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Chapter 15
Prov ABP 15:1  Anger destroys even the intelligent; but the answer of a penitent man returns rage; [3word 1but 2a distressing] raises up angers.
Prov ABP 15:2  The tongue of the wise [2of good 1has knowledge]; but the mouth of fools announces evils.
Prov ABP 15:3  In every place the eyes of the lord watch [2bad 1both] and good.
Prov ABP 15:4  The healing tongue is a tree of life, and the one preserving it shall be filled of spirit.
Prov ABP 15:5  A fool sneers at the instruction of his father; but the one keeping his commandments is more astute. In superabundant righteousness [2strength 1is abundant]; but the impious entirely rooted from the earth shall be destroyed.
Prov ABP 15:6  In the houses of the just [2strength 1is much]; but the fruits of the impious shall be destroyed.
Prov ABP 15:7  The lips of the wise are bound by good sense; but the hearts of fools are not safe.
Prov ABP 15:8  The sacrifices of the impious are an abomination to the lord; but the vows of the ones going straight are accepted by him.
Prov ABP 15:9  [3are an abomination 4to the lord 1The ways 2of the impious]; [2the ones pursuing 3righteousness 1he loves].
Prov ABP 15:10  The instruction of the guileless is made known by the ones passing by; but the ones detesting reproofs come to an end disgracefully.
Prov ABP 15:11  Hades and destruction are made apparent by the lord; how not also the hearts of men?
Prov ABP 15:12  [2shall not 3love 1The uninstructed] the ones reproving him; and with the wise he shall not consort.
Prov ABP 15:13  With the heart being glad the face flourishes; [3in 1but 4distresses 2being] it looks downcast.
Prov ABP 15:14  [2heart 1An upright] seeks perception; but the mouth of the uninstructed shall know evils.
Prov ABP 15:15  All the time the eyes of evil ones favorably receive evil things; but the good [2tranquil 1are always].
Prov ABP 15:16  Better a small portion with the fear of the lord; than [2treasures 1great] with fearlessness.
Prov ABP 15:17  Better hospitality of vegetables with friendship and favor, than a fete of calves with hatred.
Prov ABP 15:18  A man inclined to rage makes preparations for battle; but a lenient man [2even 3the 4one about to go to battle 1soothes]. The lenient man shall extinguish litigations; but the impious raises them rather.
Prov ABP 15:19  The ways of the idle make a bed in thorn-bushes; but the ways of the vigorous are very busy.
Prov ABP 15:20  [2son 1A wise] gladdens a father; [3son 1but 2a foolish] sneers at his mother.
Prov ABP 15:21  [2of an unthinking man 1The roads] are lacking of sense; [3man 1but 2an intelligent 5in a straightened way 4goes].
Prov ABP 15:22  [5procrastinate 6by devices 1The ones 2not 3honoring 4the sanhedrins]; but in the hearts of ones counseling abides counsel;
Prov ABP 15:23  for in no way shall [2obey 1an evil man] it; nor shall he say [2timely 1anything], even for [3good 1the 2common].
Prov ABP 15:24  [3are ways 4of life 1The thoughts 2of the discerning]; that turning aside from Hades he should be delivered.
Prov ABP 15:25  [3the houses 4of the arrogant 2tears down 1The lord]; and he supports the boundary of the widow.
Prov ABP 15:26  [3is an abomination 4to the lord 1The devise 2of the unjust]; [3of the pure 1but 2the sayings] are serious.
Prov ABP 15:27  [3totally ruins 4himself 1The 2one receiving bribes]; but the one detesting [2of bribes 1the receipts] is delivered. Charity and trust clear away sins; and the fear of the lord turns aside every one from evil.
Prov ABP 15:28  The hearts of the just meditate trust; but the mouth of the impious answers evil things. [4are acceptable 5with 6the lord 1The ways 3men 2of just]; and through them even enemies [2friends 1become].
Prov ABP 15:29  [2is far 3at a distance 1God] from the impious; but vows of just ones he heeds. Better are few receipts with righteousness, than abundant produce with injustice.
Prov ABP 15:30  [2viewing 1The eye] good gladdens the heart; [3reputation 1and 2a good] fattens the bones.
Prov ABP 15:31  The one hearing reproofs of life [2in 3the midst 4of the wise 1shall lodge].
Prov ABP 15:32  The one who thrusts away instruction detests himself; but the one giving heed to reproofs loves his life.
Prov ABP 15:33  The fear of the lord is instruction and wisdom; and the sum of glory shall be the response for it. [3go before 1But 2the humble] glory;