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Chapter 8
Luke Wycliffe 8:1  And it was don aftirward, and Jhesus made iourney bi citees and castels, prechynge and euangelisynge the rewme of God, and twelue with hym;
Luke Wycliffe 8:2  and sum wymmen that weren heelid of wickid spiritis and sijknessis, Marie, that is clepid Maudeleyn, of whom seuene deuelis wenten out,
Luke Wycliffe 8:3  and Joone, the wijf of Chuse, the procuratoure of Eroude, and Susanne, and many othir, that mynystriden to hym of her ritchesse.
Luke Wycliffe 8:4  And whanne myche puple was come togidir, and men hiyeden to hym fro the citees, he seide bi a symylitude,
Luke Wycliffe 8:5  He that sowith, yede out to sowe his seed. And while he sowith, sum fel bisidis the weie, and was defoulid, and briddis of the eir eten it.
Luke Wycliffe 8:6  And othir fel on a stoon, and it sprunge vp, and driede, for it hadde not moysture.
Luke Wycliffe 8:7  And othir fel among thornes, and the thornes sprongen vp togider, and strangliden it.
Luke Wycliffe 8:8  And othir fel in to good erthe, and it sprungun made an hundrid foold fruyt. He seide these thingis, and criede, He that hath eeris of heryng, here he.
Luke Wycliffe 8:9  But hise disciplis axiden him, what this parable was.
Luke Wycliffe 8:10  And he seide to hem, To you it is grauntid to knowe the pryuete of the kyngdom of God; but to othir men in parablis, that thei seynge se not, and thei herynge vndurstonde not.
Luke Wycliffe 8:12  The seed is Goddis word; and thei that ben bisidis the weie, ben these that heren; and aftirward the feend cometh, and takith awei the word fro her herte, lest thei bileuynge be maad saaf.
Luke Wycliffe 8:13  But thei that fel on a stoon, ben these that whanne thei han herd, resseyuen the word with ioye. And these han not rootis; for at a tyme thei bileuen, and in tyme of temptacioun thei goen awei.
Luke Wycliffe 8:14  But that that fel among thornes, ben these that herden, and of bisynessis, and ritchessis, and lustis of lijf thei gon forth, and ben stranglid, and bryngen forth no fruyt.
Luke Wycliffe 8:15  But that that fel in to good erthe, ben these that, in a good herte, and best heren the word, and holdun, and brengen forth fruyt in pacience.
Luke Wycliffe 8:16  No man lityneth a lanterne, and hilith it with a vessel, or puttith it vndur a bed, but on a candilstike, that men that entren seen liyt.
Luke Wycliffe 8:17  For ther is no priuei thing, which schal not be openyd, nether hid thing, which schal not be knowun, and come in to open.
Luke Wycliffe 8:18  Therfor se ye, hou ye heren; for it schal be youun to hym that hath, and who euer hath not, also that that he weneth that he haue, schal be takun awei fro hym.
Luke Wycliffe 8:19  And his modir and britheren camen to hym; and thei myyten not come to hym for the puple.
Luke Wycliffe 8:20  And it was teeld to hym, Thi modir and thi britheren stonden with outforth, willynge to se thee.
Luke Wycliffe 8:21  And he answeride, and seide to hem, My modir and my britheren ben these, that heren the word of God, and doon it.
Luke Wycliffe 8:22  And it was don in oon of daies, he wente vp in to a boot, and hise disciplis. And he seide to hem, Passe we ouer the see. And thei wenten vp.
Luke Wycliffe 8:23  And while thei rowiden, he slepte. And a tempest of wynde cam doun in to the watir, and thei weren dryuun hidur and thidur with wawis, and weren in perel.
Luke Wycliffe 8:24  And thei camen nyy, and reisiden hym, and seiden, Comaundoure, we perischen. And he roos, and blamyde the wynde, and the tempest of the watir; and it ceesside, and pesibilte was maad.
Luke Wycliffe 8:25  And he seide to hem, Where is youre feith? Which dredynge wondriden, and seiden togidir, Who, gessist thou, is this? for he comaundith to wyndis and to the see, and thei obeien to hym.
Luke Wycliffe 8:26  And thei rowiden to the cuntree of Gerasenus, that is ayens Galilee.
Luke Wycliffe 8:27  And whanne he wente out to the loond, a man ran to hym, that hadde a deuel long tyme, and he was not clothid with cloth, nether dwellide in hous, but in sepulcris.
Luke Wycliffe 8:28  This, whanne he saiy Jhesu, fel doun bifor hym, and he criynge with a greet vois seide, What to me and to thee, Jhesu, the sone of the hiyest God? Y biseche thee, that thou turmente `not me.
