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Chapter 23
Prov ABP 23:1  If you should sit to have supper at the table of a monarch, intelligibly comprehend the things being placed near you!
Prov ABP 23:2  And give attention to your hand! beholding that [4for such things 2for you 1it is a must 3to make preparations]; but if you are insatiable,
Prov ABP 23:3  do not desire his food; for these have [2life 1a false].
Prov ABP 23:4  Do not reach forth, [2needy 1being], to the rich! but in your insight be at a distance!
Prov ABP 23:5  If you set your eye upon him, he shall not at all appear; for there are carefully prepared for him wings as of an eagle, and he returns to the house being set for him.
Prov ABP 23:6  Do not dine with [2man 1a bewitching], nor desire his foods;
Prov ABP 23:7  [2in which 3manner 1for] as if any may swallow down a hair, thus he eats and drinks; nor [3to 4yourself 1should you bring 2him], nor you should eat your morsel with him,
Prov ABP 23:8  for he will vomit it, and lay waste [3words 1your 2good].
Prov ABP 23:9  [3into 4the ears 5of a fool 1Do not 2speak]! lest at any time he sneer at discerning your words.
Prov ABP 23:10  You should not transpose [2boundaries 1the everlasting]; and to the possession of orphans you should not enter to take;
Prov ABP 23:11  for the one ransoming them is the lord; he is strong, and he arbitrates their case with you.
Prov ABP 23:12  Give [3for 4instruction 2heart 1your]! and [2your ears 1prepare] for words of good sense!
Prov ABP 23:13  You should not be at a distance [2the simple 1to correct]; for if you strike him with a rod in no way should he die.
Prov ABP 23:14  Forasmuch as you struck him with a rod, then [2his soul 3from 4death 1you rescued].
Prov ABP 23:15  O son, if [4wise 1you should make 2your 3heart], you shall gladden also my heart;
Prov ABP 23:16  and [4shall spend time 1the words 2of your 3lips] with my lips, if they should be straight.
Prov ABP 23:17  Let not [2be jealous 1your heart] of sinners, but [2in 3the fear 4of the lord 1be] the whole day!
Prov ABP 23:18  For if you should give heed to these things there will be a progeny for you, and your hope will not leave.
Prov ABP 23:19  Hear, O son, and [2wise 1be], and straighten out the reflections of your heart!
Prov ABP 23:20  Do not be a winebibber, nor stretch out couplings, [3of meats 1nor 2purchasings]!
Prov ABP 23:21  For every intoxicated one and whoremonger shall be poor; and [3shall put on 4torn 5and 6ragged garments 1every 2sleepy one].
Prov ABP 23:22  Hear, O son, the father engendering you, and do not disdain that [3has grown old 1your 2mother]!
Prov ABP 23:23  [2truth 1Acquire]! and you should not thrust away wisdom and instruction and understanding.
Prov ABP 23:24  [4well 3nourishes 2father 1A just]; [4by 1and 6son 5a wise 3is gladdened 2his soul].
Prov ABP 23:25  Let your [4be glad 1father 2and 3mother] over you, and let [4rejoice 1the 2one who gave birth to 3you]!
Prov ABP 23:26  Give to me, O son, your heart, and let your eyes [2my 3ways 1give heed to]!
Prov ABP 23:27  [5a cask 1For 6having been drilled 4is 2a strange 3house]; and [2well 3is narrow 1a strange].
Prov ABP 23:28  For this one suddenly shall perish, and every lawbreaker shall be consumed.
Prov ABP 23:29  To whom is there woe? to whom a tumult? to whom litigations? to whom rancor and intrigue? to whom breaks without cause? to whom dark colored eyes?
Prov ABP 23:30  is it not the ones lingering in wines? is it not the ones prowling where parties happen? Do not be intoxicated by wine, but consort [2men 1with just], and consort in the promenades!
Prov ABP 23:31  For if in the bowls and the cups you should give your eyes, afterwards you shall walk more naked than a pestle.
Prov ABP 23:32  But at last it will be as if [2by 3a serpent 1being struck] he stretches out, and as if by a horned serpent [3diffuses 4throughout him 1the 2poison].
Prov ABP 23:33  [3eyes 2your 1Whenever] behold the strange woman, your mouth then speaks perverse things;
Prov ABP 23:34  and you shall recline as if in the heart of the sea; and as a navigator in a great swell;
Prov ABP 23:35  and you shall say, They beat me, and I did not have pain; and, They mocked me, but I did not know. When will it be dawn that coming I shall seek after one who shall go together with me to drink?