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Chapter 4
Numb ABP 4:1  And the lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying,
Numb ABP 4:2  Take the total sum of the sons of Kohath from the midst of the sons of Levi, according to their peoples, according to the houses of their patrimony!
Numb ABP 4:3  from twenty and five years and up unto fifty years, every one entering to officiate to do all the works in the tent of the testimony.
Numb ABP 4:4  And these are the works of the sons of Kohath in the tent of the testimony, a holy of the holies.
Numb ABP 4:5  And Aaron shall enter and his sons, whenever [3should lift away 1the 2camp]. And they shall lower the veil, the one overshadowing, and they shall cover with it the ark of the testimony.
Numb ABP 4:6  And they shall place upon it [2overcovering 1a skin] of blue. And they shall put upon it a garment entirely of blue from above. And they shall insert the bearing poles.
Numb ABP 4:7  And upon the table, the one being situated for the loaves, they shall put upon it a garment entirely of purple, and the saucers, and the incense pans, and the cups, and the libation bowls in which you offer a libation; and the [2bread loaves 1continual 4upon 5it 3shall be].
Numb ABP 4:8  And they shall put upon it [2garment 1a scarlet], and shall cover it with a covering made of a skin of blue. And they shall insert the bearing poles in it.
Numb ABP 4:9  And they shall take the cloak of blue, and they shall cover the lamp-stand, the one giving light, and its lamps, and its tongs, and its oil funnels, and all the receptacles for its oil, as many things as they officiate with them.
Numb ABP 4:10  And they shall put it, and all the items for it, into a covering made of skin of blue. And they shall place it upon bearing poles.
Numb ABP 4:11  And upon the [2altar 1golden] they shall place a garment of blue, and they shall cover it with a covering made of a skin of blue. And they shall insert the bearing poles of it.
Numb ABP 4:12  And they shall take all the items of the ministry, as many as they officiate with them in the holy places, and they shall put them into a garment of blue. And shall cover them with a covering made of a skin of blue. And they shall place them upon bearing poles.
Numb ABP 4:13  And [2the 3lid 1they shall place] upon the altar, and they shall cover over it with a garment entirely of purple.
Numb ABP 4:14  And they shall place upon it all its items as many as to officiate with them, and the censers, and the meat hooks, and the bowls, and the lid, and all the items of the altar. And they shall put upon it a covering made of skin of blue. And they shall insert the bearing poles of it.
Numb ABP 4:15  And [4shall complete 1Aaron 2and 3his sons] covering the holy things, and all the [2items 1holy] in the lifting away the camp. And after these things [3shall enter 1the sons 2of Kohath] to lift. And they shall not touch of the holy things, that they should not die. These things [4shall lift 1the 2sons 3of Kohath] in the tent of the testimony,
Numb ABP 4:16  [6is overseer of 1Eleazar 2son 3of Aaron 4the 5priest] the oil for the light, and the incense of the composition, and the sacrifice by day, and the oil for the anointing -- the overseeing entirely of the tent and as much as is in it in the holy place, and in all the works.
Numb ABP 4:17  And the lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying,
Numb ABP 4:18  Do not annihilate the tribe of the people of Kohath from out of the midst of the Levites.
Numb ABP 4:19  But do this to them, and they shall live, and in no way shall die, in their going forth to the holy of holies. [2Aaron 3and 4his sons 1Let] enter! and they shall place themselves each in his office.
Numb ABP 4:20  And in no way shall they enter to see suddenly the holy place, for they shall die.
Numb ABP 4:22  Take the sum of the sons of Gershon, and these according to the houses of their patrimony, according to their peoples,
Numb ABP 4:23  from five and twenty years and up unto fifty years -- you number them! every one entering to officiate, and to do his work in the tent of the testimony.
Numb ABP 4:24  This is the ministration of the people of Gershon, to officiate and to lift.
Numb ABP 4:25  And they shall lift the hide coverings of the tent, and the tent of the testimony, and its covering, and the overcovering of blue -- the one being upon it from above, and the overcovering of the door of the tent of the testimony.
