33:13  Adversus eum contendis, quod non ad omnia verba responderit tibi ?
Job DRC 33:14  God speaketh once, and repeateth not the selfsame thing the second time.
Job KJV 33:14  For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not.
Job VulgClem 33:14  Semel loquitur Deus, et secundo idipsum non repetit.
Job DRC 33:15  By a dream in a vision by night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, and they are sleeping in their beds:
Job KJV 33:15  In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed;
Job VulgClem 33:15  Per somnium, in visione nocturna, quando irruit sopor super homines, et dormiunt in lectulo,
Job DRC 33:16  Then he openeth the ears of men, and teaching instructeth them in what they are to learn.
Job KJV 33:16  Then he openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction,
Job VulgClem 33:16  tunc aperit aures virorum, et erudiens eos instruit disciplina,
Job DRC 33:17  That he may withdraw a man from the things he is doing, and may deliver him from pride.
Job KJV 33:17  That he may withdraw man from his purpose, and hide pride from man.
Job VulgClem 33:17  ut avertat hominem ab his quæ facit, et liberet eum de superbia,
Job DRC 33:18  Rescuing his soul from corruption: and his life from passing to the sword.
Job KJV 33:18  He keepeth back his soul from the pit, and his life from perishing by the sword.
Job VulgClem 33:18  eruens animam ejus a corruptione, et vitam illius ut non transeat in gladium.
Job DRC 33:19  He rebuketh also by sorrow in the bed, and he maketh all his bones to wither.
Job KJV 33:19  He is chastened also with pain upon his bed, and the multitude of his bones with strong pain:
Job VulgClem 33:19  Increpat quoque per dolorem in lectulo, et omnia ossa ejus marcescere facit.
Job DRC 33:20  Bread becometh abominable to him in his life, and to his soul the meat which before he desired.
Job KJV 33:20  So that his life abhorreth bread, and his soul dainty meat.
Job VulgClem 33:20  Abominabilis ei fit in vita sua panis, et animæ illius cibus ante desiderabilis.
Job DRC 33:21  His flesh shall be consumed away, and his bones that were covered shall be made bare.
Job KJV 33:21  His flesh is consumed away, that it cannot be seen; and his bones that were not seen stick out.
Job VulgClem 33:21  Tabescet caro ejus, et ossa, quæ tecta fuerant, nudabuntur.
Job DRC 33:22  His soul hath drawn near to corruption, and his life to the destroyers.
Job KJV 33:22  Yea, his soul draweth near unto the grave, and his life to the destroyers.
Job VulgClem 33:22  Appropinquavit corruptioni anima ejus, et vita illius mortiferis.
Job DRC 33:23  If there shall be an angel speaking for him, one among thousands, to declare man's uprightness,
Job KJV 33:23  If there be a messenger with him, an interpreter, one among a thousand, to shew unto man his uprightness:
Job VulgClem 33:23  Si fuerit pro eo angelus loquens, unus de millibus, ut annuntiet hominis æquitatem,
Job DRC 33:24  He shall have mercy on him, and shall say: Deliver him, that he may not go down to corruption: I have found wherein I may be merciful to him.
Job KJV 33:24  Then he is gracious unto him, and saith, Deliver him from going down to the pit: I have found a ransom.
Job VulgClem 33:24  miserebitur ejus, et dicet : Libera eum, ut non descendat in corruptionem : inveni in quo ei propitier.
Job DRC 33:25  His flesh is consumed with punishments, let him return to the days of his youth.
Job KJV 33:25  His flesh shall be fresher than a child’s: he shall return to the days of his youth:
Job VulgClem 33:25  Consumpta est caro ejus a suppliciis : revertatur ad dies adolescentiæ suæ.
Job DRC 33:26  He shall pray to God, and he will be gracious to him: and he shall see his face with joy, and he will render to man his justice.
Job KJV 33:26  He shall pray unto God, and he will be favourable unto him: and he shall see his face with joy: for he will render unto man his righteousness.
Job VulgClem 33:26  Deprecabitur Deum, et placabilis ei erit : et videbit faciem ejus in jubilo, et reddet homini justitiam suam.
Job DRC 33:27  He shall look upon men, and shall say: I have sinned, and indeed I have offended, and I have not received what I have deserved.
Job KJV 33:27  He looketh upon men, and if any say, I have sinned, and perverted that which was right, and it profited me not;
Job VulgClem 33:27  Respiciet homines, et dicet : Peccavi, et vere deliqui, et ut eram dignus, non recepi.
Job DRC 33:28  He hath delivered his soul from going into destruction, that it may live and see the light.
Job KJV 33:28  He will deliver his soul from going into the pit, and his life shall see the light.
Job VulgClem 33:28  Liberavit animam suam, ne pergeret in interitum, sed vivens lucem videret.
Job DRC 33:29  Behold, all these things God worketh three times within every one.
Job KJV 33:29  Lo, all these things worketh God oftentimes with man,
Job VulgClem 33:29  Ecce hæc omnia operatur Deus tribus vicibus per singulos,
Job DRC 33:30  That he may withdraw their souls from corruption, and enlighten them with the light of the living.
Job KJV 33:30  To bring back his soul from the pit, to be enlightened with the light of the living.
Job VulgClem 33:30  ut revocet animas eorum a corruptione, et illuminet luce viventium.
Job DRC 33:31  Attend, Job, and hearken to me, and hold thy peace, whilst I speak.
Job KJV 33:31  Mark well, O Job, hearken unto me: hold thy peace, and I will speak.
Job VulgClem 33:31  Attende, Job, et audi me : et tace, dum ego loquor.
Job DRC 33:32  But if thou hast any thing to say, answer me, speak: for I would have thee to appear just.
Job KJV 33:32  If thou hast any thing to say, answer me: speak, for I desire to justify thee.
Job VulgClem 33:32  Si autem habes quod loquaris, responde mihi : loquere, volo enim te apparere justum.
Job DRC 33:33  And if thou have not, hear me: hold thy peace, and I will teach thee wisdom.
Job KJV 33:33  If not, hearken unto me: hold thy peace, and I shall teach thee wisdom.
Job VulgClem 33:33  Quod si non habes, audi me : tace, et docebo te sapientiam.