Luke Wycliffe 8:29  For he comaundide the vncleene spirit, that he schulde go out fro the man. For he took hym ofte tymes, and he was boundun with cheynes, and kept in stockis, and, whanne the boondis weren brokun, he was lad of deuelis in to desert.
Luke Wycliffe 8:30  And Jhesus axide hym, and seide, What name is to thee? And he seide, A legioun ; for many deuelis weren entrid in to hym.
Luke Wycliffe 8:31  And thei preyden hym, that he schulde not comaunde hem, that thei schulden go in to helle.
Luke Wycliffe 8:32  And there was a flok of many swyne lesewynge in an hil, and thei preieden hym, that he schulde suffre hem to entre in to hem. And he suffride hem.
Luke Wycliffe 8:33  And so the deuelis wenten out fro the man, and entriden in to the swyne; and with a birre the flok wente heedlyng in to the pool, and was drenchid.
Luke Wycliffe 8:34  And whanne the hirdis sayn this thing don, thei flowen, and tolden in to the cite, and in to the townes.
Luke Wycliffe 8:35  And thei yeden out to se that thing that was don. And thei camen to Jhesu, and thei founden the man sittynge clothid, fro whom the deuelis wenten out, and in hool mynde at hise feet; and thei dredden.
Luke Wycliffe 8:36  And thei that sayn tolden to hem, hou he was maad hool of the legioun.
Luke Wycliffe 8:37  And al the multitude of the cuntre of Gerasenus preiede hym, that he schulde go fro hem, for thei werun holdun with greet drede. He wente vp in to a boot, and turnede ayen.
Luke Wycliffe 8:38  And the man of whom the deuelis weren gon out, preide hym, that he schulde be with hym. Jhesus lefte hym,
Luke Wycliffe 8:39  and seide, Go ayen in to thin hous, and telle hou grete thingis God hath don to thee. And he wente thorow al the cite, and prechide, hou grete thingis Jhesus hadde don to hym.
Luke Wycliffe 8:40  And it was don, whanne Jhesus was gon ayen, the puple resseyuede hym; for alle weren abidynge hym.
Luke Wycliffe 8:41  And lo! a man, to whom the name was Jayrus, and he was prynce of a synagoge; and he fel doun at the feet of Jhesu, and preiede hym, that he schulde entre in to his hous,
Luke Wycliffe 8:42  for he hadde but o douyter `almost of twelue yeer eelde, and sche was deed. And it bifel, the while he wente, he was thrungun of the puple.
Luke Wycliffe 8:43  And a womman that hadde a flux of blood twelue yeer, and hadde spendid al hir catel in leechis, and sche miyte not be curid of ony,
Luke Wycliffe 8:44  and sche cam nyy bihynde, and touchide the hem of his cloth, and anoon the fluxe of hir blood ceesside.
Luke Wycliffe 8:45  And Jhesus seide, Who is that touchide me? And whanne alle men denyeden, Petre seide, and thei that weren with hym, Comaundour, the puple thristen, and disesen thee, and thou seist, Who touchide me?
Luke Wycliffe 8:46  And Jhesus seide, Summan hath touchid me, for that vertu yede out of me.
Luke Wycliffe 8:47  And the womman seynge, that it was not hid fro hym, cam tremblynge, and fel doun at hise feet, and for what cause sche hadde touchid hym sche schewide bifor al the puple, and hou anoon sche was helid.
Luke Wycliffe 8:48  And he seide to hir, Douytir, thi feith hath maad thee saaf; go thou in pees.
Luke Wycliffe 8:49  And yit while he spak, a man cam fro the prince of the synagoge, and seide to hym, Thi douytir is deed, nyle thou trauel the maister.
Luke Wycliffe 8:50  And whanne this word was herd, Jhesus answeride to the fadir of the damysel, Nyle thou drede, but bileue thou oonli, and sche schal be saaf.
Luke Wycliffe 8:51  And whanne he cam to the hous, he suffride no man to entre with hym, but Petir and Joon and James, and the fadir and the modir of the damysel.
Luke Wycliffe 8:52  And alle wepten, and biweileden hir. And he seide, Nyle ye wepe, for the damysel is not deed, but slepith.
Luke Wycliffe 8:53  And thei scorneden hym, and wisten that sche was deed.
Luke Wycliffe 8:54  But he helde hir hoond, and criede, and seide, Damysel, rise vp.
Luke Wycliffe 8:55  And hir spirit turnede ayen, and sche roos anoon. And he comaundide to yyue to hir to ete.
Luke Wycliffe 8:56  And hir fadir and modir wondriden greetli; and he comaundide hem, that thei schulden not seie to ony that thing that was don.