Chapter 31
Prov | KLV | 31:4 | 'oH ghaH ghobe' vaD joHpu', Lemuel; 'oH ghaH ghobe' vaD joHpu' Daq tlhutlh HIq; ghobe' vaD joHHom Daq jatlh, ‘ nuqDaq ghaH HoS tlhutlh?' | |
Prov | KLV | 31:5 | lest chaH tlhutlh, je forget the chut, je pervert the ruv due Daq anyone 'Iv ghaH afflicted. | |
Prov | KLV | 31:10 | { Note: Proverbs 31:10-31 form an acrostic, tlhej each verse starting tlhej each letter vo' the Hebrew alphabet, Daq order. } 'Iv laH tu' a worthy be'? vaD Daj price ghaH Hop Dung rubies. | |
Prov | KLV | 31:15 | ghaH rises je qaStaHvIS 'oH ghaH yet ram, nob Soj Daq Daj household, je portions vaD Daj toy'wI' girls. | |
Prov | KLV | 31:16 | ghaH considers a yotlh, je buys 'oH. tlhej the baQ vo' Daj ghopmey, ghaH plants a HIq wIj. | |
Prov | KLV | 31:18 | ghaH perceives vetlh Daj merchandise ghaH profitable. Daj lamp ta'be' jaH pa' Sum ram. | |
Prov | KLV | 31:21 | ghaH ghaH ghobe' vIp vo' the chuchHommey vaD Daj household; vaD Hoch Daj household 'oH clothed tlhej Doq. | |
Prov | KLV | 31:23 | Daj loDnal ghaH respected Daq the lojmItmey, ghorgh ghaH sits among the quppu' vo' the puH. | |
Prov | KLV | 31:27 | ghaH looks QaQ Daq the Hemey vo' Daj household, je ta'be' Sop the tIr Soj vo' idleness. | |
Prov | KLV | 31:30 | Charm ghaH deceitful, je 'IhtaHghach ghaH lI'be'; 'ach a taH' 'Iv fears joH'a', ghaH DIchDaq be praised. | |