Numb ABP 4:26  And the shrouds of the courtyard, and the overcovering of the door of the courtyard, as many as are upon the tent, and upon the altar, and their extras, and all the items of their ministries. And as many as they officiate with them they shall prepare.
Numb ABP 4:27  By the mouth of Aaron and his sons shall be the ministration of the sons of Gershon, according to all their ministrations, and according to all their works. And you shall number them by names, and all the works by them.
Numb ABP 4:28  This is the ministration of the sons of Gershon in the tent of the testimony, and their watch by the hand of Ithamar the son of Aaron the priest.
Numb ABP 4:29  The sons of Merari according to their peoples, according to the houses of their patrimony, you number them!
Numb ABP 4:30  From five and twenty years and up unto fifty years number them! every one entering to officiate the works of the tent of the testimony.
Numb ABP 4:31  And these are the injunctions for the things lifted by them, according to all their works in the tent of the testimony -- the tips of the tent, and its bars, and its posts, and its bases,
Numb ABP 4:32  and the posts of the courtyard round about, and their bases, and the posts for the veil of the gate of the courtyard, and their bases, and their stanchions, and their ropes, and all their items, and all the things of their ministrations; [3by 4names 1you shall number 2them], and all the items of the watch of the things being lifted by them.
Numb ABP 4:33  This is the ministration of the people of the sons of Merari, in all their works, in the tent of the testimony, by the hand of Ithamar the son of Aaron the priest.
Numb ABP 4:34  And Moses [7numbered 1and 2Aaron 3and 4the 5rulers 6of Israel] the sons of Kohath, according to their peoples, according to the houses of their patrimony,
Numb ABP 4:35  from five and twenty years and up unto fifty years, every one entering to officiate and to do the works in the tent of the testimony.
Numb ABP 4:36  And [2was 1their numbering] according to their peoples -- two thousand seven hundred fifty.
Numb ABP 4:37  This is the numbering of the people of Kohath, every one officiating in the tent of the testimony, as [4numbered 1Moses 2and 3Aaron] by the voice of the lord by the hand of Moses.
Numb ABP 4:38  And [3were numbered 1the sons 2of Gershon] according to their peoples, according to the houses of their patrimony,
Numb ABP 4:39  from five and twenty years and up unto fifty years; every one entering to officiate and to do the works in the tent of the testimony.
Numb ABP 4:40  And [2was 1their numbering] according to their peoples, according to the house of their patrimony -- two thousand six hundred thirty.
Numb ABP 4:41  This is the numbering of the people of the sons of Gershon, every one officiating in the tent of the testimony, which [4numbered 1Moses 2and 3Aaron] by the voice of the lord by the hand of Moses.
Numb ABP 4:42  And were numbered also the people of the sons of Merari according to their peoples, according to the houses of their patrimony,
Numb ABP 4:43  from five and twenty years and up unto fifty years, every one entering to officiate and to do for the works of the tent of the testimony.
Numb ABP 4:44  And [2was 1their numbering] according to their peoples, according to the houses of their patrimony -- three thousand and two hundred.
Numb ABP 4:45  This is the numbering of the people of the sons of Merari which [4numbered 1Moses 2and 3Aaron] by the voice of the lord by the hand of Moses.
Numb ABP 4:46  All the ones being numbered, whom Moses numbered, and Aaron, and the rulers of Israel of the Levites, according to their peoples, and according to the houses of their patrimony,
Numb ABP 4:47  from five and twenty years and up, unto fifty years; every one entering to the works of the works, and the works of the things being lifted in the tent of the testimony.
Numb ABP 4:48  And [3were 1the ones 2being numbered], eight thousand five hundred eighty.
Numb ABP 4:49  By the voice of the lord he numbered them, by the hand of Moses; man for man, over their works, and over what they lifted themselves. And they were numbered in which manner the lord gave orders to Moses.