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Chapter 31
Numb ABP 31:2  Let [4avenge 5with punishment 1the 2sons 3of Israel] on the Midianites; and at the last you shall be added to your people.
Numb ABP 31:3  And Moses spoke to the people saying, Completely arm your men, and deploy before the lord against Midian, to render punishment by the lord on Midian.
Numb ABP 31:4  A thousand from a tribe; even a thousand from a tribe from all of the tribes of the sons of Israel you send to deploy!
Numb ABP 31:5  And they counted out from the thousands of Israel, a thousand from a tribe. Twelve thousand being armed in battle array.
Numb ABP 31:6  And [2sent 3them 1Moses], a thousand from out of a tribe; even a thousand from out of a tribe with their force. And Phinehas son of Eleazar son of Aaron the priest; and the [2items 1holy] and the trumpets were in their hands for the signals.
Numb ABP 31:7  And they deployed against Midian as the lord gave charge to Moses. And they killed every male.
Numb ABP 31:8  And [2the 3kings 4of Midian 1they killed] together with their slain -- Evi, and Rekem, and Zur, and Hur, and Reba, five kings of Midian; and Balaam son of Beor they killed by the broadsword with their slain.
Numb ABP 31:9  And they despoiled the women of Midian, and their belongings, and their cattle, and all the things procured by them; and [2their force 1they despoiled].
Numb ABP 31:10  And all their cities, the ones in their dwellings, and their properties they burned by fire.
Numb ABP 31:11  And they took all the plunder, and all their spoils -- from man unto beast.
Numb ABP 31:12  And they brought to Moses, and to Eleazar the priest, and to all the sons of Israel, the captivity, and the spoils, and the plunder, into the camp in the wilderness of Moab which is upon the Jordan by Jericho.
Numb ABP 31:13  And Moses came forth, and Eleazar the priest, and all the rulers of the congregation to meet with them outside the camp.
Numb ABP 31:14  And Moses was provoked to anger with the overseers of the force -- commanders of thousands, and commanders of hundreds, the ones coming from the battle array of the war.
Numb ABP 31:15  And [2said 3to them 1Moses], why did you take alive every female?
Numb ABP 31:16  For these were the occasion to the sons of Israel by the word of Balaam of their leaving and overlooking the word of the lord, because of Peor, and came to pass the calamity in the congregation of the lord.
Numb ABP 31:17  And now kill every male among all the chattel! And every woman who knew the marriage-bed of a man kill!
Numb ABP 31:18  And all the chattel of the women who have not known the marriage-bed of a man, take them alive!
Numb ABP 31:19  And you camp outside the camp seven days, every one doing away with a soul! And all having touched the one being pierced shall be purified in the third day, and in the [2day 1seventh] you and your captivity.
Numb ABP 31:20  And every wrap-around garment, and every item made of skin, and every work of goat skin, and every [2item 1wooden], you shall purify.
Numb ABP 31:21  And [4said 1Eleazar 2the 3priest] to the men of the force of the ones coming from the battle array of the war, This is the ordinance of the law which the lord gave orders to Moses.
Numb ABP 31:22  Besides the gold, and the silver, and brass, and iron, and lead, and tin,
Numb ABP 31:23  every thing which shall go through in fire shall be led through in fire, and shall be clean, but only with the water of purification shall it be purified. And all as many as should not travel through fire, shall go through water.
Numb ABP 31:24  And you shall wash the garments on the [2day 1seventh], and you shall be clean. And after this you shall enter into the camp.
Numb ABP 31:26  Take the total sum of the spoils of the captivity, from man unto beast, you and Eleazar the priest, and the rulers of the patrimony of the congregation!
Numb ABP 31:27  And you shall divide the spoils between the warriors of the ones going forth into the battle array, and between the whole congregation.
Numb ABP 31:28  And you shall offer up the tax to the lord from the men of the warriors, of the ones going forth into the battle array, one soul from five hundred of the people, and from the cattle, and from the oxen, and from the sheep, and from the donkeys;
Numb ABP 31:29  from their half you shall take. And you shall give to Eleazar the priest the first-fruits for the lord.
Numb ABP 31:30  And from the half of the ones of the sons of Israel, you shall take one from fifty, from the people, and from the oxen, and from the sheep, and from the donkeys, and from all the cattle. And you shall give them to the Levites, to the ones guarding the watches in the tent of the lord.
Numb ABP 31:31  And [6did 1Moses 2and 3Eleazar 4the 5priest] as the lord gave orders to Moses.
Numb ABP 31:32  And came to pass the surplus of the plunder which [4despoiled 3men 1the 2warrior] from the sheep -- six hundred thousand and seventy thousand and five thousand;
Numb ABP 31:35  And the souls of people from the women who did not know the marriage-bed of a male, all souls -- two and thirty thousand.
Numb ABP 31:36  And came to pass the half portion of the ones going forth into the war, of the number of the sheep -- three hundred thousand and thirty thousand and seven thousand and five hundred.
Numb ABP 31:37  And came to pass the tax to the lord of the sheep -- six hundred and seventy five;
Numb ABP 31:38  and oxen -- six and thirty thousand; and their tax to the lord -- two and seventy;
Numb ABP 31:39  and donkeys -- thirty thousand and five hundred; and their tax to the lord -- one and sixty.
Numb ABP 31:40  And the souls of people -- six and ten thousand; and their tax to the lord -- two and thirty souls.
Numb ABP 31:41  And Moses gave the tax to the lord, the cut-away portion of God, to Eleazar the priest as the lord gave orders to Moses,
Numb ABP 31:42  of the half of the sons of Israel whom Moses divided from the [2men 1warrior].
Numb ABP 31:43  And came to pass the half from the congregation, of the sheep -- three hundred thousand and thirty thousand and seven thousand and five hundred;
Numb ABP 31:47  And Moses took from the half of the sons of Israel, the one from every fifty of the people, and of the cattle; and he gave them to the Levites guarding the watches of the tent of the lord, in which manner the lord gave orders to Moses.
Numb ABP 31:48  And there came forward to Moses all the ones placed as the commanders of the force -- commanders of thousands, and commanders of hundreds. And they said to Moses,
Numb ABP 31:49  Your servants have taken the total sum of the [2men 1warrior], of the ones with us, and not dissented of them not even one.
Numb ABP 31:50  And we have brought the gift to the lord, every man who found an item of gold, and armlet, and bracelet, and ring, and right armband, and wreath, to atone for us before the lord.
Numb ABP 31:51  And [6took 1Moses 2and 3Eleazar 4the 5priest] the gold from them, every item being worked.
Numb ABP 31:52  And came to pass all the gold for the cut-away portion which they removed to the lord -- sixteen thousand and seven hundred and fifty shekels from the commanders of thousands, and from the commanders of hundreds.
Numb ABP 31:53  And the [2men 1warrior] despoiled each unto himself.
Numb ABP 31:54  And [6took 1Moses 2and 3Eleazar 4the 5priest] the gold from the commanders of a thousand, and from the commanders of hundreds, and carried them into the tent of the testimony, a memorial of the sons of Israel before the lord.