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Chapter 10
Hebr Murdock 10:1  For in the law there was a shadow of the good things to come; not the substance of the things themselves. Therefore, although the same sacrifices were every year offered, they could never perfect those who offered them.
Hebr Murdock 10:2  For, if they had perfected them, they would long ago have desisted from their offerings; because their conscience could no more disquiet them, who were once purified, on account of their sins.
Hebr Murdock 10:3  But in those sacrifices, they every year recognized their sins.
Hebr Murdock 10:4  For the blood of bulls and of goats cannot purge away sins.
Hebr Murdock 10:5  Therefore, when entering the world, he said: In sacrifices and oblations, thou hast not had pleasure; but thou hast clothed me with a body.
Hebr Murdock 10:6  And holocausts on account of sins, thou hast not asked.
Hebr Murdock 10:7  Then I said: Behold I come, as it is written of me in the beginning of the books, to do thy pleasure, O God.
Hebr Murdock 10:8  He first said: Sacrifices and oblations and holocausts for sins, which were offered according to the law, thou desiredst not;
Hebr Murdock 10:9  and afterwards he said: Behold I come to do thy pleasure, O God: hereby, he abolished the former, that he might establish the latter.
Hebr Murdock 10:10  For by this his pleasure, we are sanctified; through the offering of the body of Jesus the Messiah a single time.
Hebr Murdock 10:11  For every high priest who stood and ministered daily, offered again and again the same sacrifices, which never were sufficient to purge away sins.
Hebr Murdock 10:12  But this Priest offered one sacrifice for sins, and for ever sat down at the right hand of God;
Hebr Murdock 10:13  and thenceforth waited, until his foes should be placed as a footstool under his feet.
Hebr Murdock 10:14  For by one offering, he hath perfected for ever, them who are sanctified by him.
Hebr Murdock 10:15  And the Holy Spirit also testifieth to us, by saying:
Hebr Murdock 10:16  This is the covenant which I will give them after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my law into their minds, and inscribe it on their hearts;
Hebr Murdock 10:17  and their iniquity and their sins, I will not remember against them.
Hebr Murdock 10:18  Now, where there is a remission of sins, there is no offering for sin demanded.
Hebr Murdock 10:19  We have therefore, my brethren, assurance in entering into the sanctuary, by the blood of Jesus, and by a way of life,
Hebr Murdock 10:20  which he hath now consecrated for us, through the veil, that is his flesh.
Hebr Murdock 10:22  Let us, therefore draw near, with a true heart, and with the confidence of faith, being sprinkled as to our hearts, and pure from an evil conscience, and our body being washed with pure water.
Hebr Murdock 10:23  And let us persevere in the profession of our hope, and not waver; for he is faithful who hath made the promise to us.
Hebr Murdock 10:24  And let us look on each other, for the excitement of love and good works.
Hebr Murdock 10:25  And let us not forsake our meetings, as is the custom of some; but entreat ye one another; and the more, as ye see that day draw near.
Hebr Murdock 10:26  For if a man sin, voluntarily, after he hath received a knowledge of the truth, there is no longer a sacrifice which may be offered for sins:
Hebr Murdock 10:27  but the fearful judgment impendeth, and the zeal of fire that consumeth the adversaries.
Hebr Murdock 10:28  For if he, who transgressed the law of Moses, died without mercies, at the mouth of two or three witnesses;
Hebr Murdock 10:29  how much more, think ye, will he receive capital punishment, who hath trodden upon the Son of God, and hath accounted the blood of his covenant, by which he is sanctified, as the blood of all men, and hath treated the Spirit of grace with contumely?
Hebr Murdock 10:30  For we know him who hath said, Retribution is mine; and I will repay: and again, The Lord will judge his people.
Hebr Murdock 10:31  It is very terrible, to fall into the hands of the living God.
Hebr Murdock 10:32  Therefore, recollect ye the former days, those in which ye received baptism, and endured a great conflict of sufferings, with reproach and affliction;
Hebr Murdock 10:33  and ye were a gazing stock, and also were the associates of persons who endured these things:
Hebr Murdock 10:34  and ye were grieved for those who were imprisoned; and ye cheerfully endured the plundering of your goods, because ye knew that ye had a possession in heaven, superior and not transitory.
Hebr Murdock 10:35  Therefore cast not away your assurance which is to have a great reward.
Hebr Murdock 10:36  For ye have need of patience; that ye may do the pleasure of God, and may receive the promise.
Hebr Murdock 10:37  Because, yet a little,and it is a very little time,when he that cometh, will come, and will not delay.
Hebr Murdock 10:38  Now the just by my faith, will live: but if he draw back, my soul will not have pleasure in him.
Hebr Murdock 10:39  But we are not of that drawing-back, which leadeth to perdition; but of that faith, which maketh us possess our soul.