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Chapter 8
Acts ABP 8:1  And Saul was assenting with his removal. And came to pass in that day [2persecution 1a great] against the assembly, the one in Jerusalem; and all were dispersed throughout the places of Judea and Samaria, except the apostles.
Acts ABP 8:2  [4collected up 1And 5Stephen 3men 2reverent], and were making [2beating of the breast 1a great] over him.
Acts ABP 8:3  But Saul laid waste the assembly [2by houses 1entering]. Dragging both men and women, he delivered them up into prison.
Acts ABP 8:4  The ones then being scattered went through announcing good news -- the word.
Acts ABP 8:5  And Philip going down unto a city of Samaria, proclaimed to them the Christ.
Acts ABP 8:6  [4took heed 1And 2the 3multitudes] to the things being said by Philip with one accord, in their hearing and seeing the signs which he did.
Acts ABP 8:7  For many of the ones having [2spirits 1unclean], yelling [2voice 1a great] came forth; and many having been disabled and lame were cured.
Acts ABP 8:8  And came to pass [2joy 1a great] in that city.
Acts ABP 8:9  [3man 1And 2a certain], by name Simon, beforehand in the city was practicing magic, and amazing the nation of Samaria, saying [2to be 3some 1himself] great one.
Acts ABP 8:10  To whom all gave heed from small unto great, saying, This one is the power of the [2God 1great].
Acts ABP 8:11  And they were giving heed to him, because for a fit amount of time with the magic he amazed them.
Acts ABP 8:12  And when they believed Philip announcing good news, the things concerning the kingdom of God, and the name of Jesus Christ, they were immersed, both men and women.
Acts ABP 8:13  And Simon even himself believed, and having been immersed, was constantly attending to Philip; and viewing works of power and signs being done he was amazed.
Acts ABP 8:14  [6having heard 1And 2the 4in 5Jerusalem 3apostles] that Samaria received the word of God, sent to them Peter and John.
Acts ABP 8:15  Who having gone down prayed concerning them, that they should receive [2spirit 1holy].
Acts ABP 8:16  For not yet was it [2upon 3any one 4of them 1falling]; but only [2immersed 1being] in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Acts ABP 8:17  Then they placed the hands upon them, and they received [2spirit 1holy].
Acts ABP 8:18  [3seeing 1And 2Simon] that through the laying on of the hands of the apostles [4was given 1the 3spirit 2holy], he brought to them things,
Acts ABP 8:19  saying, Give to me also this authority, that whom ever I should place the hands should receive [2spirit 1holy].
Acts ABP 8:20  And Peter said to him, [2your money 4with 5you 1May 3be] unto destruction, for [2the 3gift 4of God 1you thought 6by 7things 5is to be acquired].
Acts ABP 8:21  There is no portion to you nor lot in this matter; for your heart is not straight before God.
Acts ABP 8:22  Repent then from [2your evil 1this], and beseech God! if then [4shall be forgiven 5you 1the 2thought 3of your heart];
Acts ABP 8:23  for in bile of bitterness, and bond of unrighteousness I see you being.
Acts ABP 8:24  And responding Simon said, You beseech for me to the Lord! so that nothing should come upon me of which you have said.
Acts ABP 8:25  They indeed then, testifying and having spoken the word of the Lord, returned unto Jerusalem, and in many towns of the Samaritans they announced good news.
Acts ABP 8:26  And an angel of the Lord spoke to Philip, saying, Rise up and go according to the south! unto the way going down from Jerusalem unto Gaza; this is wilderness.
Acts ABP 8:27  And having risen up he went. And behold, there was an Ethiopian man, a eunuch, a mighty one of Candace the queen of the Ethiopians, who was over all her treasury, who had come to do obeisance in Jerusalem.
Acts ABP 8:28  And he was returning, and sitting upon his chariot. And he read the prophet Isaiah.
Acts ABP 8:29  [4said 1And 2the 3spirit] to Philip, Draw near and join to this chariot.
Acts ABP 8:30  And running up, Philip heard him reading the prophet Isaiah, and said, Then indeed you know what you read?
Acts ABP 8:31  And he said, For how might I be able, unless someone should guide me? And he appealed to Philip having ascended to sit with him.
Acts ABP 8:32  And the section of the scripture which he read was this, As a sheep unto slaughter he was led, and as a lamb before the one shearing it is voiceless, so he opens not his mouth.
Acts ABP 8:33  In his humiliation his judgment was taken away. And [3his generation 1who 2shall describe], for [2is taken 3from 4the 5earth 1his life]?
Acts ABP 8:34  [4responding 1And 2the 3eunuch] to Philip, said, I beseech you, concerning whom [2prophet 3speak 1does this]? concerning himself, or concerning some other?
Acts ABP 8:35  [3having opened 1And 2Philip] his mouth, and having begun from this scripture, announced good news to him -- Jesus.
Acts ABP 8:36  And as they were going along the way, they came upon some water. And [3says 1the 2eunuch], Behold, water, what prevents me to be immersed?
Acts ABP 8:37  [3said 1And 2Philip], If you believe of your entire heart, it is allowed. And responding he said, I believe [4the 5son 6of God 3to be 1Jesus 2Christ].
Acts ABP 8:38  And he urged [3to stop 1the 2chariot]. And [2went down 1both] into the water, both Philip and the eunuch; and he immersed him.
Acts ABP 8:39  And when they ascended from out of the water, spirit of the Lord seized Philip by force, and [3did not 4see 5him 6any longer 1the 2eunuch]; for he went his way rejoicing.
Acts ABP 8:40  And Philip was found in Azotus; and going through he announced good news to [2the 3cities 1all] until he came unto Caesarea.